Femanon requires post break up help

Just broke up with my first bf. Trying to get over it. Have resolved that maybe I should try hooking up to make the process faster. This guy was my first EVERYTHING. It’s hard to picture myself with anyone else.

Not sure the social norms around hooking up and stuff.
Also very rare that I find a guy that’s attractive to me. (Wasn’t physically attracted to my ex). Don’t know if I could have a meaningless hookup with a guy I don’t find hot.
How to hook up. What to do about lack of attraction.

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You came to the wrong place gore spam incoming

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The absolute state of abe
The copypasta speaks the truth girls only want 10/10

just dont be gay. try go out with a girl instead of rp'ing as one on Jow Forums

My ex was not 10/10 and I’d get back with him if I could

Guys say that so they have an excuse as to why they can’t get girls

kill yourself

Very helpful I hadn’t thought of that

Niggers first

I love jews now

anything to help out leaf. i wish you the best in your quest for puss

how about you just keep it in your pants until you find someone you actually like instead of being a dumb whore?

Femanon here, neck yourself.
Shits tight

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>implying women exists at all

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you poor thing

Ty bb

Woah do not force yourself into hookups if you're totally not into them

How picky are you? Surely not that bad

fuck I was gonna post this
Join us

marxism is a 10/10 ideology

just remember that there will always be a tomorrow. even if you have the worst day of your life. It will go on. I would recommend that you wait a little bit before you start dating again. Break ups can be emotional, and emotions can lead to poor judgement. I am sure that you are beautiful and deserving of love. Everybody is deserving of love. You will find another loved one but it is not necessary for you to have another man. you complete yourself, remember that. I can't give you any advice on finding another one because I am voluntarily celibate . so sorry

T. Desperate pussy starving orbiter


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