For me its MATLAB R2019a

For me its MATLAB R2019a

Attached: Matlab_Logo.png (897x806, 133K)

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I never liked matlab, its not as weird and fun as mathematica and it's not as useful as python

install octave

Attached: 1533382680128.png (1048x1024, 261K)

he doesn't takes the Julia pill yet.

I was about to start learning julia and then I saw that the useage was actually declining and decided I may as well use a different meme language. I think julia is cool though.

Is the logo supposed to look like a boner under a cloth?

Ree proprietary software

I unironically like and use MATLAB. It's handy for solving large systems of equations and numerical methods for differential equations

What would a practical application of that be?
t. Brainlet

Pretty much any physical science or engineering discipline would involve that

Engineering, where an approximation to n decimal points is good enough. If you're a mathematician then mathematica is more your thing since its better at symbolic analysis.

python is for tranny furry toy projects. matlab is for the big engineering boys

I use Octave because I'm poor. What am I missing out?

>What am I missing out?
most of it

function names like cumtrapz

Octave can do lin alg., functions and graph like most of base matlab so by most of it are you referring to the specific kits?

>tfw gets cucked by matlab for using AMD CPU because they use MKL

the startup process for matlab breaks school computers like nothing I've ever seen and I'm still stumped as to why.

>lin alg., functions and graph
you can do that with python, julia and fortran too. you don't need matlab if that's the only thing you want to do.
matlab's usability is much friendlier than those though.

I mainly use it for simulink

wait until you try to run solidworks on your shcool's shit machines

Pretty much nothing. I used Octave through college for Matlab assignments and just ran the final results in Matlab on a remote lab machine to make sure it worked. It always did, and I was never missing anything I needed in Octave. The two are pretty much identical for the vast majority of uses.

Is MATLAB aware of Octave and how do they feel about it?

I'm more of a MATLABâ„¢ R2018b man myself. Here's my torus:

function [p] = make_torus(a, b)
[theta, alpha] = meshgrid(0:pi/100:2*pi);
x = (b + a*cos(theta)).*sin(alpha);
y = (b + a*cos(theta)).*cos(alpha);
z = a*sin(theta);
p = mesh(x, y, z);

Attached: 1549349935730.jpg (715x715, 262K)




It's my dick popping out of R2 when I think about MATLAB.

>matlab's usability is much friendlier than those though.

That's more than enough reason to go with matlab over the others. It's much clunkier dealing with non-natural language for math.

Does this work well in AMD now?

Where exactly do you get your stats from? Seriously interested.
I'm currently porting my project from Matlab to Julia in the hopes of improving its efficiency but also utilize Julia's parallel computing.
Am I wrong to port to Julia? I don't want to waste my time, even if Julia is comfyAF.

Why would you use a matlab clone without simulink?

OwO pwease don't touch my bulgie-wulgie :3c


Then at least use scilab. Simulink is like the one reason to use matlab over the alternatives.

Nothing. And with matlab you miss on your freedom

The fuck is simulink?

to get a matrix in python you have to:
import numpy
a = np.array()

wtf I hate python now