>Be Indian
>caucasoid features
>born brown but not a shitskin negroid
>True /polacks/ like me more than filthy blacks
Feels good man
I don’t think there’s anything lower than a nigger. Even kikes, spics, chinks are more valuable than them
>Be Indian
>caucasoid features
>born brown but not a shitskin negroid
>True /polacks/ like me more than filthy blacks
Feels good man
I don’t think there’s anything lower than a nigger. Even kikes, spics, chinks are more valuable than them
>be indian
>OP is Indian
>shitting on the wrong continent
>posting this shit thread again
Kill yourself OP
>>Be Indian
>>caucasoid features
Wasn't more of your ancestral land white at some point in history?
you don't poo?
i wanna lick her pussy
Does she still pretend to not have fake tits?
>be Indian
>be tracer
>i'm already tracer
Everybody poops, and frankly if I had to pick one, I'd rather deal with a pajeet than a nigger.
You will always be a pooloo
Clearly you are a dumb poo at that seeking for approval on Jow Forums
my nigga
Based and poopilled
As would I, they normally smell too much of food and can be shitty people, but at least they're actually people.
>True /polacks/ like me more than filthy blacks
lol nobody likes you here ranjeet
I’ve seen this thread 3 times now
It’s a shitty copy pasta
Also nigs>poos
Thanks for that... for bringing a tear to mine eye.
hi nigger
how does it feel to know that nobody likes your subhuman kind?
my nigga x2
> please revert
Pajeets are legit honorary Aryans.
Really hard working and are actually really clever when not suffering from poverty
Also you shouldn't hate the "lesser" races. You should take petty for it is only in their nature. Like a tiger slaughtering your family
Thank you!
based poos
>Born Brown But not a Shitskin
>curry nigger
Not true. Kikes are the ultimate adversary to the white race, created by Nature to be the perfect predator against whites. Now, the negroid is right behind, but only because there are so many and they are so stupid. Whites are the only race who are both intelligent and divine enough to ever have a reasonable hope to espace the perils of this world. Jew are intelligent, but also inherently evil. They seek to destroy, whereas Aryan can create. Intelligence, creative potential, and the destruction of all adversary are the prerequisites to espacing the mortal realm. We are failing as a race because we are not united, acting in our self-interest, nor in harmony with nature. It will be a sad day for the whole world if we rail
>coping that hard
LMAOing at (You) Pooloo
Americans don't poo. They shart.
>h-hey im not a nigger, r-right?
>t. Quasi wh*Toid subhuman
STFU wh*Toid. We ARE niggers. I have AFRIKAN blood and proud of it. My ancestor was a BLACK BULL that killed and raped wh*Tes during the 1857 revolt. In fact our BLACKNESS levels were so high the wh*Tes put us under “Criminal Tribes Act” — it wasn’t seen as something to be disgraced of, but to be proud of. Armed with a Mughal musket and a sword, we would conduct raids on wh*Te settlements even after the Marathas fell. After 1857, harrowing accounts of wh*Te women being raped and burnt to death were published in British newspapers as the East India Company lost the control to the British government.
If it weren’t for good boy dogs like you, we would’ve earned the independence in 1857 slaughtering all wh*Tes on BLACK territory. My ancestors killed them while yours fought for them. The tragedy of India is its occupied by quasi-wh*Te dogs and actual BLACK BULLS.
What does this picture have to do with your post?
No one cares nor wants to see what you wish you could fuck.
I’m Swiss, Mr. Singh
>not a shitskin
try again
Wow. I'd really like you to say that shut publicly. Please. Go on YouTube or something. I need a good laugh
Where am I wrong exactly?
Poo indeed > nogs
But it's still shitskin.
>Not true. Kikes are the ultimate adversary to the white race, created by Nature to be the perfect predator against whites.
You sound schizo
>Now, the negroid is right behind, but only because there are so many and they are so stupid.
If they're so stupid they shouldn't be a threat
>Whites are the only race who are both intelligent and divine enough to ever have a reasonable hope to espace the perils of this world.
>Jew are intelligent, but also inherently evil. They seek to destroy, whereas Aryan can create.
Are you an Aryan? I think you might be delusional as to what an Aryan is
>Intelligenceotential, and the destruction of all adversary are the prerequisites to espacing the mortal realm.
We transcending now?
>We are failing as a race because we are not united, acting in our self-interest, nor in harmony with nature. It will be a sad day for the whole world if we rail
Your spelling mistakes tell you you typed this out in a frenzy. You need to take your pills bruv.
Also there is no such thing as a white race. 100 years ago a Brit would hate the thought that you'd group them with Italians Germans or Irish. Or just about any other European the same goes for the rest of Europe
i hope your farm gets nogged.
Do you have a sister in the UK, OP? What kind of men does she date? I'm only asking because from my experience, I never saw an Indian woman who dated anything other than white men.
Payjeets are literally part Aryan
Let me tell you something OP as a black person, I would NEVER want to be born Indian. Small dicks, socially awkward weird smelly ugly as fuck people, at least we get fetishized who the fuck has ever sat down and thought "I'd like an Indian man to father my kids'' get the fuck out of here lmao.
Its a d&c thread by a wh*Te dog. take a look at my post, blacks are brothers.
>>Be Indian
ali akbar n grill
What the fuck is going on.
What's worse is my guy came on a Japanese image board full of autists to get some sort of vindication, god you're so fucking pathetic it hurts. I could be a born a snail and I would still be more honorable than your white boot-licking ass.
Poo in loo, Pajeet
Based black bvll
The damage is done bro I'll take back my insults but there is nothing more disgusting than a minority to who seeks approval from those who hate him, I guess I got carried away.
You still don’t belong here, filthy abbo subhuman
Absolutely fucking based
Why Indians seem to speak perfect british english, but speak american english like shit? The worst thing that can happen to you is getting stuck with an Apu on any IT department.
>Giving a fuck about what some autists think about you in an anonymous image board
Are you the third Puerto Rican ever on this board or did you forget to type in zerd?
nice green ID