ATTENTION: The Navi RX 5700XT and RX 5700 will launch alongside Ryzen 3000 series CPUs with PCIe 4.0 on 7/7/2019. Nvidia is rumored to be releasing a SUPER series with slightly increased specs over the original 20 series. Pricing is looking high. More info on the SUPER series possible on 6/21.
Want help? >State budget & CURRENCY >Post at least some attempt at a parts list >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs based on current pricing: >Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS) >R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming >R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs >i7 8700 or 9700K - Extreme solution for absolute max FPS >R7 2700/X - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing
RAM: >Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended >CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal >AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP
Graphics cards based on current pricing: >Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty 1080p >RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value >GTX 1660 - standard >RTX 2060 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor) 1440p >RTX 2060 - standard >RTX 2080 - high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor) 2160p (4K) >RTX 2080 - standard >RTX 2080Ti - better fit for 4K but expensive
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync >A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor >Bottleneck checkers are worthless
What's the highest end GPU my computer can support? I realise different games have different requirements but how high can I go without bottlenecking my system too much?
If the only cpu overclocking I will do is PBO, what motherboard should i get for 2700 and eventually 3800 ryzen? I assume a GB x470 AORUS GAMING 7 is overkill.
you can save hunderds of dollars if you do it yourself
Jaxon Stewart
PBO pumps stupid voltage into your chip, so a better motherboard is going to be better, better VRMs and VRM cooling especially.
Logan Roberts
Probably 2060 @ 1080p
If you don't learn how to work 'under the hood' of your PC, you'll be a retarded cripple when something fucks up
Wyatt Evans
>Probably 2060 @ 1080p Is that just a guess or?
Benjamin Cox
>ask Jow Forums about best price/performance cpu >everyone tells me to buy ryzen cpu >enter speccy thread >intel i5's and i7's everywhere >only a handful ryzen owners
What problems will I encounter if I use a 1080p 60Hz monitor extended to my 144Hz 1440p monitor?
Julian Brown
It's an estimation. The CPU's probably not much better than an OC'd i7 2600K in terms of maximum framerate. If you want to know more, just look through gamegpu's benchmarks, and compare the i7's framerate with the graphics card benches, keeping in mind that the graphics are usually tested on ultra
Gabriel Gonzalez
>probably not much better than an OC'd i7 2600K This is what a jew would think.
Oliver Brown
Is overclocking your CPU even worth it? In what cases would you need it?
I'm so close to pulling the trigger on this. The price is great for a 2080.
Juan Peterson
They've been doing $650 2080's fairly regularly every few months.
I've seen it at least 3 times since jan.
Sebastian Stewart
>Convince me not to just buy a prebuilt If you need to buy a prebuilt you'll be better off buying a console. Cause when anything goes wrong (even software related). You'll be running to the shop to get them to fix it wasting even more money. Not trying to be mean but I know people that know jack shit about computers and they can't solve anything themselves. Always resorting to pestering others. So save yourself a ton of money and trouble and just get the ps5
Elijah Green
Look at benchmarks. Intel's been dominating for gaming. We'll see how the new ryzen cpus do next month
It's only 2 more cores, and some games already do use them, so if the extra cost of the 9700k doesn't change your GPU choice, then the 9700k is the better buy.
Angel Jackson
If it's glued no if not yes
Caleb James
I would stay the fuck away from any zotac 2080. They have a lot of issues.
Jonathan Russell
Never stop doing this.
Jordan Moore
thats actually a good price for the AMP though ive never used Zotac
Caleb Harris
It feels pretty glued actually so I won't. It's my first build so I'm kinda hesitant.
Carter Bennett
Pretty sure it's just an ESD barrier to protect the motherboard from any potential discharge.
Depends on how much you want to spend. The fps difference between the 2 is minimal, but the 9700k is like $180 more. I would say the 9600k is better bang for the buck
Depends what you want, if you want heavy OCing, and a sleek look, you'll want a large 240mm+ AIO cooler.
If you just want best bang for buck cooling, you'll want something like the Dark Rock pro4, or NH-D15 or similar large heat sink coolers.
Adrian Cooper
as a general rule i dont buy used ram,motherboard or cpu theres so many things that can go wrong if those parts are used
Jaxson Clark
Should be fine satan
William Harris
i need two not loud not expensive 120mm fans QUICK
Joseph Fisher
arctic f12
Jace Bennett
AF120 FUCK the F12
William Rivera
open box arez vega 56 for 250eur yes/no? current is 2700x + r9 390. 1080p, want more frames
also what's the general recommendation for 2tb sata ssd + ~500gb nvme tlc/mlc ssd for gayman? i'm considering sandisk ultra 3d for 220eur and wd sn500 for 70eur
Matthew Myers
>corsair fans >silent
Jaxon Young
Keep thinking that the world is going to abandon Intel. It's not going to happen.
Cameron Ortiz
What's the cheapest non shit board I can buy for the ryzen 3 2200g? Should I get x370 over the b450
the max speed you can get will prolly be fucked by ram speeds, id say you can do 1440p but dont hope to pass 75fps without sacrifices
Blake Jones
At what frequency tho
Thomas Morgan
At stock
Anthony Gomez
guys i bought a 2080 and its arriving tomorrow and im having serious buyers remorse please convince me i made a good choice, i have a 9700k and running at 1080p 144hz
Ian Cox
Sorry but I don't know what that is.
Justin Price
stock for 9700k is 4.6Ghz all core and 4.9Ghz single core.
Carson Allen
its overkill
consider buying a 1440p144 monitor
Oliver Reyes
Thanks, not much room for OC then. Curious what that would mean for zen2 at 4.7
Sebastian Russell
A fucking 1070 can run 1080p at 144hz Complete overkill, dude
Brody Morgan
Recs for a case?
