They mocked him on Reddit. They're nothing but a bunch of nasty atheists. They promote homosexuality there, too. It doesn't represent me.
This guy is why I left t_d
get out
>siding with a mutt
i dont know who this is, but christcuck ledditors can definitely fuck off to somewhere else
So you came to the cuck forum?
>This guy is why I left t_d
Go back to t_d, murder everyone there, and then KYS.
TD fucking banned me for pointing out that bill mahers is a jew who will always side with jews over americans. didnt bother to create alt account to come back, they arent so bad, but they are so "lite" might as well not even exist
>This guy is why I left t_d
You have to go back
If you say anything about homosexuality, they flip out and call you a Bible thumper.
I hope the mods ban you for being a reddit faggot
I fucked it up.
Make me tough guys
Free speech, ever heard of it
The big subreddits are all filled with cucks.
TD is down to 30-60 posts per thread because it has been Zionist crap for the most part, for over a year now.
Trump will either build a wall and get re-elected or not.
I think it's the missionary faggot that got killed by junglenigga border patrol for illegal immigration.
Keep lurking here. Go join some edgy discords and Facebook groups. Stay away from the main subreddits. Join million dollar extreme groups
>Make me tough guys
How long have you been on the chans, OP?
Be honest. We've had our fair share of normies after the 2016 elections.
>join some edgy discords and Facebook groups
The reason we tell newfags to lurk, is that so they can discover the inside jokes by themselves. It's one thing to be spoon-fed the tails of the chans, like those faggot subreddits, but a whole different story to sift through all those shitposts and blacked threads to find that one gem of a thread.
Go back or keep this faggotry in /ptg/.
Hey there faggot. _donald isn't on this site.
This guy got OP banned.
reddit does in fact have a containment board here and it's where this post came from