How do i stop this fucking shit

how do i stop this fucking shit

Attached: xf.png (787x628, 33K)

get out of the """freedom land"""

move to a country that isn't so heavily cucked by ISPs

Would changing DNS fix the problem? Sounds like it would but I'm not sure, never been cucked that hard by an ISP before

Find a new ISP or maybe your account settings allow you to ignore warnings

You know nothing of ISP's in the US

You know nothing of ISP's in any country


1.go to settings configure your proxy server in the browser
2.try again

You're posting here so I guess you figured it out. Mod can lock this thread. :)

https everywhere? also stop using their DNS, either go for (google) or (cloudflare)

It's an opt in feature called protected browsing. Turn it off

Yurop doesn't have these issues (yet) retard.

Bongs are implementing a porn license. What are you on about?

use jewgles dns
its legitimiately free and open source

its a home wifi filter, client (or home) side.

just go to settings and turn off the rulecuckoldry

There are multiple ISP's in Europe with built in warnings about websites, including places like Australia and New Zealand. And like the other user said you're literally going to have to pay a licensing fee just to access porn domains regardless if the porn is free or not. In America there's no restrictions on content unless the content itself violates American law. Basically, direct activity inciting violence or child porn or drugs/weapon trafficking.

>Jow Forums is dangerous
>indian scam site: totally safe.

Go buy an Asus router and switch your ISPs to bridge.

>There are multiple ISP's in Europe with built in warnings about websites, including places like Australia and New Zealand
>Australia and New Zealand
Fucking Christ, amerimuttlardfats are literally retarded.

Le 56% education

>block Jow Forums
>don't block 10x worse, reddit

I will never understand this meme.

Delete system32

i was having the exact same issue as OP and this fixed it for me

If you posted anti net neutrality threads, take a moment to contemplate your actions and their results. Then click access anyway.

>including places like Australia and New Zealand
you can't make this shit up, Americans are literally

i already tried that

tried this already, nothing happened.

Hasn't once happened to me on Spectrum or Verizon.

send a letter of complaint to
Chief Chunkblower and The Senior Bottom Fondler
of Xfinity
Dear Chief Chunkblower and Senior Bottom Fondler
Have you seen this shit?
You suck
Goodbye I am going to get a new ISP unless you fix it
PS I hope your fucking leg falls off and it drops down a drain

We still have Jow Forums you know

>Europoor Aussie mad that he isn't American
Maybe in the next life after Muhammad beheads you lmao

move out or pay for your own internet or

Where did you guys get your educations? Because no where in my response did I imply new zealand/Australia was part of Europe. I referenced bad ISP's in Europe, including places like Australia and New Zealand. I did say Europe included Australia and New Zealand. Fucking reading comprehension is 0.

Face it limey Aussie is just a leftover colony you retards populated with the most degenerate shitizens you had that’s tried to become its own England.

Bongs are doing bonxit, they aren't yuros anymore.

australia is as much european as the US is
did you know that australia is closer to the US than it is europe?

Learn to writey, el goblino.
I think the word you were looking for is "as well as" instead of "including"

You need to use different dns other than your isp's
Google's is fine even though they're kinda cucks and
Also the other one is supposed to be good



Either change your DNS or ask your parents to turn of the child filters

lol take control of your parents router and disable the safe browsing thing, if thats not an option then you'll have to use a VPN

You must be 18 to post here, summerfag.

Which country?

>memes are illegal in yurop


try one or the following:
1. change DNS, preferably encrypted one via dnscrypt-proxy
2. enforce HTTPS by some extension
3. use VPN
4. use Tor
5. create your own self hosted Wireguard VPN

why would you want to visit that gay website?


Attached: 1554800502312.jpg (453x410, 88K)

deprecated in favor of DoT and DoH

>plain http

Attached: 1555172555692.jpg (336x476, 41K)

you should have said Commonwealth instead of europe

Pretty sure he's talking about software (which already supports DoT), not protocol.

Are you using an isp router? Lmfao

Looks like you’ve had a bit too much to think there partner

Stop using your ISPs DNS for fuck's sake, there's literally no reason to.

Why does all Americans think "Europe" means "The UK"
Frankly it's telling that all your examples encompas solely Anglo countries, it's almost like Anglos are inherently puritanical and hate freedom.

>no where in my response did I imply new zealand/Australia was part of Europe
>I did say Europe included Australia and New Zealand

Attached: 1560290015022.jpg (720x813, 36K)

It's and


>using google dns

ye ok

no i use tomato

Use someone else's DNS.

Remember when Jow Forums was blocked from xfinity a couple of years ago? They said it was an "accident", but i'm sure this is an accident too.

funny thing is they dont block Jow Forums, only 4channel

wait what

Australia is in Eurovision, is completely cucked, is run by people who hate themselves for being white. It's as European as synagogues and trucks of peace.

>he uses ISP DNS

l o l

>he uses DNS over HTTP


wrong. germany had the infamous t-online redirect page. when you entered any non-reachable url it would redirect you to an adpage with the t-online logo.

I'm no expert but have you tried clicking "Access Site"?

Be based and use vpn and changpass