Nitori is here to debug your fizzbuzz

Nitori is here to debug your fizzbuzz

Attached: 102938388218.png (400x400, 352K)

I want Nitori to sit on my face

for i in range(100):
return i

fizzbuzz (100)

equals = $(if $(filter $1,$2),$1)
slice = $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1)
map = $(if $(call equals,$(words $2),0),$(strip $3),$(call map,$1,$(call slice,$2),$3 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$(words $3))))
replicate = $(if $(call equals,$(words $3),$1),$(strip $3),$(call replicate,$1,$2,$3 $2))
range = $(if $(call equals,$(words $2),$1),$(strip $2),$(call range,$1,$2 $(words $2)))

repeat = $(if $(call equals,$(words $4),$1),$3,$(call repeat,$1,$2,$(call $2,$3),$4 $1))
rotate = $(call slice,$1) $(firstword $1)

cycle = $(firstword $(call repeat,$1,rotate,$2))
select = $(if $1,$1,$2)
concat = $(if $(call equals,$1,_),,$1)$(if $(call equals,$2,_),,$2)
add = $(words $(call replicate,$1,_) $(call replicate,$2,_))
incr = $(call add,1,$1)

numbers := $(call map,incr,$(call range,100))
fizz := $(call replicate,2,_) fizz
buzz := $(call replicate,4,_) buzz

fizzbuzz = $(call select,$(call concat,$(call cycle,$2,$(fizz)),$(call cycle,$2,$(buzz))),$1)
result := $(call map,fizzbuzz,$(numbers))

print = $(info $1)

.PHONY: all
all: ; $(call map,print,$(result))

die, pedo degenerates

pedo degenerate website


Improved version

### Operators
eq = $(filter $1,$2)
slice = $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1)
repl = $(if $(call eq,$(words $4),$1),$3,$(call repl,$1,$2,$3 $2,$(words $4) $4))
map = $(if $2,$(call map,$1,$(call slice,$2),$3,$4 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$3,$4)),$4)
rotate = $(call slice,$1) $(firstword $1)
zip3 = $(if $2,$(call zip3,$1,$(call slice,$2),$(call rotate,$3),$(call rotate,$4),$5 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$(firstword $3),$(firstword $4))),$5)
inc = $(words $(call repl,$1,_) _)

### Program body
count = $(words $3)
cycle = $(call slice,$(call repl,$1,_)) $2

fizz := $(call cycle,3,fizz)
buzz := $(call cycle,5,buzz)
numbers := $(call map,inc,$(call map,count,$(call repl,100,_)))

select = $(if $1,$1,$2)
fizzbuzz = $(call select,$(if $(call eq,$2,_),,$2)$(if $(call eq,$3,_),,$3),$1)

result := $(call zip3,fizzbuzz,$(numbers),$(fizz),$(buzz))
println = $(info $1)

### Targets
.PHONY: all
all: ; $(call map,println,$(result))


imagine her carrying her backpack but instead of notebooks there is cum in it, all the cum she collected from the males who approached her
can you imagine the smell?

ive had enough




#define FIZZ_NUM 3
#define BUZZ_NUM 5

int main(void)
static int fizz_counter = FIZZ_NUM;
static int buzz_counter = BUZZ_NUM;

for (unsigned k = 1u; 100u >= k; ++k)
unsigned char fizz_or_buzz = 0u;

if (!(--fizz_counter))
fizz_counter = FIZZ_NUM;
fizz_or_buzz = 1u;
if (!(--buzz_counter))
buzz_counter = BUZZ_NUM;
fizz_or_buzz = 1u;
if (!(fizz_or_buzz))
printf("%d", k);

return 0;

What language is this? Perl?

Looks like a makefile to me

Huh? Doesn't look like any makefile I've ever seen

When have u ever seen someone write fizzbuzz in GNU make though

That's true. I didn't know that was possible without invoking a third-party script.

>zip3 = $(if $2,$(call zip3,$1,$(call slice,$2),$(call rotate,$3),$(call rotate,$4),$5 $(call $1,$(firstword $2),$(firstword $3),$(firstword $4))),$5)
How do someone write something like this without going insane?

Attached: autism1.png (523x489, 410K)