High tier stability autism. My uptime is glorious and golden. Pick the only two distros that matter: server grade, military grade, aeroplane grade operating systems. It doesn't get better than this lads.
High tier stability autism. My uptime is glorious and golden. Pick the only two distros that matter: server grade...
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Too afraid to even use a screenshot feature?
Everytime I used Debian i always had weird DNS issues and would always lose internet connectivity. This is something i’ve never experienced on other distros
Fuck debian and fuck the trannies who work on it
>server grade, military grade, aeroplane grade operating systems
Ironically, only windows are either of those things
US DoD uses RHEL
Personaly I prefer centos for server. But one time when I worked on startup. all their server use debian-based (ubuntu server). it's weird for me.
You should have a storage server and any other service servers using one of these but use a rolling release desktop and backup any configs. Best of both worlds, if my desktop shits itself because of retarded updates I lose nothing
CentOS for me, but there's nothing wrong with debian. Just a question of if the admin in charge likes dnf or apt.
centOS is best for literally everything
yeah it's like coke and pepsi. I prefer pepsi but some prefer coke. Many people don't care.
yeah obviously RHEL should go into this picture too. Centos is just a standin for RHEL in this instance.
what, you on centos 8 already?
nope, its shit. And fuck apparmor. I have run Ubuntu Server for hundreds of days without issue.
>the distro you use
It don't matter. None a this matters.
alright have fun running arch linux server
have fun running cobol on that server
>Can't even set up a network connection
>Blames trannies
Did you try reading the man pages you spastic?
I am going to use manjaro on my server and noone can stop me
thats you
TempleOS is the best
>his memes are just as outdated as his packages
CentOS is fucking retarded.
It's RHEL but with delayed updates.
But the only fucking reason to use RHEL in the first place is precisely the updates.
You'd be better using Debian or Ubuntu, or indeed pay for RHEL if you care about having support and updates.
u dummy centos is just the open source version of RHEL. It's fedora for people who want stability.
People question my virginity, but I question their stability.
>aeroplane grade operating systems
that would probably be QNX
qnx is garbage. One day debian and centos will surpass it. You'll see.
Based. In the end you realize that these 2 are the distros that truly just work and don't break.
Well, I don't need up to date software and I can get it if I want anyway, especially on Debian. What I do need is a good night of sleep not thinking of when some update is going to break something that isn't my fault, no matter what the devs of said distro say.
shit i had that same problem before, what the hell
Coincidentally, I work with the guy who created CentOS. He's absolutely Stallman-tier.
Loud kek.
Yet both use systemd which is a huge attack vector of unstable spaghetti code developed by an egotistical megalomaniac.
Watch your mission critical systems go to rubble as soon as security holes in the 'core OS' aren't sufficiently patched.
but i don't want to kms