Prove me wrong, Jow Forums

Prove me wrong, Jow Forums.

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Your so wrong it's not even funny

Change the Jow Forums one to "Retards acting like faggots"

tumblr used to be really good for fetish porn.

what the fuck is this

thats actually pretty well put. unfortunately a lot of reddit libtards have come here lately so the intelligence has dropped.

god i wish that were me

lmao is that hotwheels?

The Jow Forums bit was true until the 2007 gaiaflood / eternal summer.

Jow Forums is more like 50 Cent Army agents acting like retards.

thats a cellphone you underage zoomer

but who was phone?

>Jow Forums
Hmm? What?

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>le facebook chart
fuck off

everybody type in the chat alex is a stupid nigger

I consider myaelf smart. My IQ is 123. I'm a Femanon, btw :3

the 8 ch owner from what I remember

>doesn't know hotwheels
Fuck off newfag

> Tumblr
Interest/niche culture driven in blogging format. Was cool until they removed female presenting nipples.
> Jow Forums
Anonymous image board. Lots of interesting content and discussion. With no voting system tho the best and worst people are on a level platform. (Not necessarily a bad thing)
> Reddit
A website meant to facilitate many independently run forums that somehow devolved into what it currently is. Creates echo chambers, propogates the LCD of content. Brings shit to the surface and makes you dig for actually decent content.
> Facebook
Pic related. Is just a trash platform for boomers, reposts, and forwards from grandma. FB groups are decent tho.
> Instagram
Actually decent but emphasizes pictures over real experience and brings out the fakers. Still better than Twitter.
> Twitter
Where discussion can't exceed 280 characters and idiots go to yell at each other or tweet about things no one gives a fuck about. # are the epitome of apptivism, generally unproductive for society.

My fucking ted talk.

How the fuck is Instagram decent? They're an image-based social network, yet the picture quality is shit and you're not allowed to expand, zoom or download images. Something that you would think is essential for any image-centric service. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Depends on the board. Jow Forums has been shit for a long while but other tech related imageboards aren't that much better. /diy/ is pretty smart board all things considered.



1. that's not that high.
2. If you really had a high iq you would be smart
enough not to brag about it since it would make
you look like a genuine retard.
3. Claiming to be a female online means you're
a man (tranny or catfish), 100% of the time.

Tubby lumpkins got back to your designated zone

Speaking more to the content that people post and what the platform encourages, less so the quality of life features.

teen girls pretending to be what a teen girl thinks an adult is
Trolls getting mad at trolls, moralfags getting mad at moralfags, autists and normal people pretending to be autists
old people trying to tackle technology and young people who stay on there out of pity
lol idk never been on there
everybody acting like retards

>propogates the LCD of content
what? please elaborate


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Lowest Common Denominator possibly?

Twitter is usually where local politicians reveal their true colors. It's the only redeeming factor of that platform.

Those who pretend to be idiots for laughs will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who believe they are in good company.

We are in phase 2. Actual a sea of retards with a tiny group of people trying to leave with no avail or producing the content these retards can't get enough of.

LCD = Lowest Common Denominator
Reddit uses upvotes and downvotes to gauge whether content is pushed towards front pages or away. Consequentially the most upvoted posts are those that have the most mass appeal. Unfortunately nuance isn't massively appealing.

I'm sorry having to say this, but...
People mentioning their IQ haven't understood the point of the IQ.

IQ measures "age of mind"*100/"age of body". Age of mind is measured through an IQ test (those fun exercises) and then compared with people on the same age. However this is highly dependent on the age, which is why the test is worthless as soon as you are about 16. You can't really tell the difference in mind age from there on.

>thats actually pretty well put. unfortunately a lot of reddit libtards have come here lately so the intelligence has dropped.

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>Jow Forums
>smart people

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>tfw browse hacker news

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>Jow Forums
>full of good frens

> Thinking this is only now phase 2
You probably think America can be salvaged too.

> tfw slashdot masterrace

Jow Forums - redditors acting like 4channers

>Jow Forums
Just look at this board that's supposed to be filled with the highest IQ kids of the entire site then tell me that again.

Dubs for classic meme

I put on my robe and wizard hat

Are you seriously implying that this shithole is mostly populated by smart people? Are you fucking insane?

>Smart people acting like retards
Holding no genuine opinions because you're too insecure and thoughtless to have coherent arguments is "smart" now.
Must be why the superior white race, who built civilization from nothing, is currently cattle for Jews. Superior intelligence and genetics at work lmao.

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Better but not perfect.

Jow Forums is a place where you can hold the most genuine opinions, because you won't be held to them across posts/threads.
Just because you don't doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.

