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sws zelda is the best looking botw fags fuck off

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WTF the Breath of the Wild Zelda is just a Hit or Miss Girl ripoff

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thats albw zelda

Why did they bring back OOT Zelda for this smash? BOTW should be the one

they didnt bring back oot zelda you autist

>OOT Zelda

Pick one

i know but people say botw zelda is the best

they have bad taste

Hilda is the superior grill in ALBW
I want to do penis-related things with her

she cute

Left or right?

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left and i want her to step on my penis and call me a faggot.

right all the way

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I cringe so hard when I look back to my heterosexual days. My god, what a cuck I was. Women want straight up 10/10 and nothing lower. Even a 9/10 in their mind is a guy with a fatal devastating flaw. A woman considers a 9/10 man the same way a straight normie would consider a girl with a dick. And you know how much of a ingoramous those normies are when it comes to girls with cocks and all the intriquite ways that entails this. Its a mess, like elephants in a glass sculpture store.

You would think that things would be different for a 1/10 woman, something Chad wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole. But nope. They can be three foot wheelchairbound midgets, totally retarded face, massive underbite. They still sit in that wheelie, with their braids and glasses, like "Ouuuh, I like Chad too!" Fuuuuuuck.

Some guys are just never gonna get laid. And some poor schmuck who only one generation ago would get a nice housewife is gonna have to settle for wheelie princess midget with a fucked up face.

That is worse than dying alone.

Exit the system man, don't accept this shit. Go gay


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TP princess>>>all other

>high heels but toes are showing
That's stupid and not the style of that stort of time period. Is Link wearing a blazer?

im pleasantly surprised no ones brapposted yet

Zelda with a voice in BOTW was surprisingly pleasant

quality taste my man

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no, that's another princess that copies zelda.

>padoru padoru

cute bump