America hate thread

America hate thread

>Invades a lot of countries
>"Muhh global peace"
>Average citizen is considered retarded in the rest of the world
>Believes he's absolutely right in everything just because they're the 1st world superpower
>Spends more money on guns than education or health care.
>Only country in the world where literally every person is obsessed with race, racism and everything involving skin color.

Let's keep the thread alive

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i like americca

>I'm actually against the president
>Never said that before
>Smart and lots of personality
>I'm wrong sometimes, and I fucking deal with it
>I've never bought a single gun
>Oh hell yeah I like racecars


Stop being faggots

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Stop being faggots

@butthurt UK
Stop being retarded

>I'm actually against the president
That sounds hot
Do you guys stand ass to ass or noodle to noodle
Does he comb over his pubes too


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i dont hate on america
sure, it might be the most third-world first world country in the world, but thats only because of the juice.
the europes are turning into america 2.0, 56% included.

Fuck off

Rent free

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Well, u get more attacks from your youth than we have from terrorism...

oh look, another America hate thread

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Butthurted ?

quite the opposite

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I am a stupid American boy!

Light my Lucky. Don't you have some British cock to smoke?

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Not a single thing you mentioned is an objective fact. How does that make you feel, frogposter?

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>america is great if you ignore the problems

Only because you get shekels from Congress.

America and China are the most evil countries there are. Americans make me sick, especially anyone who have 'served' in U.S military. Of course, I don't hate all of you Americans, but your social structure is sick and your country is run by greed. Extreme capitalism is just sickening.

Would you prefer the soulless chinks to rule the world?

I would prefer neither

go away

"let me tell you uh which places of the world are white, first I need to ask mr shekleberg"
"what do you mean you dont like america are you a terrorist"



Why all all brown people racist assholes?

i declare war on argentina