I'll bet you drones thought Intel was done and finished, with nothing up their sleeve? I'll bet you though 15% IPC increase was impressive?
Ryzen who?
Other urls found in this thread:
fake and gay
>CPU in 2020 to beat CPU in 2019
Woah, better suffer for another year like a good goy huh
>333% lower clockspeed
>18% better ipc
>only 3% better ipc after applying security updates
How much does Intel pay to create shill videos on ''''leaked'"' marketing ploy benchmarks like this?
Is intel even self aware at this point
>idiot with open mouth on the left
>product that he wants to push on the right
okay, in the dead fish trashcan he goes. No view from me, OP.
>Literally who youtuber doing Intel's bidding.
Even Intel only claims 18% IPC improvement. The 40% shown in the leak is the best case workload on the very right of this graph. Means CPU-Z will have to adjust their algorithm again.
When AMD released the Athlon 64 the Intel shills were hyping the upcoming "Pentium 5". Same old vaporware tactics.
>mobile Sonnylake @3.6ghz beats desktop Kabylake @5.2ghz
This makes no sense what so ever
I want to punch this guy in his fucking dumb looking face
this is a shill thread trying to get clicks on some no name "tech" youtuber.
>literally who söyboy youtuber shilling intel
>18-40% improvement (no patches applied™)
Meanwhile 10nm got pushed back to 2022.
But I am sure their gaming segment will save them losing their enterprise segment to AMD. After all we all know that gaming CPUs are Intels number one income source by a large margin don't we, fellow retards.
Sunnycove architecture on desktop is 2021 with Rocket Lake, by that time Zen 4 should be out.
Next desktop 14+++++++ refresh is Comet Lake which is still Skylake arch. Intel will have good perf lead on mobile front for now though.
We now know why Raja visited Samsung, he cut a deal to fab their desktop processors and maybe upcoming GPUs. Intel 10nm doesn't have any bright future prospects.
>made up leak from chinese goy
Shilling for Intel is a dead-end job. Get out while you can.
Haha wtf is intel really dead now?
Who's that LinuxShitTips zoomer clone?
>LinuxShitTips zoomer clone
kek can't unsee now
Some American who live in South Africa
more like cunnylake, amirite?
checked for cunny
I mean people do the same for amd. How many people were making videos taking AdoredTV stuff seriously?
Although this 40% is too bullshit to even consider making a video. At least the adoredtv leak craze could be explained by somewhat naive optimism while this is just inexcusable. They just want those clicks
Everyone should've already known this. You have to be an idiot to believe Intel's 10nm promises at this point.
They are backporting new microarchitecture to 14nm, 10nm is toast.
nah, it could be done by adding integer/floating point units to each core - if the program and the CPU may fully utilize them, then you will get a boost in IPC. If the workload is strictly sequential, then the extra units will do nothing.
Basically what AMD did with Zen 2 (improving their FP units) and cough also Bulldozer cough.
some dutch whities that never left.
>chinese "leak"
>comparison of clocks and single thread performance with no evidence whatsoever, looks like it's hacked together in MS Paint, could be claiming anything it wanted
>Intel's own marketing slide
>chart isn't even labeled on the X-axis, insufficiently labeled on the Y-axis, basically contains no information at all
>average 18% improvement over Skylake
>not Coffee Lake
>Skylake, an architecture released almost four years ago
>laptop processors
>18% ipc
we're doing this again?
18% since skylake from 2015 mind you.
>40% ipc in some fake test
>intel themselves claim 18% ipc increase
>in reality it's more like 8%
>sunny cove
>mobile shits
>desktop chips somewhere when Zen 3 is coming or 4 if they keep stalling like they are
OP is faggot