Depression thread

depression thread hi guys who else wants to off themselves

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Join army

Are you that cross-dresser?

One off


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Why are you depressed?

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not sure if you mean a particular one but i'm trans as well

because i cant get anything done and im a lazy fuck and everyone hates me no exceptions

I don't hate you

Well, I mean you

>because i cant get anything done and im a lazy fuck
Can relate

i guess the people who dont hate me are the ones who dont know me that well

Ok, tell me a bit about yourself.

hi star, long time no see
how are things

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you not so bad

im a trans furry and diaper fetishist

pretty good actually, am on a down today but generally there have been more ups. im very excited for chrisman

Starposter bacc
Them is here to protecc

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Eh, everyone has his own preferences. Not enough to hate you.

i dont know who u are but i appreciate the anime girl

oh star I thought you were gone forever :o
nice to see you around

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As much as I want to kill myself I don't think it would make a difference.

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i didnt come back because i thought bant was an absolute garbage dump and no one would recognize me anyway, also i had better places to get Internet Attention from

this is the most pretentious garbage post i have seen in my entire life, congratulations!

I remeber you!
Welcome back!
Why did you leave and why are you back?
Are you planning on staying or is this just a visit?
Is there any reason for the depressed feels or is it just random?

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no u

Can we get a nineball gang assemble reporting in like in the old times?

Reporting in

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I wish I had been visiting nineball but truth is it's hard to remember about it

I love you

Jow Forums isn't that much a piece of garbage honestly, people are nice here apart of the Jow Forumsdit threads

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>who else wants to off themselves
>im a trans furry and diaper fetishist
>everyone hates me no exceptions
Pretty consistent. I admire that.

thanks sweetie

And you even know how to address me. You really are the little profligate who could.

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Also, I have news to tell you. We have a wiki, and we are going with /f/ to the winter-ball!

I don't know what that is, you might have forgotten but I'm very stupid

what who

What profligate means?

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