I was fucked with over and over at my last company and I had to leave because the pain and torture was to much to...

I was fucked with over and over at my last company and I had to leave because the pain and torture was to much to handle. What is it about me that they did this to me?

Also I'm taller than anyone else and I am a guy who takes pride in his work.

1. I started in this company and first project nobody wanted to help me at all. I asked for it and they gave me some basic information when I first started so I did everything on my own. Than the problems happened because I didnt really need to contact my management or the guys above me to contonously ask them for help and their "approval". When I say everything worked correctly I mean it was done perfectly and with no issues.
We hired new people and they started asking me for help on how to do what I did and showed them than the guys at the top got angry and didnt want anyone else to reach out to me for help because it meant the guys at the top would get less work and recognitions because other people came to me for help on their projects and I showed them how I would do it and how it would work. (Guys at the top disagreed with me and than I noticed months later they did the exact same work that I recommended but they wanted me to feel like I was wrong

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2. I built something quite amazing in my opinion and I was the go to guy for this stuff. Than I noticed one day someone reported to me there was a problem (months later) and they have been trying to troubleshoot but nobody could find it so they called me.

I logged in and figured it out within minutes and told them how to fix it. I showed it to them and they said wow thanks how did you find it and I helped them..well a few minutes later a guy from the team calls me back and says hey man something happened because now it doesnt work. I checked the logs and I found out a guy who didn't like me removed the code that I put in and I contacted him right away and he shit brix. I told him what are you doing and he said I'm on the phone with the customer right now and trying to fix this. I told him I already did and I have logs showing what you did. He started arguing with me and said it didnt work anyway (he was lying)

I told him to logout, I fixed it again and contacted the other guys I was working with and told them who told this guy to remove it and nobody even knew he was trying to fix it but he deleted my shit and called the customer saying "he wants to help " fix the issue. Implying I didn't fix it already

3. We get a new client and nobody bothers to help them or look into anything for them so I take the leadership role on myself and begin to work with this client directly on anything they need. I redesign what I needed. I built the documentation and all support materials. I provided that to the whole company. For months I'm the go to guy for this client and many others

Than coworkers begin to whine and bitch they want to do what I do and begins the battle with management to "take work off my plate" and give it to them. I contact them and their manager and tell them this is bullshit and fuck them for trying to take my shit over and over.
This happened to me with three clients. They begin to stab me in the back and they all want what I have. Management fights it but eventually says fuck it and nobody really cares at all.

Why me?

4. Coworker is clearly stressing out about something. He's been trying to fix something for hours and customer is complaining at him (of course it's the same customer who always complains) I take the case
Fixed within three minutes. Customer says why did this take HOURS to fix and who are you? I want you on my team but I'm already busy with other shit

5. Newish customer I have never worked with before calls in and everyone in the company has been trying to help for days on this major issue and nobody can figure it out. I'm leaving for the day and really already tired and just want to go home because it's late as fuck. Get a call middle of the night at the main engineer for this customer has no idea what is wrong but she starts to demand a high level person right now. All the high level people already gave up on this and they called me

Spent 2 hours fixing this and I figured it all out since another guy put the wrong shit in hours before and I fixed it atrer days of other people not understanding what was wrong.
Everyone hates me at work

6. Guy gets hired at work and I'm training him and teaching him everything I know. He argues with me one night and refuses to listen to me at all. (He doesnt respect my authority or power because I was fat at the time and who respects fat guys right) so I just look at him and tell him are you seriously arguing with me on this. Just do what I say and everything will be fine and it will work just fine. He argues again and I walk out of the office to go to lunch

I come back and hes smiling hey user I fixed it. Everyone looks at me and him at the office and I ask him what was it
He says you were right :)
No shit I was right I'm always right unless I'm wrong and than I'm not afraid to admit it

Stabbed in the back again by him over and over

7. I'm bored one day and looking through other people's projects and work they have been doing. I find one interesting project that has been going on for over 6 months and I decide to take a look at it. My coworker has been working on this for 6 months and she barely puts any notes or work into this problem but I look deep into it and within 15-20 minutes I fixed it because I understand what the problem actually was. She contacts me and notices I sent out some emails mentioning how to fix this and what was wrong.
She got angry and said why are you even looking at my work.. mfw idk cuz I dont have anything to do and I wanted to find something to work on

Shes angry.


>Also I'm taller than anyone else
That's why, they fired you for being retarded

dog eat dog.

dont teach people everything you know when they make less than you. this is more important than ever in computer/software engineering as it's a highly overpaid and somewhat superfluous expense.

stop being an autistic nice guy. people are milking hours and trying to fly under the radar and you're making it harder.

