I miss the Holy Roman Empire

I miss the Holy Roman Empire...

Attached: Battle of Austerlitz.jpg (850x1159, 186K)

fuck g*rms
post more historical lewds

Attached: 1527829991366m.jpg (424x1024, 82K)

Yeah, fuck G*rmanics and A*glos

Attached: Acts of Union 1707.jpg (850x1092, 184K)

Napoleon and the Ottomans should be celebrated for putting Roman pretenders out of their misery. both the Byzantines and the Germans were a total mess for a thousand years

where do you find these, editted and uneditted versions

anglos arent as bad, i'd rather work with the eternal anglo than g*rmfags or n*rdcucks

lurkmoar faggot

@retarded porn poster
Stop being a faggot

Attached: 1498661595580.gif (500x500, 454K)

would work better with the Irish 100 years later. also without the Anglos the world today would be total AIDS


Ok Jow Forums

where 2 find images tell me now

read the faq underaged faggot

stop replying to me Jow Forums

>Jow Forums is one person
get lost, kike

Attached: arrests by race.png (1740x1088, 229K)

Attached: HBD infographic.gif (2400x1933, 849K)

Every once in a while when I read about a historical event I make these for shits and giggles.

Attached: Mexican American War.png (765x888, 740K)

@to retarded to understand what avatradfagging is
Lol 1 image is not avatradfagging retarded fat fapper

dont tell that underaged faggot
good content OP

Attached: Nonwhite population vs crime.jpg (574x589, 48K)

Attached: impact on budget by race.png (756x768, 82K)

Do you keep these in a folder ready to post or something?


Lol, I think I just found where to find the original images anyway. I’ll make some a bit later

i dont keep them in a folder, so they are not ready to post

Attached: Downsides of diversity.jpg (586x503, 85K)

Jow Forums porn

Attached: 1283170571462.jpg (712x687, 103K)

>well sourced infographics are wrong

Attached: 1543760468865.jpg (800x534, 68K)

@shitty pol bait
Epic bait

its kind of cute honestly, the fags who post it suck tho

Are you like 15

fuck i dont have any of that good shit on me right now
sorry ivan

Attached: 1538341502835m.jpg (1024x683, 113K)

thx m8

Attached: CarvingTurkey.png (1300x867, 2M)

>ignoring any argument

??? I can’t tell if you’re ironic because Jow Forums posters are actually like this

??? I can’t tell if you’re ironic because /lgbt/ posters are actually like this

Here's one for Russia

Attached: Crimean Crisis.png (800x600, 591K)

>ignoring any arguments

>>ignoring any arguments

Attached: zog slayer.jpg (1043x871, 321K)

Damn, that conversation when literally nowhere

Just like most pol threads


I'm just here for the anime flag memes. Keep posting them.

That's all the new OC for tonight. I'll make a new thread tomorrow or add to this one if it's still up in the morning. I'm not quite quite if I'm breaking the rules though...