Is VIM the greatest IDE?

Come on autists, Jow Forumsive me some comfy IDE.

Attached: ac80eb43-c126-495c-8cc4-1ea0ffa208e9.jpg (416x618, 38K)

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Vim isn't an IDE you retard. Have you ever even used it?

Atom is so comfy

Attached: Atom-no_shadows-512.png (512x512, 34K)

They're all the same. It doesnt matter

> people who use the a variation of the default unix editor
> what can you expect

ALL the text editors/ide became deprecated after VsCodium

>0 hours spent learning IDE
>Several years spent learning IDE

>Open a file in vim
>Get hacked

Only JetBreains IDE's is good

>a system wide vulnerability in a fucking text editor

this is patched

>If you compile my text editor from source on every commit then it won't get you hacked!

Jetbrains with vim plugin

How can I get sublime-like autocomplete in vim? It's pretty much the only thing holding me back from using it full time.

How are people STILL missing out on vscode in 2019? yikes

VIM + ctags + cscope is great for diving into big codebases.


C: Alfa Romeo

nano is the only ide you'll ever need

maybe to write notes real quick.

> No autocomplete
> No shortcuts
> No good indent
> No team sync

Visual Studio
any of the JetBrains IDEs

>not using notepad++ thru wine
never gonna make it

Ubuntu neovim ppa has the latest version :/
Try harder faggot.

would like someone to recommend me a way to use vim and have c++ code navigation and completion

Why does it take so long to load tho?



because your hardware is shit


>> No autocomplete
Who cares?
>> No shortcuts
>> No good indent
>> No team sync
Use git retard

VIM is not an IDE

vim for writing and sublime/notepad++ for reading

yeah atom is pretty comfy too. i'll use it mostly for reading. but it's bloat


t. diversity-hire woman who calls herself a developer

What are ctags and cscope? The biggest reason I haven't tried to switch to vim yet is because I don't think it would work well with long files or a big codebase.

ctags creates a 'jump to definition' db file. cscope a 'find all references' one.
You can use both of them inside vim for fast code navigation.


autocompletion is easy to add with plugins

if you wanna go the plugin way use deoplete or YouCompleteMe for completion and A.vim to switch between header and source files

neovim + coc.nvim is bretty gud

Attached: neovim1.webm (801x537, 1.05M)

Geany. Super comfy IDE that starts so fast it doesn't need a loading screen. Written in C, uses GTK. Easy to edit color scheme files, decent plugin system. Strongly recommended.

IDE was superseded by SATA like ten years ago.

$ echo 'set nomodeline' >>~/.vimrc

>ctrl-x ctrl-o
:h compl-omni
>ctrl-x ctrl-f
:h compl-filename

Just use Emacs.

Monotone themes are superior

Attached: 1.png (2560x1440, 444K)

I wonder how this works with plain JS

Also, classes suck
const greateBenis = bagina => {
return {
sayBagina: () => console.log(bagina)

const b = greateBenis('5');


what theme and font?