Whats up

whats up

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Gayniggers are trying to take over

Again, these fuckers don't get it.. I guess it's that they don't usually hang out here..

Nice 9!
I like to think that the Birdies are up, why else have the flappy wings?!

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You are wise guy

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My penis in ur mom XD


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I might be a genius!

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gif (you)s

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Cirno is so smart

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drinking my morning tea

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w-why hate...

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Don't their black wings dare
Fly over our Motherland

Don't the enemy dare tread

Our immense fields

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you didn’t

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oh my god you did why did you do that?

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the sky


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kindly go back to the 90's please

Our beauty.

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No u

...Reverse UwU


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do you know what happens if he finds out? Like oh my god

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Who he?
finds what?

you are based

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you forgot your boyfriend’s birthday??!? you monster!!!! what will he say???

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nigga what?

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my dick

Ah, I can feast my eyes on these forever.
Thank you, based abe.

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You are welcome bro
But what about mig 31 ?
I cant wait to see new mig jet pak da

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Mig-31 is awesome too, especially all those near-space flight vids coming up every now and then (also, its fucking SPEED).
But, oh well, can't hide my love for these sleek, sexy forms of or lovely belle, the Su-57.
By the way, they're saying PAK DA will be structured somewhat like pic related, so can't wait to see it soar in the skies too.

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>autistically designed flying wing
It almost never works out

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Target practice for the F-xx

don’t you ”nigga what” me. wish him happy birthday!

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What about B2 then? Never did any in-depth research on it, of course, but it seems to be working fine. Or is it?

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I misspell its called
pak dp
pad da - is Tupolev project

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Only one that ever worked well

Well, I've read a couple articles about it, but nothing more. Just stopped following it until al least some more information about it will show up, because right now even its appearance is a speculation.
But it's interesting how many of these new PAKs appeared recently. Well, one's finished, two to go, hope we'll have enough time, money, and, of course, enthusiasm to finish them all.

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Im just glad that Mig and Tupolev have some work to do or else mig would have collapse
btw whats up with Yakovlev okb?

Well, hope we'll have some innovation and do something about this mono-wing design that will work out for us somehow.

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Would it be considered a biplane?

It's concentrated on these passenger MS-21 liners now, along with the training Yak-152 planes, as far as I know. So no new major battle birds, like it used to produce a while ago.

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Eat POO poo you sissy

P51 Mustang

No-no-no, it will have a mono-wing design like B2, I've used an X-49 as an example just because this conversation about planes reminded me about Ace Combat 3 and its futuristic planes.
Ah, one of my most favorite games on PS1.

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кaк твoи дeлa

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America number one

A y тeбя кaк?

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For number of obese people?
for sure !

I heard he dresses up like a girl 4 u

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wtf missed me with that gay shit

Check'd and kek'd.

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???? but ur bee eff
btw rena a cute

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You are grand buddy

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I have no bee eff
yep shes cute

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Russian collusion

Didnt think google translate was intelligible

Obese in all the right places unlike your unfed people

what someone lied to me i thought u had a bee eff with a feminine peep

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its lie
Im straight


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wtf I thought you were gay like this whole time I’m not even new
lawl ik where that picture was taken

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arent you glad that Im normal


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Now begone homo

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No homos in my thread
also happy birthday

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Confirmed homo