Why isn't she ticking about blacks or lgbt? And her ticks are the cutest thing ever. Is it weird or am I too skeptical?

Why isn't she ticking about blacks or lgbt? And her ticks are the cutest thing ever. Is it weird or am I too skeptical?

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i'm sorry but your thread has to go down

attention whoring threads are bad

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and you should feel bad

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because attention whoring is bad

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Korbo This Thread would have been saged because nobody cares.
Stop being retarded and a faggot.


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why are you bumping it then, cunt?
I didn't know where to post this thread. Jow Forums seemed like the best place, but I forgot you faggots are the lowest IQ board on this site. Why did I even bother asking opinion about anything of of you, retards.

man, are tugas retarded. The fuck is wrong with you, idiot? Mama didn't love you?