Don't marry an asian woman
What a fucking idiot
>implying incels here will breed at all
I am glad I am mgtow.. who cares if the white race dies.. you have to worry about your own life, not the whole race.
>I wont ever get married.
>None of you will have kids.
Is not one of you motherfuckers going to sit and laugh at the very fact he is trying to be intimidating to her and she dosent give a shit, or even acknowledge his anger.
>This is my wife, I am mad she wont let me fuck.
>She wont let me fuck for months.
If he was any bit of a man he wouldnt even be mad and just go fuck other women.
fuck off shill
Good cattle. Having no children is based & redpilled!
>Be low class, old, fat Australian
>Import low class, fat, ugly Thai whore to be your wife
>Be the only one of her 1754 foreign boyfriends dumb enough to marry her
>Have ugly low class HAPA child with her so she's now anchored to Australia
>Now need to beg her for sex
Fucking idiot got exactly what's coming to him
>having children with an insectoid
My DNA is for white boys and girls only
>be a kangaroo
>marry a chink
Do you not feel any solidarity with your fellow petrol huffers? No wonder you guys are open to chinks flooding your borders, no national identity.
Remember guys: harpoon whales, don't ring them!
Do you feel solidarity with cousin fucking Cleetus?
This guy's the equivalent
He got played hard. Never stay with a girl unless she loves you more than you love her.
Everyone must read this.
Don't get married in general.
Women are only attracted to authority, and, under current western laws, marriage gives them all of the authority.
By all means, make babies--have female sex partners, but do not marry them.
>terrible people marry each other, the video
and nothing of value was lost
>Don't marry a jungle asian woman*
Fixed that for you. If he married a Japanese woman, for example, she would be doing shit, even if she was unhappy with her life. it's just a part of their culture.
>Don't marry an 'ugly' asian woman
Wife post, best post.
Don't marry a westernized one with shit values.
don't marry the insect people dummy
I'm torn.
On one hand he sounds like an uneducated twit, whose happiness hinges on other people and not what he can do for himself. Also he married something you can pay $80 for half an hour with. A mistake.
On the other hand, modern women are annoying. They agree to help out and then drop off because they're 'tired,' which magically goes away when they're having fun, and you end up doing everything yourself. It's kind of gross. They think that just lying there is bringing something to the party.
This idiot doing it wrong, because he is a beta male. Just look a him, he acting like a female, screaming and bitching, cursing infront of his kid. That's why his wife does not respect him, because she feels and she knows that he is a weak "man", i mean just look at it, she is a leader in their relationship. Man should be lying in bed calm and chilling while woman screeching. He is a beta male and that's the bottom line.
No she wouldn't, been there.
Stop paying for her mobile phone you retard
That one's not even westernized, she's just SEA, which is where nigger tier asians generally come from.
gooks are shit, but so are all women
How's all that (((diversity))) and (((multiculturalism))) working out for you, huwhite man?
Did you live in anime world while partnered/married, or did she fall in love with the image of France, saw you as a ticket with legs, and then realize that Paris is nigger infested, and typically dirty?
Answer this first: was she raised in the west, or an actual Japanese woman, born and raised?
Be honest with yourself, frog.
trips of truth
As if an Asian woman with 'good values' would marry a white westerner who lives across the world. You're delusional bro. Your trad Asian wife doesn't exist.
The bloke sounds like the biggest faggot no wonder she doesn’t put out.
Don't marry an Asian woman if you don't want to have a lower risk of divorce
This every white guy who fetishes Asian women LOOL, no one's a ''pure'' wife material. Perfect women/men don't exist.
>marry a fat chink
>why won't she get out of bed
Play stupid games..
incel spotted
Asian have no soul. they are robots. its been proven.
>My DNA is for white boys and girls only
>boys and girls
sure it is, pizzaman
can i get sauce?
Burn the rice, pay the price.
Fuck this guy, who the fuck talks like that in front of a child, he deserves everything he gets
Hahaha yep I'm keeping my virgin's fuck this shit
How old are you? This is how many many women act inside marriage, regardless of what the man does. He's bitching out on her AFTER she's completely turned off on him. The guy may be dumb... he fell for the marriage meme, fell for the traditional asian woman meme...fell for the romantic love meme... but this is how MANY men end up in relationships. She shows him no respect because she literally has legal authority over him. Look at how she says she's "threatened" by him, with no actual feeling in her voice - she's contemptuous of him because she's married to the state.
