Is it Enter or Return?

Is it Enter or Return?

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I'm going to say enter since it doesn't return. It just goes to the beginning of a new line. If it went to the beginning of the same line then it might be return.

Of course, that only applies to word processing, programming, and shit like that. In many other applications it could be seen as accept, commit, continue, and so on.


> carriage return
It's return user.

It doesn't make sense to press Return to confirm stuff

>apple based as fuck

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Isn't it both?
The only key that's only enter is the enter on the numpad

Eww what’s with that enter key shape?


>can't even pick one name for a key
fucking itoddlers

>ISO """keyboards"""

Correct. Enter key is near the numpad. Why the fuck are the rest of you cum gargling shit dicks even on a technology board if you don't know the difference?

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It's the ISO shape used in the majority of countries bar USA and Japan I think. we use that enter shape here in the UK


They are functionally the same, why would they have different names?

Carriage return and line feed are two very distinct things. Only normies would confuse the two and call the combination of the two "return".

On a modern computer, you neither return any carriage nor do you feed paper, but enter a command into the system. Its called enter.

>Hurr durr... how dare you not now the difference between 2 keys that have the exact same behaviour
Your retarded and you should have sex

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OP didn't ask what the behaviour of the key was, OP asked for its name. Choke on a dick you illiterate faggot.

Carriage Return
formally Line Feed

Says enter on my keyboards because it’s not a ducking typewriter anymore.


return + line feed


When I was a kid, it was return.
Now it's enter.
I have no idea at what point it changed.

Return is an archaism from typewriters and printer terminals and enter is a more logical name, but honestly I don't care much how people call it.


t. ANSI master race

Is it Escape or Escargo?

Return. Enter's the tall key on the numpad

Convince me that this isn't literally the same ENTER key, which does literally the sane thing, but has a differently shaped cap.
Protip: you can't.
Those are both enter keys.


back at you sore luser

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They're literally interpreted as different keys by the OS.
>press Return in mpv
>next video starts
>press Enter
>nothing happens

It's called return, because you use it to return (submit) the input you typed when prompted. For example, your shell prompts for a command, you type some command and then return it to the interpreter, hence it's the return key.

By that logic every key is the enter key because you enter characters into the read buffer.

it’s RET

Formerly Chuck's

you're retarded and probably less than 20 years old

it's neither
steve jobs said so

It's Return, like it should be, on Apple keyboards. On PowerBooks you can even Fn+Return for Enter, further showing they're different keys.

Depends on how old you are and when you started using computers (keyboards)

but this is accurate.

are you sure about that

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Jow Forumsn

>forward slashes

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yes, if you could afford a computer made by Mac you would know

>poorfag detected

We don't use typewriters anymore, so it's Enter.

>he equates wealth paying a premium for an overpriced brand

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

it's a fuckin arrow m8

What if we just standardized keyboards after Linux & named it the Line Feed key?

enterlets btfo

Attached: enter.jpg (2560x1920, 465K)

Hardware OK button

>MacBook Air
I'm quite sure.

Attached: pbg4.png (1440x900, 736K)

Return. The one on the numpad is enter.

>I'm going to say enter since it doesn't return.
The bent ones are shaped like boomerangs and do. Those are return. ANSI ones are enter.

>ANSI ones are enter.
Either it depends on the keyboard or that's simply wrong. On all of my ANSI keyboards the key, while labeled "Enter," is actually Return

Mine says Enter

IIRC "Return" comes from the times if typewriters where pressing the key would end the line and return to the beginning of the new line



I guess it's return when you are using command-line and it's enter when you are using GUI