Being a good worker doesnt mean you will be good at dealing with people. It sucks to play the corporate game but you need yo learn to handle people ina genuine way both your coworkers and your superiors. Unironically read and learn about leadership and people skills. Based on your posts it sounds like it would have been a better idea to accept your managers were full of ego and probably also felt a bit threatened by your skills and learned to navigate this. It also seems your own ego was at play and if you can detach from your emotions and look back Im sure you can find several interactions or situations in which you might have antagonized them unconsciously either by undermining their position in the hierarchy or by making them feel you were better at their job.

>why me?
>he doesn't respect my authority or power
>no shit I was right im always right
>why is my coworker angry at me for looking at her work and sending emails to people about it I was just bored
>everyone hates me

I hate to break it to you user but you will have the same experiences in whatever other company you work because the issue is you. Dont take it too hard I have had to learn to deal with people too but you need to invest time into improving your social skills. Something tells me you walk around feeling better than most of your coworkers and are probably passive agressive or sarcastic maybe without realizing it and this is something everyone can detect.

Obligatory this isnt reddit go back because you are blogposting.

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Ok. How do I make it than
My certs and knowledge is probably weak and I haven't been able to find a job in a month. I have $$$ but I need to rebuild my life and how can I when nobody is giving me the chance

Why me?

Don't be better than the boss you atuist. If you do something we'll then try to make the boss look good. You should ask them and pretend that their insight helped them and so on.

Read Machiavelli or the 48 rules of power

Read it.

You're the one who quit.
Let me tell you something valuable, don't fix people's projects and then email everyone that you fixed it. That's straight up backstabbing shit. She was milking that for 6 months and you ruined it. That's why she's mad.

Do what you have to do to keep your job and no more. If you care about being socially liked, that's what you have to do.

If you're interested in moving up, you have to learn to deal with people hating you and back stabbing you. Your only concern is management liking you, no one else.

>48 rules of power

Cringe and babypilled you will just make OP even more self absorbed and egocentric than he already is. Manipulating and playing people kills your soul and leaves you an empty sociopathitc husk that can only think of their personal gain. It is better to learn to deal with people and yourself in a genuine way especially if you have the skills to do great things and lead others to do great things too.

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He obviously don't have social skills and he wants to get ahead. Manipulation is a good replacement for being genuine. It looks the same for anyone more powerful than yourself and can look the same for anyone weaker as well if you have some tact.

Doesn't mean that you have to be an asshole.

>manipulation is a good replacement for being genuine

Im sorry your parents hurt you user


She wasnt milking anything. I read all the notes and she kept saying the vendor is at fault here and not our company issue but she didnt have the experience to troubleshoot 100%. I go all in when I'm working on something and for six months she had no clue what was wrong

I only sent her the email and told her how to fix it. She didnt even know it was something we can fix and yea it was our fault not another company. She blamed someone else for months and I even did a back log search on any case for this company
Right before this case even opened up another coworker from her team fucked it all up and didnt tell anyone. I found it all and told them how to fix it 6 months later since they never asked me for help and clearly it was something the customer has been paying us to do for them for months and that means lost money..... it was our fault and nobody cared to look into it

It is if you are as autistic as OP and just don't want to be left behind

I have social skills I just dont want this to happen to me again. If I have to start backstabbing I will but damnit. I always get fucked over because others want what I have built after I build it

> don't want to be left behind


If you have built something in the company then don't overshadow anyone powerful. And stop bragging about what you do. Lift up your boss, make him rely on you. "oh good idea boss!" or "when you said that, you gave me an idea" and so on.

Not necessarily backstabbing, but you are so arrogant that people are just going to find you intolerable no matter how good you are. Make your boss feel important and like to have you around.

Just backstabbing people is not going to get you anywhere. And neither is doing good work if your boss doesn't get something out of it.

user, you're helping too many people out of good will which will get you nowhere. whenever they need help refer them to your "superiors" until they shit the bed or come begging for help to you to get workload off of them. then you NEGOCIATE.
and please don't train ANYONE to your level. 2 levels below is ok if you're being compensated for your time, effort and knowledge, otherwise.....not your job.

you don't have to be a dick, just stop doing shit for free and unrequested.

Well I guess I'm just too good and what now. I cant even get a job


build up a github portofolio (or whatever it's calked) and create something useful for businesses based on your experience.

put that in a nice resume and apply.

enjoy your ban dumb blogger

What country are you and your employers from?

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You need to find a place that isn't filled with sociopaths.There are plenty actually