>Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of {ptg} is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff will read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff will pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
news: waffles sooner or later up ab freeleech ends soon neons still cant get into btn
Why the fuck is TrueHD allowed? Not Atmos, which is in a TrueHD container, not the DTS core of TrueHD, but actual TrueHD. Is it because it's a scene rule and "the scene makes stupid rules, therefore, all scene rules are stupid"? Let me go over this for the billionth time; TrueHD is:
1. False advertising. TrueHD is always an upconvert of the DTS core. I have never, not once ever, seen an exception. Really, I could just stop right here, but I'm not done. 2. As a lossless upconvert, it takes up a huge amount of disk space in comparison to the DTS core. Shit, I've seen some cases where the FLAC turned out smaller than the core. 3. Compatibility is a lie. TrueHD still has flaws that have never been addressed, such as seeking and resuming being impossible on even the latest mainstream devices. Not to mention that FLAC and OGG literally have better compatibility on legacy equipment than TrueHD.
tl;dr, convert to FLAC or extract the core, sometimes, the scene is actually right
Aiden Bell
isn't truehd dolby's? what do you mean by the dts core of truehd? do you mean ac3?
Aaron Nguyen
also i don't understand the statement that seeking and resuming is "impossible on even the latest mainstream devices"? ffmpeg, which is used under the hood for tons of shit, seems to me to seek it just fine
Zachary Wood
Which usenet indexer mirrors HDB and BTN's internals?
Aaron Taylor
Just here to say that all the fags who participate in "le sekrit kkklubs" are tards for buying into the perpetual ladder climbing system. The goal of the internet should be the free dissemination of information. Decentralized systems of sharing are useless if they're only available to the chodes jacking each other off.
that is the principled approach but unfortunately the system is unsustainable in large size (it being illegal in most places), so unfortunately there are silly arbitrary measures to keep it small
James Martinez
kind of like the mafia, but retarded virgins good content though :)