Long phone edition

Long phone edition
If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget, and size.

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>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone

Previous thread

Attached: sony-xperia-10-.jpg (513x680, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Hey user, what's that red phone? It looks so cool"
>"It's a Redmi Note 7 by Xiaomi"
>she creams her panties a bit and I can notice her body twitching as she tries to hide it
>"H-Hey, user. I n-need some help w-with a p-project I've been w-working on. I-I'd be h-happy if you can take me t-to your apartment t-to help me, haha."
>"Sure thing."
>Fire up my Xiaomi Mi Scooter and take her on a scenic ride with a view of the Pacific Ocean.
>She holds on tightly to me, her head resting deep in my back.
>Just like that credit eyecatch from Devilman (2018).
>we reach my apartment
>I turn on my Xiaomi Mi huMIdifier
>"Make yourself at home" while I get my Xiaomi Mi Notebook ready.
>Turn on my Xiaomi Mi TV 4, while it plays some smooth jazz album, recommended to me by a fellow /mu/tant last night
>As I come back to my room, she's already on her underwear
>"c-couldn't h-help it haha"
>"Let me help you out."
>We proceed to copulate for the self pleasurement until the next day comes.
Imagine not buying Xiaomi.

Stop, retard.

>t. samshill

>calling me out on my cringe multi-thread posting of a greentext means you have a horse in this race
You sat at the loser table during high school lunch for a reason.

At least I got laid. Unlike you, it seems. Have sex.

based Xiaomi Chad

For an american using GSM, is the g5s plus the best value? They're $135 brand new.

Absolutely based.

What's the general consensus on the blackberry key2?

Attached: 1531763508011.jpg (378x396, 14K)


Attached: 1560358282281.gif (500x500, 3.44M)

To the user who posted this pic in the last thread, are there any phones that don't get noise in dark night skies when you're taking a photo of a brightly lit street? Come on.

Attached: 1560542617403.jpg (2560x1600, 783K)

>"Hey user, what's that red phone? It looks familiar. Is that a OnePlus 7 Pro"
>"It's a Mi 9T by Xiaomi. It's like a OnePlus, but... uh... n-not, I guess."
>"Oh, I thought because of the popup camera... well... so no 90hz display?"
>"No, I'm afraid not, but the popup camera has neat lights, see"
>fingerprint scanner takes 10 sec
>Phone takes time to think
>MiUI finally opens up
>scrolls through twenty ads
>finally gets to camera app
>Chinese party official pops up on screen
>"You're faces have been cataloged. Two sesame credits have been added to your account. Remember citizen! A bag of rice for every dissenter that you report! Now back to work!"
>Tyrone swaggers in
>"Sheeit bich, you azz phat! I just stole this OnePlus. Shit vibrates like crazy. This shit will make you moan for real, gurl."
>"Of course Tyrone. Just take me get away from this loser."

Attached: 6135e41f9d9e541bef206ba623bd9cf103f8b6c668cb041806775eb07cfd994a.png (205x205, 51K)

>devilman credits take place at sunset, so probably around 23:00 if it is summer as you describe and you are near Pacific ocean
>by the time you get home, which should be at the very least another 40 minutes given you live in an apartment and not a house, and drive on a scooter
>putting up jazz album and taking in account the time she undresses not to mention taking up the stairs is another fifteen minutes
>copulation until the next day comes, which is 12:00 AM

Therefore the whole copulation had duration of 5 minutes given no suboptimal time consuming conditions occurred.

