Other urls found in this thread:
>just wait
>Zen2 confirmed DoA.
And it's beautiful
>Inturd cuts prices by 15%
>Still at least 50% more expensive than Zen 2 (which beats Inturd)
They can cut prices all they want. Retailers will set them above MSRP due to lack of supply.
>Doesn't cut vulnerabilities by 15%
Intel gives you more vulnerabilities for less. Stop kvetching, goy.
If the 9900k has a 15% price cut it already kills the 3800 and 3700
If you're a true AMDfag its 12 cores or 16 cores or bust
>but it has pci4!
*connects a single sata SSD*
>but intel has vulnerabilities!
*doesnt use a single workload that the patches actually slow down*
>but it has more cores!
*plays games that only use 1-6 cores*
>but it’s cheaper!
*buys high speed ram and expensive active cooled motherboard*
Why are AMDreets so retarded?
The point is not in the percentage numbers, but rather in the FACT that this is essentially the VERY FIRST EVER time in entire semiconductor market's existence when Inturd actually officially cutting prices due to being pressured into doing so. They NEVER EVER cut prices before (not officially, that is). To say that AMD is clearly DESTROYING Intelaviv's hairy Jude ass right now, is to greatly understate things. Even during Inturd's worst times, during Bentium 4 and n33tBUUUUURRRRRRRRst, they NEVER cut any prices. But NOW they're FINALLY doing it. Holy shit, looks like Inturd is abso-fucking-lutely BAMBOOZLED by Zen.
>I use my PC as a glorified game console, therefore everyone else does too!
Nice projection, Injeet.
15% is nothing what the fuck? i thought it would be 50%
If it comes with PCIe4, I'm not complaining. Don't really care for it, but meh.
>no workload that benefits
I would benefit from more threads (video editor here), so the vulnerabilities already fuck me up.
>plays games
If I need the cores for something else, the fuck do you suggest I do? Buy a seperate computer with less cores for gayming so you don't whine like a baby?
>buys high speed RAM and active cooled motherboard
High speed RAM, yes. Again, video editing. I'd need it on incel as well, so your point is moot at best and retarded at worst.
Why cool my mobo actively? I've never crossed the 60°C mark even under full load. Is Ryzen going to magically increase it by 20°C?
Or could it be that you're a NEET who doesn't know what he's talking about and is just butthurt that Intel doesn't come out on top for once?
>Zen 2 (which beats Inturd)
>(which beats Inturd)
amdfags = placebo eaters = audiophiles
Alright I am buying it.
>geekbench doesn't matter
Any benchmark that shows intel winning is biased.
Because you refuse to believe the evidence you're presented with and instead choose to believe in conspiracies that appeal to your desired worldview?
>only 15%
This is what happens when AMD goes full jew as well
>Using a 9900k benched at 6.5ghz on ln2 to troll
Almost worked, but you can append .gb4 to the end of Geekbench results and see the frequency they were run at.
Oh btw that 3950x was benched at 4.3ghz in the single core tests because it was an early engineering sample. The final 3950x would run the single core tests at 4.7ghz + a possible +200mhz PBO if you have the cooling.
Now try overclocking your zen2 to fucking 6.5GHz, I'll wait.
15% is nothing. cutting in a half would do.
Stop lying, we know Zen 2 can hit 5Ghz on liquid nitrogen
>Hurr durr ln2 overclocking results are relevant
its afraid!
Even 75% wouldn't be enough to match Zen 2.
>Why cool my mobo actively
All X570 boards have active cooling on the chipset.
Huh? Didn't know. How is that achieved?
>So shook at the competition's power you cut your weakling's prices
Top kek
One of them doesn't but it's the flagship of a manufacturer.
A fucking heatsink for $850
>All X570 boards have active cooling on the chipset
Not all, retard. Only crappy ones. There are already some models out there which don't have those fans. I think it was either Anus or AssRock which shown one of those at Computex.
>Zen 2 eats so much power they need to release fucking $800 motherboards with fans on the vrms
>while an i9 9900k does fine with hardcore overclocking on a $100 motherboard
Yes user, I'm sure you'll spend $800 for an MB with passive cooling for your Poozen 2
proof that captalizm jwerks®
it's still inturd
>selective perception
For PCIe 4, Intel boards will be the same
So intel is poorfag CPU now?
Street shitter tier.
>imagine having already bought an intel cpu before the price cuts and after the 30% performance reducing mitigations
dear lord
s-shut up
>30% performance reducing mitigations
things AMD fags have to tell themselves to feel better
which one did you buy?
None. I'm using a 8 year old CPU.
You know Intel will just come back with an even more pozzed uarch to beat Ryzen. Throw more speed holes cuz Intel fanboys are braindead monkeys anyway.
Do you even understand what this chart shows and what it means in terms of performance? I doubt you do.
