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finally i broke out of that limit

Oh yeah, I'll be waiting for, y'know... that story.

Alright, my sweetheart fluffy boy..

(Oh, and if anyone questions my love for Ralsei..... it's none of their business.)

whats are you faggot?

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i am a baguette, not a faguette

I cringe so hard when I look back to my heterosexual days. My god, what a cuck I was. Women want straight up 10/10 and nothing lower. Even a 9/10 in their mind
is a guy with a fatal devastating flaw. A woman considers a 9/10 man, the same way a straight normie would consider a girl with a dick. And you know how much of a ingoramous those normies are when it comes to girls with cocks and all the intriquite ways that entails this. Its a mess, like elephants in a glass sculpture store.

You would think that things would be different for a 1/10 woman, something Chad wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole. But nope. They can be three foot wheelchairbound midgets, totally retarded face, massive underbite. They still sit in that wheelie, with their braids and glasses, like "Ouuuh, I like Chad too!" Fuuuuuuck.

Some guys are just never gonna get laid. And some poor schmuck who only one generation ago would get a nice housewife is gonna have to settle for wheelie princess midget with a fucked up face.

That is worse than dying alone.

Exit the system man, don't accept this shit. Go gay

Eh, getting laid is bullshit.... or whatever you said from that copypasta.


i don't want this deleted, ralsei-chan... :(

Me neither, human-chan..... wait... are you a weeb?

N-no, i'm not. I just felt like it for some reason :)

...Oh. I forgot that cake.. uwu

Ah, is it strawberry?

Schizo thread

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i don't care if it's schizo

Y-yes, it is.... I bought the ingredients for it. ^^

OP is a faggot

That was vewy mean.

Oh, good...... *noms cake* Gee.... it's kinda new talking to a nice prince...

I know... but at least you're trying to make a friend.. right?

I laughed


Yes........ of course. Wanna go in the bedroom.... and hang out peacefully?

Sure... and i thought you were gonna say something else.

D-don't worry. It's nothing bad. We're just gonna do what other people do... why not watch TV-

But I don't watch TV... not even Mettaton's tv program or anything...

that's kinda sad...

...I swear... it's a bit boring when nobody's around.

...I'm calling kris and susie over.

Nah senpai... you haven't called anyone yet before. *calls 'em* Hello..?

Ah... hello.

Hello, Kris...!! You spoke for the first time...

Yeah, thanks...... anyway, what do ya want from me and susie (although he can't talk rn..)

I wanted to know if ya wanted to come to my... house.. it's a guest meeting or something, idk..?

Oh. Those tea parties?... I'm not feeling it though.

It's not a tea party... it's a meeting. Almost like one, though..


L-look... guys.. Just come, please? Okay?


(oh my god! i'm safe!)

Good. I'll be waiting.

*and they come*


Ah... hello friends!! I'd like to introduce you to a new human.. who has recently came from the other world..!!

...Hello. What's your name, h-human?

Ah... I'm afraid I do not have an official name yet. But it's not like I'm an intruder though!!

Alright... anyway why did Ralsei invite us here?

Because she wants y'all to have some quality time with us...

Yup, that's right.


Hehe... I'm bored and have nothing to do. :(

Ah.... are you getting confused, fellow human?

Yeah. I haven't hanged out with the entire dark world........ It's just so new!!! Omg... *faints*

Oops...... *poke* ..are you okay?

*gets up* Y-yeah.. just a lil faint... sorry uwu

I'm glad you're okay. Anyway........ how was school?

(i swear this is confusing but great...!!)
Oh it was good... i had to get alphys chalk.. unlike Susie.. uwu

no samefagging on my watch

S-shut up..!! We're having a discussion, and you decided to come here and say that. Not surprising.

i mean... it's not my fault nobody's here.

Yeah... she's kinda mean.. but we don't really see her as that. She's a true hero, though.

(ima bump this)

bump so i don't forgesketit

Yep, you're right

Hey ral.. can ya gimme chalk

No. You cannot.... you might get... a problem for that...



I'm so fluffing confused... I wish the whole party were here.

I'm confused again. After eating cake.

Well.... wanna watch what the underground is doing..? I could provide THAT....

Sure thing...

Alright, fellow human...... *turns on tv*

Oooooh...! Is t-that Mettaton??

Eh... maybe..

(just because i am doing this only with me doesn't mean it's the same namefagging)

...uh.. where's asriel

...You mean flowey? He's just hanging out with Toriel... and the rest of the family ^^

I almost wish I was there.... but i wouldn't wanna leave for my sweetheart.

Aw... I was hoping you'd say that...!

Wanna kiss while Kris and Susie are just standing?

...As long as it's on the cheek.. yes..

Alright... *kisses*

*blushing* Uuhhhhh...?? I thought it was on the cheek....

Sorry. I got confused..

That's alright....... want a blanket..?

Y-yes... mommy...

I'm your mom..? B-but I'm not Toriel... Nevermind. uwu

*gets blanket*

Mmmm... nyaaaaa......

Uh.... are you a cat?

No.... is it weird that I am acting like one...?

N-no... Just asking.


W-want me to sleep with you..?

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oops i fucked up didn't i

Yes. And protect me uwu

(Woohoo, 2 more and we hit that!)