>put on Mi Condom with Sper-Mi-cide
>chinkshit so the condom breaks
>forced to pay child support for the next 18 years
>now living in poverty
>still not poor enough that I can't afford Xiaomi

>be walking around the street
>my Xiaomi Mi Senses fire up
>sense a fellow Xiaomi Mi Bro in distress
>fire up my Xiaomi Mi Scooter
>see Tyrone running away
>MIUI System Message: Target Acquired
>Activate Xiaomi Mi Scooter's Xiaomi Mi MIssiles
>Fire them up
>Tyrone blows and burns up in glorius Twilight Gold along with his Onepoo
>Go to fellow Xiaomi Mi Bro
>See his Xiaomi Mi 9T by Xiaomi is running non official firmware
>"Silly you, fellow brother. No wonder you are unhappy"
>get the kernel and MIUI source code and audit it for him, removing every unwanted feature just for him, thanks to Xiaomi making their source code open source
>flash it for him, works as new
>he cries tears joy as girls start to surround him in chorus orgasmic cries of Mi lust
>"The problems are not over."
>the "girl" starts running away
>my Xiaomi Mi Scooter MIUI AI fires up and blocks her way
>I get up to her
>remove her pants
>reveal penis
>he screams in eternal agony as she's being exposed as the deceiver he is
>"Thanks fellow brother, you saved me."
>"That's my job.", I say as I fire up my Xiaomi Mi Scooter and ride towards the sunset, until the next day comes, with a view of the Pacific Ocean by my side.

if you white balance before the pic it might help.

>it's still night
what did he mean by this?

>live in poverty
>learn the struggle of life by experiencing it
>hard times breed strong man
>be more prepared for life than ever
>fight and give it all for my wife and newborn son
>save up to buy my son his first smartphone
>finally, the time has come
>gift him the Xiaomi Redmi Note 12, he's happy and his smile is what keeps me going
>the next day he already brings a girl to our Xiaomi Mi home.
>thanks Xiaomi.

well this thread is off to an interesting start...

Attached: AE6115495F194ECBA7B5450B81A465EC.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>no notch
>good 1080p display (oled?)
>headphone jack
>good battery
>micro sd
>4+GB ram
>good processor
Looking to buy in the next few weeks. Merimutt and will probably use some shit like Ting Mobile because I'm not a normal person with lots of friends to talk and text with. Price doesn't really matter. Never had a smartphone before so feel free to treat me like a retard and spoonfeed me if you wish.

unironically either Redmi Note 7 (the notch isn't even noticeable), Mi 9T, Pixel 3a (build quality is shit but fits your specs) or S10e if you have the money and want """flagship quality""".
Personally, I'd go for the Redmi Note 7 or the Mi 9T if you have the money.

Fuck OLED burn in/degrading
And most of all
Fuck OLED apologists that OLED burn in/degrading doesn't happen

it literally just werks, had an s5 and a pixel XL for a billion years and never had burn

Why does the Redmi Note 7 have two operating systems? I've never heard of MIUI.

theyre fine for phones but hilarious for things with some level of longevity like tvs and monitors

What do you mean two operating systems? The RN7 comes with Android 9.0 (Pie), with MIUI built on top of it. MIUI is the vendor's customizations of Android and system apps, just like Samsung's One UI or Huawei's EMUI. If you don't like it, you can flash a custom ROM, but that's up to you. People say they don't like MIUI but as for me, it has grown on me.

t. never owned an oled

I see, thanks. The Mi 9T looks nice. You know the quick rundown on the differences between it and the pro version?

Anyone with an S10 absolutely fucking hate the fingerprint reader? It takes 3+ tries nearly every time I use it and it's been that way with the factory screen protector and the TPU one I replaced it with.

It's legitimately driving me nuts and the only thing I hate about this phone.

Attached: te5sugnl26231.jpg (1278x990, 128K)

i'm sure everyone recommends the s10e over the other variants for this very reason, underscreen tech for fingerprint reading is the most unnecessary thing ever

As far as I am aware, the Pro version has not been announced yet. But since the Mi 9T is simply a rebranded global version of the Redmi K20, you can safely assume that the Mi 9T Pro (If it ever gets released) will just be exactly the same as the K20 Pro just with more band compatibility. The Mi 9T has a Snapdragron 730 which is the current best midrange processor. Assuming the Mi 9T Pro ever gets announced/released, it will have a Snapdragon 855 processor (just like the K20 Pro). So basically the only differences would be a better processor and better GPS. That's it. But honestly, I wouldn't wait until they announce the Mi 9T Pro, nobody knows if they'll actually even announce it. If you like the Mi 9T, you should get it. The processor difference wouldn't be that noticeable in your daily use unless you were a gamer.

