Will there ever be another visionary in tech like him?
Will there ever be another visionary in tech like him?
> steals a chan codebase
> modifies the fuck out of it using a team of code monkeys as moot is shit at coding
> visionary
intriguing level of brain damage you have there. seek help.
>steals html
we'll never forget you, mark cuckerburg
Literally who?
I want moot to fuck my ass
who is moot?
Not sure if new or joking but Moots the faggot that made 4chin
Sounds like a modern tech-visionary to me.
Isn't this the guy who works at Google and stole the source-code of 2ch to make some shitty English clone?
moot is proof that being early is more important than being good
A luggage boy
Most people will never know who this is, but he had a real vision for online privacy and open, anonymous communication and he acted on it and that alone makes him a visionary as far as I'm concerned. I really hope he's doing well.
now post the picture of him cumming on himself
He had a vision thats why he censored gamergate threads
Moot was just a guy, like lowtax, or max goldburg. Web 2.0 was fresh and hundreds of other websites died when Jow Forums was pretty much the only one to actually survive.
>created the greatest social website in the world, beloved by millions and credited for the creation of the best internet memes and free speech
>still not a billionaire or even rich
We don't deserve him.
>you will never reply to moot again
>he will never have a public conversation in any board again
This is not fair
sorry, who?
What is he doing now? it's like he dropped off the face of the earth after joining google
Do you think that he still comes to this place just for laughs?
>for laughs
Probably to cry
I hate this meme because I can never tell who's baiting who
Rumor has it he made and maintains an internal google imageboard.
Jow Forums came at the brink of death numerous times and was even offline a few times briefly. Granted it wasn't because lack of traffic, but lack of funds to support the traffic. Moot really pulled it through despite the cost to himself.
>credited for the creation of free speech
I hope not.
that would be cool but depressing
mark zuckerberg
you just described every startup
Daily reminder:
Jow Forums was made on a mac, winfags absolutely SEETHING
He's so pretty, I'd like to fuck his ass.
damn you could ski down his nose and hit a jump
Stop with the fucking nose memes, moot's nose was just a regolar nose, nothing special.
>Jow Forums was made on a mac
Was it? I know moot uses a mac now but I didn't know what he used when he made Jow Forums
not even close..
That was just a troll he admitted that wasn't true.
Works on Google Maps while living in Tokyo
Nigga's living the weeb dream
Can you imagine how badly he gets bulled at Google
>Lol look Chad it's the Jow Forums guy again, what's his name... Mot?
>Hey, anime boy, do the thing again
>"N-No, please Chad I do-"
>Hahahahahah thanks mot, you're a real bitc- I mean, buddy, you know that?
everyone knows his trip code. do eet faggot
He stole the whole Futaba script, not just the html baka
>implying mac minis existed in 2003
you're a fucking retard
the shitty english clone you browse day in, day out? yea
todd howard never released a technology
They did, but those are intel minis
based and redpilled.
he's also proof that you need to be lucky and talk to the right target audience.
if there was a good Jow Forums alternative i'd use it.
We're on 4channel though, don't confuse us with that shithole
the creator of reddit?
Have a nice day.
They pushed him onto the railroad tracks.
fuck zuckerberg he is not a visionary
i miss faggot moot, at least he cared about us and was 100% better than gookmoot
the only vision he's had was to gather people together who would fill up his hentai folder for a while. the clever part was to make YOU work for him for free
Is gookmoot even confirmed gay? Otherwise what's the point?
maybe to /lgbt/, /a/, and other pure weeb boards.
David Bowie? Todd Howard?
you get banned if you use it though.
all the zoomers who dont know Moot should be banned
moot is unironically a stallman-tier purist for free speech. He knew very well that this uzbeki flute playing imageboard was destroying his private and professional life and he held onto it until it as long as he could defending the users' rights to write and post whatever they wanted and only let if go when he found someone he trusted to keep this shithole a free shithole. Guy deserves a medal
please die both irl and online
Literally fucking who?
hes cute and handsome
Neil Cicierega
how feminine do you think they're penis is?
he created reddit
2nd'd 4 truth. I still can't believe moot sold Jow Forums.
Ded. Google murdered moot.
that's probably the shittiest touchpad I've ever seen.
damn moot doesn't look good since he started working at google.
look at his complexion, it's all fucked up and unhealthy.
Those ears look a bit to qt to be healthy.
facebook was a mistake, i hope there is never another visionary like him
It is Jow Forums, not "chin". His name is Christopher Poole.
this. Moot and Zuckerberg are my heroes!
>pure weeb board
Moot would be disgusted by all the One Piece, Jojo, and Boruto on /a/.
Moot is definitely a free speech purist, and I hope you're right about Hiroshimoot.
I hate Google for stealing our boy.
>I hate Google for stealing our boy.
Why must we settle for a mere mail order asian moot instead?
H-He still has his tripcode
He could be lurking among us RIGHT NOW
b-but it didn't work
>He could be lurking among us RIGHT NOW
You really think?
My body is not ready.
>he was a fag, but he was our fag
also not a little girl
>also not a little girl
That's because he has no benis.
Do you think he gets constant dirty sidelooks from all the purplehairs and sºybois at Google for having unleashed Jow Forums upon the world?
Jow Forums either doesn't matter or is very helpful to harvest data on some profiles on the fringe of society
he made all the memes that get posted online.
He was not a visionary.
He never worked for google, that was a meme.
He works at a Walmart in Indiana, as a cart pusher, because selling Jow Forums only gave him money for a year.
don't you have some code to write for your botnet friends chris?
- he said, using the website created by him