Map Thread

Post maps of anything.

Attached: US_population_map.png (992x793, 454K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thank you for this thread i fucking love maps. Your map is terrible though

Attached: 1542407937444(1).png (2244x1771, 945K)

Attached: ce9vggnnie011.png (4592x3196, 1.61M)

Attached: vvztq104d6p11.png (1024x454, 224K)

How is it terrible?

Attached: AuOdHZu.jpg (1598x1540, 587K)

Attached: 1540329352433.jpg (750x466, 66K)

Attached: how the electoral map would look if only X voted.png (630x542, 63K)

1. Some basic ass population density everyone's seen before
2. Just the US

Attached: IMG_20181015_154031_509.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Attached: Average number of spoken languages(2).jpg (650x607, 152K)

Now I know Spain is a retard. Thanks, Binlan!

Attached: india-toilets-2014-2017.png (720x476, 37K)

Why are the Baltic states so smart?

Attached: pea_yield.png (1600x960, 436K)

Soviet education

Attached: IMG_4667.jpg (863x767, 130K)

Only the Muslim South!

Attached: 1541082257020.jpg (1209x914, 570K)

Largest minority from another country in a country

Attached: Europe by 2nd largest nationality(1).png (1200x1000, 145K)


Attached: 1534892607965.png (800x949, 356K)

I'm actually wrong and retarded, read the filename.

Attached: english_poverty_4usd_00-1.jpg (2457x2455, 562K)

wtf I love Germany now

Yeah.. wait wtf?

Palestinian recognition

Attached: 660px-Palestine_recognition_only.svg.png (660x339, 78K)

their native languages, have to learn russian because of the sizable russian minority, and it is common to learn english
baltics be smart ass muthafuggas

Kot id

Jow Forums meme, its actually 1.8

Attached: 1542543640689.png (1425x663, 45K)

I know 5 languages

Attached: serveimage.png (1603x901, 444K)

pixel map of argentina

Attached: pixel arg.webm (640x1006, 609K)

US confirmed for 3rd world country. Glad my parents didn't mutilate my penis.

what languages and to what degree?
i of course know english, i can read and write french, and im starting russian

That's just a lie

Attached: Obesity Rate Europe and USA.png (2210x1538, 140K)

Attached: Nirn.jpg (2048x1133, 198K)

I'm learning German. Are you going to learn Spanish since we are becoming part of Mexico?

>Argentina owning Falklands and a part of Antarctica

Finnish, very good.

Swedish, forced to learn it. Conversational.

English, better than Finnish. I think in my head in English.

Russian, my family is Russian so I'm fluent in that as well.

and German, my weakest language. I can understand complex enough sentences and can form a lot of them, but I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking about complex stuff with the language.

no, hoping to stand my anglo ground
fuck conforming to beaners

good job user
just got a bunch of books from the Jow Forums /lang/ thread
considering learning latin too

Based monolingual American

Attached: DwL6SAu.png (1300x1280, 749K)

Very good. What state are you in?

mate read my prev posts
planning on fighting for le slavs when the eu kikes go after le based italy and the v4 and shit

would rather not say, but in the midwest
peak comfy
might have to do the white flight bit soon

Argentina is the country with the higher presence in the Antarctica

Which books?

Attached: dLFWviI0cr0.jpg (637x550, 85K)

The Falklands are rightful Albanian clay.
Antarctica is too cold to be colonised.

Attached: names.png (2184x1517, 151K)

a fuckton of old books for learning Russian and Russian grammar
planning to try to use le russian internet and russian youtube soon

Sorry forgot ID's were a thing in this board. I took a 5 month hiatus from here, mistook you for some other United Statian.

its all good desu

Same here.
I have a hard time believing that France isn't higher.
>Given name + Clan Name
That seems interesting, how does it work?

Ooo goodie, I have some recommendations for great YouTube channels and many old nice Soviet cartoons that even big muscular men such as yourself can watch. Not any books, though. Never had the need to get a Russian study book.

Attached: Captura.png (641x748, 46K)

plz explain what patronymic names are
not going to google it

Might as well claim part of the Moon.

gib recommendations please

Attached: 1533324543758.png (642x720, 236K)

Estonia and Finland are also Jow Forums memes that I havent bothered to edit out. Next time I'll point out when something's fake.

Attached: LZ8s1s9O5ITamidTrKx0cNkST2jDc4QWfTqvHtvHhnE.jpg (650x607, 84K)

In Iceland for example if you're called Jon, and you have a child called Alex, then your childs full name will be Alex Jonsson or if its a daughter then Alex Jonsdottir. Your last name comes from your dad.

Attached: MW-EF816_Second_20160218123906_NS.png (1171x623, 222K)

Channels, cartoons or...?

Attached: 800px-Florida_Köppen.svg.png (800x912, 88K)

very interesting
anything i can get for free online
thanks fren

Worst state? Probably.

looks like a peepee

Attached: 03082018_macri.jpg_297031744.png (648x365, 257K)

Florida? More like Africa, amirite lads? Haha goteem

Attached: debt-to-gdp-ratio-european-countries(1).png (2400x1800, 320K)

Pretty much.

Garbage tier

Attached: 5B41DD97-79BE-41D8-9445-BD8F160A0ADC.jpg (1227x1107, 224K)

Attached: C3433762-6304-4CD0-8CD0-A28C06857C25.jpg (2500x1140, 889K)

Some YouTube channels:
varlamov, some vids have subtitles such as this one

Thoughts in pictures - Mыcли o кapтинкaх vids like these, also newer content is nice and relaxing.

Encyclop - Энциклoп General info videos and languages not sure about subtitles

Ilia Bondarev, travels/hitchhikes around the world

Some cartoons:
Cheburashka - Чeбypaшкa, most famous of them all, can most likely find subs for this

Nu pogodi - Hy пoгoди, a classic

Troe iz prostokvashino - Tpoe из пpocтoквaшинo, managed to find one with English subs


Habe many more of everything but I think this will suffice for you.

I have all of Europe, you have only the EU.

thanks fren

Attached: comfy doggo.jpg (1280x1707, 864K)


its a truly kino image

Happy to help

Attached: Haplogroup_NO_Large(1).jpg (1163x851, 155K)