
is there a programming language that has keywords that are niggerlicious?
instead of
do {} while ()

dindu {} wild ()

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what is the ebonics of coding languages?

hahahaahaha NIGGER
ahahahahahaha I'll say it again! watch me!
NIGGER ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaha
NIGS ahahahahaha nig nig nig nig nig ahahahaahahahahaha

any oop


I can tell this is gonna be a good thread

Attached: 1559331876908-g.gif (477x512, 3.3M)

ubuntu hands down for the most niggerlicious distro

C, with some #defines in a file.

>question is about programming languages
>replies with a linux distribution

niggers everyone

Attached: coffee.jpg (250x246, 12K)

nigger nigger nigger

go back

n1gg3r 13 bad luck

void = nuffin
return 0 = return nuffin

Haha this is a funny post XD

ting dat
dat = aks guy
gibs dat

there is inheritance, but the subclass doesn't know the superclass


Fuck off, looser.

js desu, either that or REALLY bad ghetto c++

i kinda want ghetto c++ as a language itself to be a thing

hood booty OGExample(Niggas niggas[10] bunch){

booty a = nahMan

fo(numba i = 0, i lessa niggas.MuhDick(), mo){

dassRight(niggas(i) same foSure){

a = foSure

reparations a

udindu is my favcour ite progrnmasning distro

Make me kek