Why aren't you driving a Chevy?

America is still a land of rugged individualists
And every one of them demands something different from their Chevy truck
But they all want the same thing, the most dependable, longest lasting trucks on the road
Support America and buy a Chevy today

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Because Ram 1500 is clearly the better truck

Because Ford didn’t get bailed out by Obama.

ford is better tho

fuck off with your corporate shilling burger

Newest trucks showed to have worse fuel economy then previous generation, if chevy dosen't care about my bottom line I won't care about theirs. Tests done on fast lane trucks you tube.

I drive a 2011 impala

You're from Canada. Wtf would you know?

Because I drive a GMC

Yeah they just moved all their factories to mexico

Chevy is for faggots, commies, niggers and spics.

Real Americans drive Ford.

Phoneposting from a banned ip.

More then you meme flag faggot

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Had a chevy
Couldn't even handle the frozen frontier of Wyoming without falling apart.
Took more maintanence than my 50 yr old International.
It's consumer grade, quality trash.

ram 2500 masterrace

Because I drive an Audi RS4 that suits my needs / wants much better than a massive pickup truck

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Because our cars are superior in any way.

Chevy doing product placement on Jow Forums.

How much do you pay hiroshamoot? Protip, make your product placement more subtle.

Toyota Tacoma is more reliable, built in San Antonio by a Japanese company that decided to invest in America, without taxpayers money.

Because my Tundra is better

So shitty they rename it RAM and hope no one will remembers

Holy shit what a bitchmobile

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Because they're closing the factory in Oshawa that my papa worked at for 30 years after the war, so fuck them

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Unless it's a diesel, fuck off

1st gen ram checking in

This. Right now Tacomas are the best mid-sized

Chevy sucks, but German cars are infamous for having electrical systems that shit the bed after three years.

All the new fullsizes are obnoxiously expensive and styled. Like exaggerated cartoon versions of a truck. Look at the Transformer styling on that thing.

Just buy an older, clean American vehicle and enjoy it. A truck from the 80s or 90s. A clean distinctly American car from the 60s or 70s, etc

[get this corporate shilling bullshit off the board. what the fuck, jannies?]

why dont you just buy a good car?

I wouldn't reccomend a diesel truck unless your rich or know how to work on them yourself. I drive a diesel but I got shop and know how to work on them.

I fucking hate those Chevy ads with that "real people, not actors" bullshit.
Fuck Chevrolet just for that.

Because I don't have a micropenis

Because I don't need a truck that big and miss the days where you could buy a smaller truck like the s10 or older Sierras.

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Explain? It is a comfortable, practical car that is equally good on long trips with 4 people + luggage as it is on a track day. I have put 80k on it and it has needed nothing outside annual oil changes, tyres, and brakes.

I bet your pickup is automatic too.

You know nothing. It's been ram since like 82. Before that, they had d series and before that, powerwagon which was so hardy, the us army enlisted them.

> especially on the repair bills, kek

they're assembled in canada genius.
Plus, their quality the last couple of decades has been shit.

(((automobiles))) are a scam

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I am. Squarebodies report in.

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Wasnt Henry.Ford a jew hater? Based and red pilled.

Japs make better cars


Gay Men Corporation?

How are older trucks to own? They seem reliable, but the fuel economy is probably bad.

Ford donates to BLM.
Built For Cucks

no way. real advice: try to make whatever youre driving long as last as you can. your next car will be electric.

theres nothing more autistic than car brand loyalty when they're all made in 3rd world shitholes like mexico
just drive a shitbox you can fix yourself
pic rel

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Electric cars will never take off they rely too much on government subsidies.

My truck was made and assembled on flint Michigan

Trust me my fellow white man, this isnt no product placement. Just another proud American who loves his Chevy Truck

Literally this.

90s model Cherokees are GOAT. Can't beat that inline 4.0, easy to work on. Cheap parts. Easily upgradeable.

yeah theres a reason why

nothing more autistic than the continuations of picky eaters

I don't like trucks, always seemed pretty gay.

This. I was looking at buying a Ford Raptor when they did this. I got so pissed. I couldnt buy it after hearing that. Could drive that truck everyday knowing. So I put off buying it till I hear more positive stuff

>b7 rs4 wagon

Fuck you.

Sincerely, an American with a b7 s4.

Been a chevy driver since the age of 18 to 38. Went with a Ford because they resisted the bailout. Never again.

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They are kinda cucked now

I have a late 90s grand Cherokee that I use for places on the woods where my full size truck is too wide for, very reliable
What might that be?

>long trips
You don’t know what a long trip is. Takes like 5 hours to drive across your cuck shed of a continent

because buying any car made in America will fall apart within 2 years

I know... nothing is sacred anymore

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fuck off


Isuzu Space Cab truck

5-speed manual
diesel engine
30 miles to the gallon on highway
can fit in any garage
and 20 years from now, it will still look nicer than your F-350 rust bucket or Dodge 3500 Ram that struggles to get 15 mpg.

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My dad was a engineer at GM, he drives a Honda made with 85% American made parts.
The Honda is more American, and higher quality than any Chevy.
I also have a Honda, they're just better, and also hold their value much better.

Most people dont need trucks. I had one for 3 years and got rid of it. Its a huge waste of gas also a pain in the ass to park

>$70K for a pickup truck
TOPPEST of Keks.

Do you even Toyota?

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