Georgia next republican scilicon valley

Texas is becoming a blue state. Austin is to become the next scilicon valley, but in a bad way. It'll be a democrat scilicon valley all over again.

Republicans are being pushed towards the center of the united states. But there's good news. The center of the united states has the most open land and it's all farmland.

We need to do an EXODUS. All of the republicans need to leave the south and make a new scilicon valley in the bible belt.

I would say the best state to build the republican scilicon valley is Georgia or Utah.

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Get rid of the Mormons at last.

Oh this is just a bullshit post and there isn't actually an interesting tech scene I misunderstood, sorry for bumping

The next silicon valley is going to be in some other country after Civil War 2 breaks out in the next decade and the US gets dismantled by its """""""allies."""""""
>inb4 people who don't know American history think I'm being dramatic
The first civil war broke out in exactly the same kind of social and political conditions. Read a history book and get a passport.
I'll see you all in hell.

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Mormons are based and redpilled they think blacks aren't people and realise Aryans were the first people to dwell in the Americas before the Siberian COLONISERS invaded and murderd all the pure Aryans.

So yeah fuck off Mormons are cool. They smash a lot of pussy too. Also Georgia is the perfect place for silicon valley. Maybe Idaho too idk

>Mormons are based and redpilled
A generation ago maybe. Now they're just as cucked as Evangelicals.

what's scilicon

It's when you learn to spell from homeschool textbooks from canada

Washington state is already becoming the next area to replace silicon valley.

Washington state is already a (((democrat))) scilicon valley. this thread is about viable (((republican))) scilicon valleys of which texas is not one

WA is not as democrat as it is in Seattle from memory.
I mean it's notorious for hicks outside of the metropolis.

yeah like if you go into snohomish county it's pretty republican

Or even Kurt Cobain's hometown of Aberdeen. I mean why do you think Grunge happened in Seattle. It's like my city, surrounded by the right because they make the food and know how much shit actually is required to get our system to run. Folk in the city see it merely as oppression of their feelings. Seriously.

Some are like me though... which see this political crap and think it's a bit of a joke. In fact you simply lose faith in people and their inability to see why the other side thinks the way they do.

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But why? Republicans are objectively fucking stupid and red states have extremely low development, there's absolutely no point besides conservatives needing a safespace

And it's still going to burn after CWII.

>extremely low development
In what way user?
It's not like stats are ever misconstrued to suit someone's agenda.
And it's not like the finance industry would ever focus on nominal growth without looking at the actual picture of the situation in those areas.

Whenever I see good development stats, I get skeptical. We've had good development stats in my country for a few decades now. All that happened was that a few tiny industries grew massively in a boom, while the rest of the industries vanished, unable to compete with chinese industries who benefited from an artificially lowered yuan.

It's a fucking joke that the elite push this crap and people fucking buy it.
The old republicans may have been cancerous to this, but a republican party with tariff mentality at least signifies an attempt to do something about it (albeit not that effective).
My country has no such party and they only push pro Chinese economic policies, having obviously been bought out by their lobbyists.

Russia needs to wake up, China is going to fuck them like they fucked the US.
I'm not even sure China is doing it in bad faith. I think they're just simply inexperienced and retarded with modern finance and economics. They're also verging on a massive economic collapse.

Mormons only get pussy when they're old men and they're fucking their sons girlfriends while they're out in their 5000 year pilgrimage.
Fringe religious groups are massive bitch niggers who only look based and redbulled because you don't understand them or their history.

Very funny joke.

This user gets it. Former resident of Idaho here and potato land was thick with those motherfuckers.

This, nobody who can even fizzbuzz votes republican

I can fizzbuzz.
I vote Republican.
Looks like you're just another retarded liberal with your head up your ass, user.

Fuck off retarded commie

Fuck leaving, arm yourself and fight faggot. Unless you’re a woman, child, or a weak little chickenshit. If the latter never come back.

Just take out the electrical transformers in Austin, TX and much of the problem will be solved. That and import some ebola patients from West Africa. Also, send a couple to San Francisco.

As for Georgia, it is possible and there is great potential although I think people should push for a decentralized tech future.

this is less related to technology than archetecture, pencils or baby diapers.

The only way to win is not to fight each other. But we're well past that point, so now it's just waiting for tensions to ignite and other countries to swoop in and take over while the people are too busy killing each other over whether it's worse to murder unborn babies or make it easy for children to shoot up their schools. Nobody wins in this kind of civil war, the people left standing just get to rewrite history to make themselves look better.

>>basing tech movement on physical location
no. silicon valley developed because it was pre-internet tech startups. The next "valley" is unironically going to be the internet itself using remote workers... Being chained to a physical location so you can get a tech job that was intended to be done remotely in the first place is literally the mindset of brain dead boomers.

the fact that you retards don't understand that means you aren't going to be included.

>>massive economic collapse

lol you don't say

Republicans don't need a silicon valley. Defense companies are pretty much filled with Republicans and there's already a few areas concentrated with defence companies.

WA state here, go literally anywhere else but here. We're full. Stop moving here and pricing locals out. Go away

Utah is already the Republican silicon valley
where do you think your Jow Forums post history is stored, huh??

>Texas is becoming a blue state.
No it isn't.

>He thinks the next silicon valley will still be in Muttland
American education at work I see

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Republicans are too stupid for that, stick to fucking pigs and other types of illegal activities.