>perfect women/men don't exist
>calls the guy who says this an incel
This is literally the opposite genius, acknowledging the inherit weakness in every person, not just women
Don't be a massive beta.
>fat chinese "woman" means asian
This. It’s his own undoing.
As in, my semen will be used to create white girls and boys only. Sick pervert.
He's right, though, perfect people don't exist. If anything, incels are the people who look for a perfect waifu, and they're inevitably disappointed when they find out women are women and no woman is perfect.
I'm 32 and married for 8 years. Would absolutely never allow my wife to be like that. It's definitely partially his fault for being a beta, but that's not entirely on the individual when we have single moms, rampant feminism, etc. It's hard to blame people that are trained for decades to be losers.
went on a date with this qt mongolian from melbs today will be sad when she leaves hope to see her again
are they letting that toddler use a tablet?
He's like that because he's living with her for the sake of the child, and because in Australia it would legally be "abandonment" for him to leave without continuing to provide a place and support for the child... the rostie in question has already attempted to get him on 'domestic violence' charges. The guy isn't wealthy.
He may be beta to some degree, but the attempt to blame him for the situation is ridiculous. Many roasties become like this before a guy has a chance at seeing what's coming.
show me a picture of a WMAF couple with a baby that doesn't look straight up chinese
Good post.
Thanks aus
These are all true. I'd also add that exercise and a healthy diet improve your overall happiness
You're right mate, I knew exact what she meant when she said she was feeling threatened, his fucking heart break is palpable but i guess that's why you never marry an ugly insectoid or if you do at the very least get prenup.
Everyone thinks you're a loser.
Beating the wamen sometimes is necessary, I mean applying a correction sometimes is necessary.
The man in this video is the male equivalent to what hes complaining about. Begging for her attention, then cursing in front of the kid. Its a shame that she has zero respect for that guy but theres a reason and it goes both ways.
Guy is an absolute unit of cringe
You just uploaded evidence of you verbally abusing your spouse. Enjoy getting divorce-raped.
I'm not watching that because I'm afraid of extreme cringe condition.
>having children
ehhhh, the winner of Miss Universe..
Or he would just force himself on her. Take the rapepill.
This. Same for Eastern European women btw.
Great post,thanks user
I cringed hard while watching it.
And then I cringed even harder when I saw how many views it had on Youtube.
This. Traditional/conservative woman do not date or marry out their group.
Top kek, weak faggots who get married are pathetic and brainwashed.
Same with muslim and arab women.
No self-respecting woman with "good values" would marry a westerner. They get married to diaspora if they really want out.
Wise decision. I found it gave me a sensation not unlike eating a whole bag of sour patch kids in one bite. The alleged male in the video is the alpha of betas.
That's a trap nigga
kek, nice bait
If someone had a webM with subtitles I'd watch that. I'm sure it's the audio that holds the most cringe. At least with it silent, you can sort of pretend it didn't happen if it's too much to bear.
His words won't have any effect on that woman. Do you think she gives a shit as she's typing away on her cellphone? I'd be willing to bet though if he cheated on her and started sleeping with other women she'd begin to care, it's very sad that many women are programmed like that.
However, I'm sure that there were red flags in the relationship before they married, rarely does a woman turn into a shit person after becoming married and having kids... they would've already been like that before marriage.
asian women are all lazy cunts.
just use you for your money and when you don't support them anymore they ruin your life and move on to another man like a leech
Ok roastie
This.,same her so funny hear all their problems.
The man filming the video is acting like a woman throwing temper tantrums for attention, I would be ashamed filming this. If my father caught me acting that way he'll beat the shit out of me.
Literally impossible
Bro I I know this is you. I checked your other videos and you might actually be bipolar.
Dave Hughes has really lost his shit
FPBP. yellow fever fags BTFO
I saw this post few days after it was made, some 10 years a go. Im now 34 and eveything he said is not only compete truth, but served me well in some situations. God bless you oldfag.
t. jew
This. We have a duty to provide for and protect them whether we like it or not. They have a duty to let us fuck them whether they like it or not.
I feel enlightened honestly.
>I'd be willing to bet though if he cheated on her and started sleeping with other women she'd begin to care,
given the state of it over there I would not be surprised that, if he did sleep around, she would be able to take him for everything and leave him homeless or in jail for the rest of his life for not keeping up with payments.
Don't marry a shitty woman, my wife is waiting with dinner made, likely putting our son to bed.