Vim autocompletion

Deoplete vs YouCompleteMe vs COC
Which one and why?

Attached: Vimlogo.svg.png (1200x1202, 106K)

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coc because it has a funny name

is it like a std lib helper or something?

The default one. Your Vim config should be short and lean, preferably with no plugins at all (few exceptions are acceptable)

why? programming without auto complete is fucking stupid

coc because it lets vim anally vore the fancy vscode extensions while only having node as a dependancy for asynchronous taks instead of waiting for entire web browser to launch

stop trying to turn Vim into an IDE. Use an IDE with a Vim plugin.


Attached: 4g4g.gif (500x294, 632K)

how about you shut up

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adding an auto complete is not turning it into an IDE. writing any code in vanila vim without atleast nerdtree and YCM/deoplete is retarded and a huge waste of productivity

your post is bad and you should feel bad

Because they all sucks. You either don't need it at all (e.g., in C and in Python, where the default one works just fine) or you want something more powerful than what Vim plugins will ever offer you (e.g. in Java, where IDE are miles ahead text editors).

Vim already has an autocomplete

Shame on me, but didn't use just default autocomplete, I installed deoplete and that's it.
Is it just a simple dictionary based autocompletion?

I need fuzzy matching which the default does not support. Pretty mich the only reason I use Deoplete rather than the built in.

coc seems to be yummy.
no homo.

vim addons are just shitty forms of IDE basic functionality. and you don't have to spend any time trying to figure out how to get it to work.

YCM is not 10% as good as intellisense idk why you insist on using shitty tools
>Coc is an intellisense engine for vim8 & neovim.

You always have to learn your tools to be effective, btw :/

anyone wanna share their comfy vim setup? Work requires me to do javascript soon and I have no idea how to setup a debugger or anything JS would need

Attached: vim.png (1608x984, 152K)

COC for LSP completion, supertab for buffer-local autocompletion otherwise. Takes a bit of time to setup but is efficient and covers all bases.

I don't think JS really "needs" anything apart from syntax highlighting, which works on Vim by default.

>popup window constantly flipping in and out, awful grey color scheme
>have to install node to use it
>just to get what IDEs have better out of the box
exactly my point

Like out of the box configs of IDEs are any good. It might be if you are retarded and don't know what you want from your tool.
And what? Installing node is a pain in the ass for a high quality professional like you?
Also the best part of using vim is the fact that you don't need a gaming tier PC to edit your code without lags.

>can't afford $17 4 GB of ram stick
ohhh you're a poojeet, makes more sense now

Of all machines I regularly use 8GB of RAM is minimum. VsCode, Eclipse, WebStorm lags the same on all of them, more or less.
You didn't answer any of my questions.

Emacs with evil and company

Coc worked best for me.

if you're lagging with 8, the problem is you. stop downloading viruses poojeet

OK, whatever
have sex