Forgot to mention, the Snapdragon 855 is a flagship processor.

this Also the huge size, curved screen and the amount of cameras are a meme gimmick.

>"Hey user, what's that huge phone? It looks familiar. Is that a new Galaxy Note?"
>"It's a OnePlus 7 Pro. It's like Galaxy but better."
>"Is it one of those China phones that no longer work?"
>"uh, yes, but it's not like Huawei, OnePlus care for their customers, their Oxygen OS is the best, see"
>Need to wake the phone for the fingerprint scanner to work
>Realize the phone is non responsive
>It's dead and won't turn on
>Have to hold power + vol up to hard reset
>Stacy is visibly iritated
>The phone finally boots
>Fnatic mode jumps on the screen
>Try to show the pop-up camera
>"See it doesn't have a disgusting hole like the Samsung"
>Take 20 selfies with Stacy
>Need only one for tonight's fapping session, but better be on the safe side with Oneplus image processing
>Scroll trough photos to show them
>The screen doesn't detect half the inputs
>It shuts down again
>Realize I forgot to turn off NFC
>Curry starts pouring out of my pockets as I hard reset again
>Tyrone and Chad come walking down from the gym
>Tyrone pulls out the S10+, Chad a Mi9
>Start recording me spilling curry everywhere
>Run home to fap and shillpost on /spg/

Xperia phones are unironically awesome. too bad they are overpriced and thus can't compete

Sony fucked up when they cancelled the ZX4 Compact.

I have a Samsung Note 9 on T-mobile. Recently got an update and now it takes like a solid 2 seconds to unlock the phone via fingerprint when compared to before it was instant. why? not only that, but how do I fix it?

Was it a major update? For example, updated to Android 9.0?

Thinking so yea. The settings menu looks completely different than it once was.

No sd card slot on Mi 9T :(

other than modifying the controller, is there a way to control the light on ps4 controllers when paired to an android phone?
want to play in the dark but it's a fucking flastlight

turn on the lights

Is 64/128GB not enough for you?

I have the sneaking suspicion turning on the lights goes against playing in the dark

I like to keep as many of my options open as possible. I see no reason not to have the option to upgrade to 512gb for whatever reason I want. It's one of the reasons why I don't want an iphone.

Lmao user, thanks for the good laugh

At least turning on the lights would be better to your eyes than playing in the dark.

Well, that's actually a good reason. It's a shame they didn't keep the SD card slot, it's the only deal breaker it has.

lowest brightness + red filter isn't strenuous for me

>on her underwear
So she had taken it off and was sitting on it?
IN, Pablo. Fucking swear there are more Spanish speakers than English speakers on Jow Forums these days.

Yeah, it looks pretty good otherwise. I'll keep looking, thanks for the help.
Linking to my original post to see if anyone else has suggestions:

>xiaomi shill
>not a chink

Spics are the main ones who have such endless problems with in/on.

Is anyone using Linux on Dex or Sailfish OS. I just want to know how viable is carrying a Linux desktop with you in your phone. The deal breaker seems to be that you still need the library or wherever you are working to provide you at least with a monitor.

note 8 guy again

should i buy the s10plus 128gb for like $500 after employee discount points bullshit or wait for the note 10 pro and blow my spoodge all over the top of the line one in august

I'm pretty sure you would need to up the NR a lot to get rid of that noise, some phones and camera apps allow you to set NR level

You forgot to put /spg/ in OP retard.

y they do this

Attached: dc3ea2j-592eb87d-1380-4004-a219-1f7d9c3eb377.jpg (400x400, 23K)

The letters are right next to eachother, it was probably a typo you turboautist

Held a Pixel 3a XL today, can confirm that it actually doesn't feel like it's made of plastic at all. It feels a lot like glass but just lighter. Though the Moto Z4 has it beat in terms of build quality and feel in the hand

Why the fuck do I have to wait a week to unlock my Xiaomi and is there a way to skip that bullshit?