>2+ hdd and ssd slots that don't interfere with gpu >at least 4 usb ports on top front of case >preferably mesh front
Levi Richardson
oh i guess you could consider a 1080p240 monitor
Chase Walker
9700k can hit all core 5.2Ghz+ with a decent sample and cooling.
I'm not sure why you'd expect a lower process node to hit higher clocks anyway, first gen 7nm was never meant to clock super high
Intel has had years to perfect 14nm, and get as much Ghz as they can, so yeah it clocks a lot higher.
Again, this is basically what anyone who isn't an AMD fan boy expected, it wont beat intel single core performance, but it'll get closer.
should i return it for a 2070? or should i just keep it for futureproofing or incase i get a 1440p monitor?
Samuel Hill
My 'monitor' appears to have multiple layers. I know this isn't quite the right thread but I couldn't find an /sqt/ or any monitor threads on there and figured maybe you guys would know. Anyway, its actually a 4k TV but this is an entertainment machine so I figured it would do, ive had it a while and the quality is reasonable but just now I noticed it appears to be rendering 2 images, a background and foreground, and from what I can tell by looking at the edge of the screen and moving my head the 2 layers seem to be at least 2mm apart. The Start bar, scroll bars and title bars all appear to be rendered directly onto the screen, which is transparent, and the background, images and animations seems to be on the layer a couple of mm back, If I move my head around while looking at the edge there is a very definite parallax effect as my perspective of the layers shifts. Is this normal???
Xavier Miller
futureproofing is ideal
just keep it, heck, you could even get a 4k120 monitor for movies and just scale it to 1440p120 for vidya
Jackson Jones
Depends on your finances 1440p at 144hz with a 2080 is pretty glorious, but 1080p 144hz is still great with a 2070 or even 2060 (fine for 98% of games)
Adam Butler
There's a sheet of reflective plastic infront of the actual screen with a ~1mm air gap, what you're seeing is probably the reflection on the inside of that plastic sheet. You shouldn't be sitting close enough to a large TV screen to notice that in normal use. Monitors tend not to have that.
Nathan Roberts
Get the sexy new LG IPS 1440p 144hz panels.
Hunter Thompson
lol those are gonna cost a fuck ton at launch
David Harris
maybe I should stick this on the wall and get a proper monitor then...its 43 inch and sitting on my desk about a foot and a half from my face. pretty immersive though :D anyway thanks for the answer, that would have had me baffled for some time, I tried googling but it just came up with stuff about photoshop and such.
Jaxon Torres
Should I wait for the new set of GPUs and the 3950x before building a new PC?
Brody Scott
i appreciate the info but the 3600 and 9700k are in very different price ranges i'm not expecting the directly competing chip to beat the 9700k in single thread performance, but pitting the 3600 against the 9700k as if they're supposed to go head to head is a bit unfair
would 1440p on a 24 inch be pointless? i hate how big the 27 inch ones are
Lincoln Walker
wait for nvidia super
Oliver Price
anybody else getting a deus ex vibe from these amd slides?
Jonathan Ramirez
pick two, retard
Connor James
>Duck Tails poster >Playing Rescue Rangers on NES >The mullet and pink shirt >WHOA DUDE THIS RAD SHIT IS SO GNARLY, MAN
Fast forward to 2019
>Posters of Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars on the wall >Playing Farmville on an iPhone X >Cross-dressing, wearing a flock of seagulls haircut died in purple >REEEE GTFO OF MY SAFE SPACE MOM I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE THE TENDIES OUTSIDE THE DOOR
Lincoln James
>but pitting the 3600 against the 9700k as if they're supposed to go head to head is a bit unfair 9600K has similar single core to the 9700K
Luis Green
expensevier but no
the smoller the monitor the higher pixel density, you will notice a huge increase in quality
keep the old monitor as a second screen, even with the weird stutter you will have a neat workstation/multitask setup
Austin Ramirez
nvidia what
Aaron Nguyen
novidya supper
the new dietary device for gaemers
Dylan Rodriguez
>installed my 212 backwards hold me bros
Elijah Price
Connor Green
remember you can just fucking readjust the fan instead of redoing everything
Austin Smith
>preemptively killing amd before they even attempt their raytracing hardware solution well shit
Josiah Robinson
All the intel 9th gen chips that are unlocked can OC to roughly the same single core performance.
5Ghz or more depending on the sample, motherboard, cooling, etc.
David Harris
Anyone actually built the suggested builds in the OP? Looking for a decent PC around the $12-1300 price range, and the build looked pretty solid (removed the 1 TB SSD drive)
every week without a pre order is £100 I spend on booze and prostitutes
Liam Cox
add a bigger ssdor a second HDD pretty sure youshould get a z390 and a 9th gen consider waiting for nvidya super. should make that 2060 cheaper or give you a gpu that will allow for a future monitor upgrade
you sure about that case? you will keep that looks for a long time
Oliver Barnes
What CPU (Ryzen 3000's included) would you guys say is this best for working in Unreal Engine? Basically the best workstation CPU under $500. Preferably not xeons, I want some gaming capability too. Overclocking is 100% an option too.
Zachary Thomas
>add a bigger ssdor a second HDD Why, though? I have a really fast internet and don't really need the storage space
>pretty sure youshould get a z390 and a 9th gen Thanks, will look into that
Gavin Jones
yeah I know, I just feel like a retard
Bentley Murphy
SSDs do degrade faster having a HDD for storage is just safer and tbqh even 1 gig feels small for games as of late
Oliver Gonzalez
would 2x120mm fans be sufficient for intake on a carbide 270r? the gaps for air to enter are so fucking small