Map Thread

Post maps.

Attached: 800px-Europe_late_bronze_age.png (800x614, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: new zealand tourist map.jpg (940x736, 251K)

very good thread

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Best map coming through you fucking plebs.

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my current game

Attached: 20181218135947_1.jpg (1920x1080, 511K)

Attached: 1 - pJUyvr4 - Star Trek - United Federation of Planets and Nearby Space.jpg (2627x1764, 1.11M)

Attached: 2 - ht0dZEn - Star Trek - Galaxy Map.jpg (1250x810, 405K)

Attached: 4 - YHa4ViW - Interactive Timeline Map Of Doctor Who.png (952x933, 612K)

Attached: 5 - eiNhoFS - Twelve Colonies of Battlestar Galactica.jpg (2000x1350, 796K)

Attached: 6 - ArXkiKW - Halo.jpg (1600x1265, 380K)

Attached: 7 - roj1YcB - Mass Efffect.png (1024x1024, 1.65M)

Attached: 8 - OcSr3TZ - Firefly.jpg (3125x2061, 1.36M)

Attached: 9 - WIRDVZQ - The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy.jpg (2458x1908, 725K)

Attached: 8 - bF6BHOd - Diskworld.jpg (2532x2576, 1.55M)

Attached: 9 - qPdg594 - Dungeons and Dragons - Greyhawk.jpg (2950x2235, 1.11M)

Attached: 6 - iVhSbii - The Wheel of Time.jpg (1000x750, 184K)

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The kind of autism it would take to produce this...


You guys ever think up alternate timelines?

Attached: a better Europe.png (3240x2700, 754K)

Very nice

Attached: iyrvc2434opz.png (1571x1358, 204K)

how autistic does one have to be to draw in this detail?

absolutely b*sed

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 11K)

what the fuck am I looking at

That's Europe.

A much more hilarious map than I could think up. Oh well, was still fun.

Attached: German Colonial Empire.png (1425x625, 41K)

Attached: Baldurs-Gate-724x1024.jpg (724x1024, 300K)

Thank you Rus bro.
I'll post some today after work.

Attached: qYMg2XF.jpg (2677x1080, 827K)

>wasting 5/7 of prime land on a graveyard

>based Macedonia

Attached: Brittoons.png (462x554, 235K)

Slavland looks like an lgbtqwerty flag. What do you mean by that?

Top kek m8

Lies they never took copenhagen we held the bitches back and retook oure country

Attached: eece342860e81e14d25025d4b77d3f83.jpg (903x1137, 382K)

*tips schizophrenia*

there are so many things wrong with this map, but they are balanced by the great things about
so bad job but good job whoever did this

What is this supposed to represent? The depiction of the ethnicities of the UK in cartoons?

Attached: 1495837231421.jpg (1290x1275, 1.22M)

This is why I hide Jow Forums threads

cartoons of which countries theyre from or where they're set i think

I made this a while back, alternative British Isles (the actual modern state would still be a similar union like we have in real life). It is part of a larger setting but I never got around to drawing the rest of Europe (and the world) since I am lazy and suck at visual editing.

Attached: Alt-GB - Smol.png (1430x1920, 869K)

looks great and thanks for including us

aww shucks user i personally think my map is pretty lame in terms of execution, you can tell that my editing skills are poor - but thanks.
yeah i definitely included the Isle of Man and even made it a bit bigger :)

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Wow all of a sudden my house turned into Beach front property kaching goys looks like I got my shekels worth

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Attached: Latin-America-970-72ppi.jpg (970x1161, 610K)

That's all I got.

Attached: 1537487788307.jpg (2400x2284, 989K)

I always wanted to live on a boat. Also you forgot Alaska

no surprise commiefornia is fucking retarded

Attached: Inuit_map.jpg (750x585, 45K)

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Attached: 1218px-AncientGreekDialects_(Woodard)_en.svg.png (1218x1024, 325K)

My favorite map in the thread:

Attached: 1280px-Map_greek_sanctuaries-en.svg.png (1280x1022, 936K)

Attached: 1502px-Homeric_Greece-en.svg.png (1502x1253, 667K)

Attached: 1580px-Ancient_Egypt_map-hiero.svg.png (1580x3224, 1.01M)

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Attached: The_Low_Countries.png (863x1011, 46K)