How do I get into malware analysis?

How do I get into malware analysis?

Attached: o7t31t93wg431.jpg (1242x1050, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread: anal/1/

Analyze malware.

Get some samples from online and decode them using Ghidra. Reverse Engineering is a prerequisite btw

What did they mean by that?

the glow gang did it. now where's my 1 mil, alex, you tranny

Attached: 1557005530522.png (640x480, 65K)

>Jow Forumsnews
Why is this the only board that is unapologetically reddit?

Practical Malware Analysis is a good book for beginners.
Other than that, Windows Internals might come handy.
And at last, by analyzing malware. No, really, practice is what matters a lot.

Just don't.
It might well be the most tedious job on earth.

>tranny porn
Apex /ourguy/

Why is that?
Not OP, I got into danooct1 videos and looking through virus source codes, I haven't dug deep but it seems kinda interesting.

Most malware can't just be opened with a disassembler/decompiler and high-level analysed.
Often the executable is packed, program structure is obscured, and it contains some annoying anti-debugging tricks.
Because of this, you constantly have to keep your eyes open. When everything else fails (which will happen sooner or later), you'll have to take a debugger and very carefully walk through the program, which takes a lot of time and can't be automated effectively.

That said, I've only dabbled in the subject myself. The above is mostly second-hand knowledge from a bunch of F-secure engineers.

This is the only answer you need.

Did they ever find the guy that planted tranny porn on his phone?

that was me


Plot twist: He planted it on himself.

>can't get him on anything
>plant cp on him

pretty sure he was watching trans porn man
also he could be a pedo

It's also coincidentally the worst board aside from Jow Forums in my experience

Who keeps childporn on servers if they arnt distributing it?
nobody. If he was a pedo it would be on his personal computer, not his servers.
If anything Id say it was an enemy that paid one of his it guys to plant it there.

child porn is always found on computers owned by wrong-thinkers it seems
one of those things that make you go "oy gevalt"

Well. Lets consider the following: in some countries even drawn pornography which may involve child or at least its implied, its considered Childporn. I remember that around 2001 there were Hentai games hosted on the tripod FTP Server, which included some loli stuff.. So.. I've technically seen servers hosting childporn, distributing it to everyone

you know damn well what I fucking said.
I do not think the infowars servers were hosting hentai games.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! Loved that episode's art too.

He did let Joe Rogan into his studio after all.

Even then, Jow Forums is on topic

I think he was saying the “child porn” wasn’t actual children

to be fair. This would be a really effective way to take someones reputation down.
Get a Trojan in or just find a backdoor and fill the server with CP then leak the info to the press.
Online media literally lives on these kind of gossip articles.

>Download some malware
>Analyze it
Congrats you just got yourself into malware analysis

Engineer at an antivirus company here
We almost never actually disassemble the malware samples we get. It's simply too much work for little benefit.
A lot of our detection is now behavioral. Basically running the malware on a VM and seeing what it does using the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
Not to mention a lot of the hot threats nowadays are fileless like Powershell or Javascript.
Only time we actually disassemble PEs or deobfuscate scripts is if we need specific info like domain name generators so we can honeypot them.

Also, we're all pajeets.

Attached: India-hacker.jpg (648x369, 40K)

The government will need it, you should send it into fbi tips.
They're certainly nothing but beginners there. They can't analyze a fucking computer if the files were on the desktop.

he's the sort of cunt you could expect to be a pedo tho anal/1/

Attached: ajphone.webm (640x360, 2.83M)