When Jow Forums was created, a lot of people hated Australians. I don't feel hated anymore. Somebody hate me please...

When Jow Forums was created, a lot of people hated Australians. I don't feel hated anymore. Somebody hate me please. It's not the same anymore.

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No, you're a cute

You turned our hate into love.

fucking needy cunt pooftah

Thank you but it's not the same coming from another Australian...

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im sorry everyone here is a soft retard but i still have a burning hatred for you faggots and wish you'd just burn in a brush fire

y-you really mean it?

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>brush fire
I wonder what this could mean

I hate you so much I'd hug you to death.

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absolute fucking state of burgers

I may be fucking lame but at least I'm not and levels of lame.

youre still a faggot


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Fuck, trips. Guess I've got the big gay now

Fucking stupid attention whoring australian, do the world a favour and kill yourself you fucking faggot

i dont know what your inferior brain could derive except literally dying in a brush fire but whatever

Stop being nice to me! I'm a shitposter I swear!
...Why didn't you quote me in among the lame people?
I don't understand... Is that how you say "Fuck Australians" in Spanish?

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Because then I would be going back on what I said originally. And that's rude. Also, you didn't try to hug people over the interweebs

Thank you thank you thank you thank you

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christmas cake

That was my best abo impression for "Australians are dicklets and you should bulli their cocks"

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fuck youre an absolute poofta. if i had to guess. youre from melbourne

its like its a huge stretch for a Spaniard to be an abbo
practically the same thing

you're literally the gay hippes of europeans
imagine being that homosexual. i literally cannot conceive the amount of constant dick sucking and fail that goes on in span

Oh, That makes sense! Thank you user!
Nope I'm from Adelaide

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I'm sorry user but Adelaide has been diagnosed with the big gay

Well it actually is when you consider the fact that you are nearly our antipodes
Dumb heaven, you should tell your daddies to give you some geography lessons
Ok space homoboi

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dont ever imply im space cowboy again or ill actually get slighty angry

frick yoy
but also qt thread

their busy fucking your mommies because abbo Spanish women are all whores

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But! I like girls! Also I really appreciate how you implied I'm a homo
No its not cute its gay and cringy. Say it's gay and cringy. Put me in your cringe compilation. PLEASE

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Heaven that doesnt make any fucking sense
I call all americans with bad grammar spaceaids gayboi
Nothing personal

>Put me in your cringe compilation
very well, but only because (You) asked for it :^)

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We are on Jow Forums almost everyone is gay. there are very few of us who are not.

eat shit and die

spaceaids gayboy

Now do it with more conviction against Australians please!!
Oh god yes that feels good thank you user

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you are the scum of asia, deserve no place in the world but slavery

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Then make fun of me for not being gay!
Thank you Japanese user I really appreciate it glory to Nippon

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that response is kind of gay

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Why would I tease someone for not being gay?

Thank you please say more mean things to me
Because I don't fit in here! I don't belong here!

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you have the retarded

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More please

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Stop being faggots

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