Anyone else here love cute boys

anyone else here love cute boys

Attached: 601fa8436e10dcacdd88f44eee68526a.png (728x900, 335K)

Yes, me

i am a cute boy, i also love cute boys

Not true

Attached: 1506722959246.png (331x336, 4K)

Why do you do this , please explain yourself

you are not allowed to gaypost with the beloved purple neet

Attached: Why you're gay.jpg (650x650, 86K)

Stop being a faggot

Attached: 1498661595580.gif (500x500, 454K)

no its straight posting

ruskies cute

Attached: 1542514204790.png (605x705, 507K)

you're an female?

Attached: wha.jpg (482x500, 208K)

Russkies hate me and try to mock me

Attached: 01b4d7a3cc31ce2b3e8f20806dfed88a899d297b.jpg (900x606, 61K)

Asking for statistic
do you hate me?

I do! I'm talking to a very sweet robot right now!

I *am* a cute boy.

cuM id

define "hate"

but that's just sweet

Attached: 1545057057862.jpg (1076x1500, 123K)

Okay just tell me why do Ruskiess neglect me

why you delete

shut up dummy

Attached: 61EEA24C-7610-4692-A8E4-C2686F866F6E.jpg (320x480, 52K)

i dunno ask them
shut up
nice dubs lole

Its not me buddy its imposter


Attached: 6D99B9CF-CCA6-410B-A3F3-44DB1BD741E6.png (240x240, 94K)

Okay but you dont feel negative towards me right?

Im not a gay
and newer will i be

why are burgers here on Jow Forums such absolute faggots