depression thread hi guys who else wants to off themselves
Depression thread
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Are you that cross-dresser?
One off
Why are you depressed?
not sure if you mean a particular one but i'm trans as well
because i cant get anything done and im a lazy fuck and everyone hates me no exceptions
I don't hate you
Well, I mean you
>because i cant get anything done and im a lazy fuck
Can relate
i guess the people who dont hate me are the ones who dont know me that well
Ok, tell me a bit about yourself.
hi star, long time no see
how are things
you not so bad
im a trans furry and diaper fetishist
pretty good actually, am on a down today but generally there have been more ups. im very excited for chrisman
Starposter bacc
Them is here to protecc
Eh, everyone has his own preferences. Not enough to hate you.
i dont know who u are but i appreciate the anime girl
oh star I thought you were gone forever :o
nice to see you around
As much as I want to kill myself I don't think it would make a difference.
i didnt come back because i thought bant was an absolute garbage dump and no one would recognize me anyway, also i had better places to get Internet Attention from
this is the most pretentious garbage post i have seen in my entire life, congratulations!
I remeber you!
Welcome back!
Why did you leave and why are you back?
Are you planning on staying or is this just a visit?
Is there any reason for the depressed feels or is it just random?
no u
Can we get a nineball gang assemble reporting in like in the old times?
Reporting in
I wish I had been visiting nineball but truth is it's hard to remember about it
I love you
Jow Forums isn't that much a piece of garbage honestly, people are nice here apart of the Jow Forumsdit threads
>who else wants to off themselves
>im a trans furry and diaper fetishist
>everyone hates me no exceptions
Pretty consistent. I admire that.
thanks sweetie
And you even know how to address me. You really are the little profligate who could.
Also, I have news to tell you. We have a wiki, and we are going with /f/ to the winter-ball!
I don't know what that is, you might have forgotten but I'm very stupid
what who
What profligate means?