They wont do that or they will be accused of price fixing
>this pic
outdated, this is now the required cooling for zen 2 vrms
1770W :)
KEK more like shit lake lmoa
Fantastic. Now i wonder if the volume of INTC shill posts will increase or decrease...
This is just translated to local numbers, Intbecile. It's based on MSRP across the world.
Imagine if the food industry were able to get away with this shit.
>Hey, we know this can of soup is half full and dangerous to eat, so we're gonna give you a 15% discount.
It's like these Jew bastards embrace the racial stereotypes against them. Un-fucking believable.
>this retard is implying there's such thing as a secure CPU
As long as these CPUs have these backdoors, their amount of vulnerabilities doesn't matter. They're insecure by design.
Kike shill tactics 101.
So the goalposts have already moved eh?
So what exactly do you think I'm shilling in that post?
>all food has bacteria therefore why should you care about shitty food with poo in it dude just eat it
>people on Jow Forums of all places complaining about PCIe 4 adoption
what the fuck am I reading, do you retards think less features is a positive?
Are you retarded? Why are you making a comparison to bacteria? Bacteria by itself is neither safe or dangerous, only certain species of bacteria are.
They're legitimately mentally ill. Not memeing.
>only certain features are dangerous some others are safe goy
>whatabout amd goy
>what the fuck am I reading
Looks like the gayming community is going full-luddite. People are legit arguing that you don't need more cores and faster RAM, too. It's hysterical.
>in both cases they leave the entire door open
>b-but the other guys have holes in their walls!
Imagine literally being so retarded you can't understand security vulnerabilities don't matter if there is no security by design.
That's literal disloyal competition. Matter of time until they're hit by more antitrust lawsuits.
You can by ryzen out of spite of intel, I get that, but if prices for intel chips are cut by 15% (I doubt, but lets say they are), they are better $/perf. No matter what tomfoolery you do with benchmarks, you could get a fast 6 core that automatically allcores past 4.0 for close to $100.
This is competition, you faggot communists. Let these companies chip away at eachother's profits so that we all get better deals.
good point, but the problem with buying Intel is that you never know when the next vulnerability will be revealed. And as a result the patches will reduce the performance of whatever you buy today. With AMD, you can have the rest of mind that your CPU is (at least) more secure than competition so your performance won't degrade as much with patches.
>what the fuck am I reading
brand tribalism.
Jesus, yet another retard.
>hurr durr, why wash your hands? you will never clean them 100%, just shit and do not wash your hands, there will be bacteria on them anyway.
You're making a piss poor analogy, dude. How many other products do you actively seek out and buy, knowing they are completely inferior both in design and value?
>Cleanliness doesn't matter because you can never really be 100% clean by design.
Absolutely disgusting
I am ONLY talking about the security argument. It cannot be used as an argument against any CPU because they are insecure BY DESIGN. This is like leaving your shop front door open and thinking you're safe because there are no broken windows in it.
What's absolutely disgusting is the fact that your analogies are borderline retarded and you cannot see why they fail to apply in this scenario.
>still much more expensive than Zen even after price cuts
>performs worse and has worse thermals than Zen 2
>"better price/performance ratio"
Piednoel of the brain in it's terminal state, ladies and gentlemen.
>Analogies doesn't matter because you can never be 100% right in every scenario.
Absolute state
Holy shit you are beyond me, here's your (You).
Agreed, security and patching against them is a point to consider (though, I doubt we'll ever get to the point where people's banking information is being stolen solely due to the fact that they used an intel chip, there are easier backdoors than MDS-type-attacks from what I've read).
Consider how previous ryzen prices dropped after launch. This 15% intel discount could accelerate Ryzen dropping their prices as well.
It's nothing but good for consumers. As long as another """flood""" or cryptoboom doesn't happen here in the next month, this will be a beautiful time to build.
>cheap CPUs
>GPUs ... still kinda shit but you can find deals
>RAM: cheaper by the week
>SSD: cheaper by the week
>Consider how previous ryzen prices dropped after launch.
unfortunately not much in yuroop. The 2700x held stronk with its price until the 3000 release date was announced two weeks ago.
You are a fanatic and live in a fantasy world.
You have it in your mind where zen2 competes with completely different intel skus than even AMD intended.
Okay, faggot, lets do some basic comparison. The 3600x will be $330 in my country, confirmed by a leaked sku. The 9600k is $309 and will supposedly be discounted a further 15%. What is better value?
AMD itself benchmarked the 3600x vs 9600k. They created the 3600x to compete with the 9600k. Get any other notion out of your head.
You are deranged and were probably too stupid to even buy AMD stock, yet you shill for them for free.
>Still not realizing that normies buy pre-built which comes with Intcel
>All the gaymer tards who actually choose their components go for Intcel because of marketing and sponsored Twitch streamers
Yeah, AMD totally won