The difference between debian/centos users and users of other linux distros is like the difference between autists who...

The difference between debian/centos users and users of other linux distros is like the difference between autists who like star trek and autists who obsess over sonic the hedgehog and want to marry tails.

Attached: based.png (477x335, 135K)

who doesn't want to marry tails? he has a double dong

both are bad with very short LTS exact opposite what servers need

Does CentOS even still exist? I thought they've been kill after redhead started to do something to their patch distribution for rhel...

Anyway, since I just tested fedora which is the base for rhel and thus for CentOS, I can confidently say that their package manager is utterly and exceptionaly shit. Dnf/RPM and such, not only it's slow, the repo index files are huge and and GUI is basically retarded.

I actually kinda hate Debian since it switched to systemd (again, a red hat piece of shit) but apt/aptitude/synaptic is fast and quite comfy to use.

This is only one example. However the amount of shit that is coming out of red hat isn't funny anymore. Of course that's also showing in their distros and those based in them.

>CentOS is killed?
CentOS is just part of Red Hat now. It's still actively maintained - probably even better with the close relation / help of Red Hat maintainers.

>RPM package managers are shit
>APT is comfy, but Debian isn't
Consider another distro based on Debian, then

>consider another distro
I try to use Devuan where I can to continue the pre-systemd feeling of Debian and the huge Software repository that comes with it... but those lazy devuan didn't make true on their "independent development after ASCII" and it's still just old-stable (outdated, bad Hardware support....) Debian. They couldn't even be bothered to update the kernel, alsa, mesa...

There, technology is overall just shit these days. We can't even have flamewars about our favorite tech because everyone sane knows it's all shit. Anyone else is a shill or clinically insane.

Any downstream distro of Debian doesn't work as good(yes including Ubuntu). They just work for sure but tend to break on upgrades which Debian does not. You either pick Debian or pick something far from it, don't pick other #121029 fork of Debian, it will never work as good.

I use Debian for 3 reasons:

1. It boots much faster
2. Whenever I search for answers to a Linux problem, the overwhelming majority of results are for Debian or a distro that is derived from Debian.
3. If there is a Linux version of Windows/Mac software, they almost always have a Debian version. They sometimes have a RHEL/Fedora/CentOS version.

- Sent from my Debian VM on my Debian hypervisor

How do these distros actually break for you? Do you use shady PPAs or something?

I thi k you should consider another distro entirely if Devuan doesn't work for you. All other Debian derivatives all use systemd, I fear