I've just woken up and I'm having breakfast while trying to figure out how Factorio works. Thanks for reading my blog!
I've just woken up and I'm having breakfast while trying to figure out how Factorio works. Thanks for reading my blog!
suebi is a pigdogmonkey
I just drank 100ml rum blended with canned coffee. Feeling pretty comfy now. Factorio seems a nice game, maybe I will give it a try when I am free.
i've just finished breakfast and im trying not to fall asleep again i don't know whats happening
You mean brunch? Help yourself with a cup of tea will definitely sober you up.
Um trying to remove weeds
ohayo gozaimasu, sweeby-chan
how is it going?
no, breakfast, we dont have brunch here.
im waiting till 30 before killing myself
remove tobacco as well
preddy good im bored and a little sad that my e-frens keep leaving me
hows u tho?
What else will I remove
>we dont have brunch here.
but when you eat breakfast this late, it automatically becomes brunch
>im waiting till 30 before killing myself
the queen of britain is a fine example proving you wrong
the queen of britain isnt human, look at her face
brunch implies you have had breakfast before
junk food
falling asleep every 3 seconds, dont know what im going to do today
sleep properly would be an idea
[blog\ i feel asleep at 7 am this morning and woke up at 8 /blog]
>implying I didnt already
i went to bed at 4am it wasnt too late
uuuuh...quit alcohol
sleeping is hard
>the queen of britain isnt human
>brunch implies you have had breakfast before
no it means you are having your breakfast and lunch all together
what if hes gonna go have a late lunch later?
Why do you have no flag?
but he said he was having breakfast
because I am an alien
ye but if hes having a late breakfast now and no lunch later, it would be considered a brunch
but if he does get a late lunch later, wouldnt that make this just a late breakfast?
You must be a really bored alien if you like talking with inferior humans.
misread, you have a point there however, it can also be called high tea.
fell asleep again
hmm... but what if he wont drink any tea?
good morning again
N-no you
Factorio is a pretty goode game tbdesu
well hongkong style high tea doesn't necessarily include tea.
why call it high tea tho
I guess it's more about the ritual than contents. it's what happens when you refuse tea rudeboi.
looks pretty intimidating desu, specially for someone as dum as me
i dont want to destroy my tastebuds
user is asian
but ur smarte tho
once you figured out tell me
we're doomed
If I can do it, so can you!
No...this cannot be...
Hehe get cucked fags
homos get sent to the gas haus
thats kinda gay sweeby ngl
chinese restaurants are literally everywhere. I think the efficacy of alcohol almost passed. I need to get back to work now, see you later rudesenpai.
But that includes you! D:
no im not i suck at everything that isnt languages
the first 3 levels were kinda easy. the amount of content and things to take into account blow my mind
im pretty much straight
I'm not gay
suuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeee u arent ;^3
suuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeee u are ;^3
>the first 3 levels were kinda easy. the amount of content and things to take into account blow my mind
It'll get even better as it goes on! :D
Don't think I've ever heard much negativity directed at this game, it's really solid
Uh huh
did you end up getting the red, blue or grey lumberjack hat diego?
good to see youve given up you gay ways siam
that wasnt even me tho
i dont like the fact that it still costs 25€, after 3 years of being released
yeah i got the red one, it will arrive this wednesday
accurate recreation of your person
good stuff mate
still rp'ing as a jewish girl?
role playing? thats offensive!
i thought we all bonded over that last thread diego. you, me and siam
Im pretty much a girl! Btw the hat has just arrived, pretty fast
real real real homosex spaniard
>pretty much a girl.
diego what are you doing mate. you showed your power level. first as an insurance shekler and now a confirmed boy rp'ing as a gril.
nice btw. i hope its comfy
How was your day?
Ur mom
was good. did fuck all but play vidya and eat fish n chips. how about you?
I havent done anything today aside from playing factorio.the hat is incredibly big, amazon said it was only 58cm.
Hasn't been productive for about an hour, but good news is I got a enlish vpn! I can post karens without feeling guilty now.
no kohai not you...
noo no what are you doing
what's the problem here?
stoppp aaaaa
if you insist...
I have never thought karen was this sacred to you brits.
karenposting is the only reason i have to continue living
in that case fine I won't post karen anymore when using union jack
have you figured it out how to play factorio now senpai?
i don't mind
post whatever pics you want friend
It's very generous of you to give me such permission. I shall try my best not to ruin the good name of karen.
well you can't do much worse than some of the other posters
I am basically on the lawful neutral side.
Didnt start understanding factorio till i started drinking
How is it going?
It's okay.
Started rewatching Eva for the 5th time and i'm not getting any grades until somewhere around the 4th of January
I have just drunk 3 bottles of cider
Then go watch Eva. It's pretty cool to think about it when you're drunk/high, but i wouldn't advocate for the latter
Easy senpai, you don't want to get drunk over beers. Hangover caused by them are simply the worst. I am feeling a bit sleepy now, good night. Wait I almost forget to make the quit statement as part of the ritual, see you on Christmas.
i usually know when to stop. gnight!
most people watch evangelion just because of the tight suits
Maybe, don't really care though.
Have you watched it?
not really, i just watch slice of life
That's pretty homosexual.
[spoiler]watch evangelion[/spoiler]
shit i fucked it up on accident again
Abort, abort
No i dont like drama i just want to watch cute girls doing cute things and having fun
It's not like Eva is about melodrama.
If you just want to watch cute girls doing cute things, go ahead, that's perfectly understnadable
Eva presents a better understanding of the human mind, aswell as bringing many great concepts on philosophy into a single anime.
It has its flaws, no doubt about that, nothing is perfect.
Eva is still one of the greatest anime ever made, with one of the greatest characters in television history