What namefag niggers see.
What namefag niggers see
What I see.
Ive got mad anonymous walking through my door
Hello Jow Forums, PinkyBong here.
Looking at me in a way they never had before
is this a good time to start namefaggin?
don't punch the namefags, they are what this board is all about
its better late than never
Shit post you say you are gonna left your name
well I guess its treason then
mfw half the thread is hidden for me
name of the animegirl?
Beta neetfag cant handle raw Jow Forums and has to filter things that trigger him.
Nameniggers are hated by satan
lmao he's just meming to get (You)s he doesn't actually filter anyone
I bet he did filtered me
he used to post in my posts
not anymore
Can't betray your nature huh fagapore?
Nah he just has nothing offensive to say but he still has to keep up his persona
Just another attention whore
(How are you abe?Not much time to chat tho)
t..that's not gay!
Im alright
I thought you just stopped writing me
Nah I just have more things to do these days
Getting a schedule to keep my life in check
Buying things that I like online
A little exercise here and there
What about you?
Im sorry but I will cease any further Communication with you Nothing personal
That upsets me but okay goodnight
They will see this, vid related.
Every namefag (Hero) here at Jow Forums has seen it at some point.
And then it will happen again.
And again.
Quite honestly, these namefag masochists coming at us again and again are pretty cringe overall.
Do you at least love me?