I hate

I hate

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next post will be niggers i bet

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having leaky manboobs?

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Is that seriously Dr. Medic's sickening man tit?

damn it why am i never right when i make this post. when i dont make it im right

he posted it as such


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Heaven, why have you brought this image to me. Why must you make me suffer having seen such a disturbing thing. I need bleach

you suck at prediction

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im telling you when i dont do the post im correct with my prediction


Why Heaven?!

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then don't ever post again and be happy that your right

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i probably should

No, he is very stupid for thinking so.

but I believed in you
were you a liar?
are you lying now?

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I hunger


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Heaven, Why does Dr. Medic lie to us? Is he afraid of the truth?

i'm afraid so

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If he is so afraid, then why did he do such things to his body? I just can't understand his course of action

I don't care who it is I just want moar