Any decent phone with a night mode won't do that, P30 Pro is a prime example, the sensor size alone is enough to keep this from happening

Do you like the curved screen meme?

Yeah it's fine but I use a case so I barely notice it

you literally have been doing this same exact post for over a week now.

I'd say go for the Note 10. It looks more elegant and executive, and it's a really good work phone.

Yeah you're right, can't be cheap with this kinda thing

Do you really have a need for this?

Girls are going to be lining up to suck my dick after I show them my Zenfone 6

*Redmi Note 7

Need new phone.
AT&T. USA. $800 budget.
No iPhone bullshit.

Been using an iphone 6 for years but I'm started to get really tired of the limited space, customization, apps, etc.
I was thinking of moving to Android, maybe a samsung note 9 or new google pixel. Any other recommendations on "entry" level androids? In the US on ATT.

hmm, take your fucking pick
>Asus Zenfone 6
>OnePoo 7
>Pixel 3aXL
>Moto Z4
>Nokia 9 Pureview
>Mi 9
>Mi Mix series
what do you do with your phone?

Work, Spotify, Jow Forums

if that's all, Pixel 3aXL unlocked from Google would be the best choice

based MIposter

Thanks user

i bought an lg g8. tell me how much of a mistake it was

What do you do when the manufacturer isn't selling the phone you want anymore and the ones on amazon don't have warranties?

S10+ or wait for the Note 10?

>he didn't get the Mi Mix 2S/3

Attached: embarrassing.png (334x393, 265K)

what phone?

Not bad, depends how much you paid for it though.

Dunno yet, these are the rough specs I want: gsmarena.com/search.php3?nCPUCoresMin=8&nRamMin=4000&nDisplayResMin=2073600&fDisplayInchesMin=6&chk35mm=selected&s4Gs=1&idCardslot=1&sDisplayTechs=2&idDisplayNotch=1&nOrder=1
I guess walmart might be a good online retailer to get a warranty with.

uh, which one of those 34 phones were you thinking?
so the Galaxy J series eh?

Probably a Samsung since the rest of it is random chink companies and LG
>Galaxy J series
? I don't see any of those.

7 pro or 3 xl

you're right, no J but they do have a bunch of A series, the LG V30/35 would be worth it

is the OnePlus 7 a meme, or actually good? have a pixel and want to upgrade, was waiting for pixel 4 but the look for it isn't winning me over

I was thinking of getting one of those.
To elaborate, I was just thinking that Walmart would be a good place to look since they have a large inventory, sell online, and offer warranties. Anyone ever had a Walmart warranty?

LCDs are crap longevity wise too.
had 3 monitors rendered useless by dying backlights a $2000 LCD TV with half the screen showing nothing but artifacts from a failing display driver.
bought a new LCD to replace it, DSE backlight clouding is even worse than the old one.

Why the fuck did this shit replace CRTs.

The idea of no longer having to carry a laptop in my backpack seems compelling to me. But yeah, I am almost 95% that this is still no mature enough to be part of my workflow.

Lots of cables, keyboard, dock, mouse, yep. I guess I will pass on this.

Am I crazy for thinking Redmi note 7 is a better buy over the pocophone f1? I think the note 7 should have a longer battery life since it's a SD 660 compared to an 845. For what I use my phone for 660 is more than enough power, I just want to know if there's any other reason I should go for the poco besides processor

>told myself years ago I wouldn’t buy a phone until retarded companies figured out the notch was shit
>finally happens
>check Jow Forums
>no idea what is happening now
I literally cannot see anything wrong with a 7 pro beyond the fact that it’s chink made, but everything is chink made, so whatever.

some people's OP7Ps are randomly dying

Holy shit, this pasta will live on forever in these generals.

probably just the processor, i also want IR on my phone

It's always a game of balances because other than the noise, that photo has incredible details and dynamic range. And it's done with only a single lens too.

Fucking chinks.
I miss when you could buy something and it would at least work.

My XZ was absolutely shit.