So what is this guy's deal? Why does Jow Forums hate him so much?
So what is this guy's deal? Why does Jow Forums hate him so much?
He made some shitty iPhone apps and got a scholarship to some meme college because he's El Goblino Los Americanos and a rich macfag.
You don't have to be a Jow Forumsenius to get this board offended. Just accomplish anything and that will be enough.
People of Jow Forums should get a job at least. Not even going to ask this board to leave their mom's house. But a job is not that hard.
Because, unlike him, Jow Forums can't dream in code.
This video is from 2013 which means he's 20 years old now
anyone know how he's doing? im curious
>meme college
colorado school of mines is nice user...
>Santiago Gonzalez, age 21, is a machine learning expert and computer scientist, highly regarded as a full stack software engineer
This kind of makes me sad. He had some real potential.
Can u even make a single app?
He's doing research
When I work extensively on a project I somethimes dream in code. I've heared more people on this board say the same thing.
I didn't browse Jow Forums for like, a year or something? And you faggots still haven't found new topics to shitpost about? What is wrong with all of you?
But this guy's different. He said he's like Neo, sees and dreams in code, supposed to be a "wizard".
He's a Feminist.
pfft what the fuck does that even mean. i mean if i went to sleep stuck with a problem i'd dream in code too. its a language. you dream in visuals and languages. if you know a language good enough you start thinking in it
he is based now, he took the red pill
Literally false.
I forgot his twitter, but he was a conservative, anti-clinton republican.
Tell me about the boy, why does he dream in code?
Doesn't seem very conservative to me
Which fucking tweets are you looking at???
>Which fucking tweets are you looking at???
The one were he said he wanted to work for Google. I guess, contrary to what Jow Forums insists, people can be conservative without literally hating anything remotely jewish.
hes gay
Gay people are based.
They've realized that roastie thots aint shit but hoes and tricks.
I guess he dreamt this one up too
He made an app that shows you where conceal carry license holders can legally carry. His site has an American flag on it. I'd say he's not a feminist.
>you can't be a feminist if you also support legal carry and have an american flag on your website
I'm not saying that he is a democrat, but I just wonder what kind of reasoning that is. In the rest of the world, even the most right-wing parties have feminist groups.
I just don't think that anyone who's named (((Santiago Gonzales))) can be a real conservative. All non-whites secretly envy whites, especially white males. This is the undeniable truth.
What do you expect from a board of people who use a 1950s style mainframe operating system designed to be used at multiple workstations with dozens of users at each for a home desktop operating system when the have no family or friends.
I never clicked (so normally never watched) that video even though it appeared probably hundreds of times in my feed for now. I feel very proud of myself.
itt angry wannabe sysadmins
That kid must be 50 years old by now
Wait this goblin is going to my alma mater?
Jesus things got cucked quickly
for-profit state schools were never prestigious to people that didn't go to the same one
I don’t give a shit about prestige, I give a shit about the fact that Mines was almost entirely nerd-redneck hybrids when I went there in the 90s. This type of söy would have never gone there.
>wanting to work for Google makes you liberal
Where did this meme start? Is it because there are some pro-LGBT Google Doodles?
Google (well Alphabet) is a mega-corporation that only cares about growth, just like every other corporation. While individual people might be really liberal, corporations skew towards policies that benefit profit, like you know low tax rates, a very conservative policy. At the same time, they like to appeal to people, so trendy social liberalism. So they're economically conservative and socially liberal.
Why do I ignore that second part and call them conservative?
Well lots and lots of money is spent to influence those lower tax rates, corporations are actively changing laws. You know how many socially liberal policies they've spent millions lobbying to enact? None that I can find. Pretty much all corporations want to look good, whether you consider them liberal or conservative. Like I worked for ExxonMobil last year and they had one of the biggest floats at Houston Pride, doesn't make em "liberal" compared to all the other shit they do.
There's literally no reason to hate this guy.
He's a spic, from Chile or something
>Is it because there are some pro-LGBT Google Doodles?
Some? Try the entire company.
lol dude, "google doodles" are the little drawings they have on their homepage, not the employees.
Lol, I thought it was slang for sissy fags or something... I dunno. But anyway, I'm saying that they literally fire people for having the "wrong" opinion. If you watch the speech that Larry Paige gave before the presidential election, you know the leaked speech thingy that Jow Forums raged over for weeks, they are libfascists as hell.