>Jow Forums is a place where you can hold the most genuine opinions
Lmao. Hiding behind irony isn't "genuine opinions". Look at Jow Forums. Prime example of retards thinking they're smart. Jow Forums literally is forcing a clown pepe meme where they're only being "ironic" about racism.
If you honestly think Jow Forums is a forum for quality discussion, you've probably never had a worthwhile conversation in your entire life.
Last post because this is not technology anymore.

i like how people make this argument as i guess some jab against white supremacists while disingenuously posturing in some sort of weird postmodern self deprecating joke where the punchline is that jews are actually the master race

but the thing is, and i don't say this as some low brow jab, that is kind of extremely superficial contrarianism that just directly mirrors what the gatekeepers are saying. and by doing that you are pretty much saying exactly what a bunch of zionists want you to say, even if you are doing so ironically. and where does that leave you, guy making ironic posts on the internet that mirrors legitimate authoritarian fascist sentiment?


Have to agree. The only way to make a website this garbage is on purpose, and you need a lot of smart people who know exactly how to shitpost.

>Jow Forums

Hah, no.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are the only intelligent boards on this site.

Jow Forums racism is adolescent as fuck and exists to piss you off rather than to communicate any sort of truth, it's actual truthfulness nonwithstanding. that's why they do it.

when you get pissed off that they keep repeating 'THE 600K JEWS THAT DIED IN THE HOLOCAUST' its more about what you do than what they do

I'm sorry, but those people are not dumb, they are doing it on purpose.

smart people acting smart*

tits or gtfo


Jow Forums are wizards acting like little girls.

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>built civilization from nothing
took from others*

Oldfags have always been cancer compared to the superior Jow Forums race - the original newfags of 07-09.


This. The graveyard of failed Jow Forums projects is a testament to Jow Forums's stupidity.

what's gaia's website, is it

Feels good man.

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Jow Forums is retards acting like smart people acting like retards.

Jow Forums is a forum where quality discussion can occur amongst all the shit and people are more likely to give their honest opinion because they won't be ostracized.

>people are more likely to give their honest opinion because they won't be ostracized.
Unless you're an SJW/tranny/faggot/black/Jew/etc., then you need to get the fuck out

kill yourself tranny

amazing how you could not see beyond that sarcastic post, user.

wtf I thought I wasn't going to get ostracized.
How about we talk about technology?
Don't forget people who have the AUDACITY to ever try and talk about Apple on Jow Forums. Make sure to spam every Apple thread with Satanichia and gay porn to get them out of Jow Forums.
Jow Forums doesn't ostracize.

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>muh websites

thanks for shitting up the board OP.

>bitching moaning blah blah blag blah projecting dievjkalakbshdbevshsbb evegdvd dhwhsshsjskbd dbeh
I wanna fuck her

You don't get it. The quality disscussions are appearing AMONGST the usual Jow Forums shit. They are random and touch unexpected subjects but they exist happen alongside the noice of retards arguing while shitting their pants.

>exist and happen*

You can literally go to Reddit and avoid the low quality technology discussions. Even ycombinator is better than Jow Forums for legitimate technology discussion.
Perhaps in a few of the generals you'll find posts worth reading, but no one sane is going to spend hours wading through /v/ tier brand faggotry just to find something that resembles a real discussion.
Imagine being worse than Reddit.

>you're not allowed to expand, zoom or download images
You can zoom on mobile tho, and on pc you can download, in shitty quality but it's something

Define "retard" first, because I've got some Jow Forums flashbacks.

Emotions don't come from the inside, they come from the outside.

I agree though that people on Reddit will downvote something they just don't understand as "out-of-topic". This being said, that's the best thing for most people. I like Reddit when it comes to technology because I'm not tech-knowledgeable enough to cut through the Jow Forums noise, I'd rather have a community doing it for me

Fair enough.

>Emotions don't come from the inside, they come from the outside.
Nah emotions are also reliant on the inner environment of the person, not just the outer environmental stimulus.
Also the community mentality leads to a lack of independent thought ironically, because you need to find your two feet on chans in order to not be disregarded as a massive faggot. Reddit is too cuddly. It's ok for now, but one day it will become dysfunctional. It always takes Jow Forums shit to an autistic extreme because it's not a hurtbox.

Why don't you stay there if you like sucking their cock so much?
You seem to really love reddit.

I bet you don't even get pic related or why it proves how bad le reddit is.

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I wouldn't have it any other way.
If you can't drown the noise out, you are too impressionable.

just did

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Fantastic technology discussion you have going on there user.

>talks about Jews v Whites out of nowhere

No Jews are just an abomination from several thousands of years of hiding from the eye of the system, because they could give risky loans and others couldn't. They're more group think than ever because they literally bite the hand that fed collectively. Whites attack and criticise their own people because they can think stoically beyond race. Jews are obsessed about when next their going to be purged. A culture of paranoia.

Blame OP's bait. It's arguably on topic.

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You're right, we've been had.

Instagram is Pervs acting like normal people


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FP as always BP.

Just Jow Forums

>so smart he even recognizes the flaws of his own social media
Truly smart

This is too real. I only keep ig for my collection of qt thots


/sci/ got a math paper published once...

>Jow Forums

>Highest iq board

user, I....

At least some of those failed Jow Forums projects resulted in code being uploaded to the internet, most of Jow Forums obviously has zero technical capability.

Show bob and vagen.

I agree because i came here i 09 and it ruined my life