One Reason

Give me one reason to not hate faggots

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Because hating yourself is not healthy.

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stop talking in third person

Because they are nice... you just can't keep calling them faggots though

>fags are nice

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raising failed children isnt nice user

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more like EPIC children, dumbass

>fagged up suicide-prone pedophiles with aids are epic

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just accept it

i mean the ones that are worth the cup of tea!

>i mean the ones that are worth the cup of tea!
what the fuck does that even mean
stop changing your name every time, we have ids you stupid nigger


just kill yourself desu

I can't kill myself.
I refuse to put the knife in my chest.
And another note, it's fucking wrong

>I refuse to put the knife in my chest
there are many other ways desu

I still ain't doing it, kid

lol stupid nigger

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what are you, fucking 30?

Ahahahahahahahahaha...... sure thing, pal. I can't wait to be on TV.

I don't have an age, but i'm not 12 goddamn years old.

>I don't have an age
pedo detected

I'm not a pedo!!

prove it

1. A pedo doesn't come on here and pretend to be a kid or whatever.
2. they aren't namefags.
3. so therefore i'm just a fwuffy boy..... nyaaaa

>i'm just a fwuffy boy..... nyaaaa
pedo furry detected

holy shit what a pedo


prove it

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I am pwoving it to chu...!!

your on a watch list now buddy

fuck niggers

Are you suwe? Because that's a vewy bad wie....

imagine actually hating a group of people. cant relate. also kill yourself

reported your ip to the feds
nothing personal kid

without us Jow Forums would be dead and you would have no one to give you (you)s

see my previous posts you fucking retarded illiterate faggot
shut the fuck up faggot

Stop lying. The feds don't take action on such nonsense like that.

>he doesnt know

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they do when your details are saved to your Jow Forums passu

im a total faggot and I have a hard time coming up with a reason. every single fag I've ever meets at least one of these conditions:
>insecure as hell, tries to ease their insecurity by being a total bitch to everybody else
>total attention whore
>ephebophile at best, I'm a young looking 18yo and I can't tell you how often old men have creeped on me online by calling me something like "little boy" and asking if I need a "daddy"
so yeah I hate them too. there's not a reason out there to trust or accept a faggot

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based fag hater
good luck in life my nnnguy

....clueless mf. there is no way they would know about Jow Forums or my doings on Jow Forums

Bruh, hating fags isn't cool

until now

So many lies.... not even proof is provided. What a liar you are, heaven. You would never do this to me now, would you?

fag hating is in
dont you ever go outside?
oh wait, fags arent connected to reality

this thread is gay

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i'm just amazed at all the images you saved from /b/ that are illegal in the us
kinda dumb

time to defag it

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thanks man, you too
of course it is, that shit people get on about gen z is pretty right. things are different in university because of all the autism but in high school the kids born in '99 or later had a neutral opinion of fags at best. you could attribute this to Arabs because Canada but my school was 99% white

Oh my god, this kid...
you lyin like a fucking kid

yeah sure
nothing to see here

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nice.... is that a furry?