Add a family friend's business to google maps in order to help them out with their sales

>add a family friend's business to google maps in order to help them out with their sales
>you can add shit like LGBTQ friendly or that the business is run exclusively by women


Attached: Screenshot_6.png (770x770, 598K)

Meh, there are market segments that care about that shit. Check the box for more customers, why not?

> a private company offers you a free service to increase business
> Gay customers exist

Attached: 1558195799766.jpg (960x781, 110K)


>mark all businesses in the south as LGBTQ friendly

Attached: 1535170806641.png (977x1195, 649K)

why would you care if a business was ran exclusively by women?

when i visit a shop all i care about is how i am being treated, and not the gender of the person that works there.

>why would you care if a business was ran exclusively by women?
Feminism, Representation and other SJW buzzwords

it's 2019

>you can add shit like LGBTQ friendly
There's money in that user

Attached: photo_2019-06-18_08-37-27.jpg (720x450, 84K)

I added a b&b I stayed at in scotland to google maps as a favor to the guy and it never got approved

What if I'm a Muslim lady that wish to have my pubic hair removed?
Or some incel looking for nice massage.

Just like how people care if the company is national or from another country.
Or how blacks care about businesses being owned by blacks.

This has always bothered me. Loyalty to an ethnicity isn't racist as long as you're not white.

>how do priority queues work.

are you technologically illiterate?

So you know not to go there.

I exclusively shop at small businesses owned by straight white males.

>exclusively by women
Is there the same tag but for businesses run exclusively by men?

>that honker at the bottom

Attached: lol31.jpg (550x343, 19K)

>and that's a good thing

What does a priority queue have to do with marking a business as ran by women?

no that would be sexist you fascist

So how will i know what stores to avoid?

Avoid the stores that aren't selling what you want to buy. It's not hard. Who the fuck cares

i can use that tool to boycott those stores.