What's your ideal image board browser app?

Hey guys, it's the guy who's working on the new Jow Forums / image board app. Spent some time reading all the issues and open PRs for DashChan, Clover, and Kuroba along with reading your responses.

I've come up with a list of features that would supposedly make the best image board app on the planet. So, I want to hear from you guys: What additional features do you want to see?

The feature list is quite long, so I've pasted it on pastebin below.

**Feature list:**

Attached: 37169616-four-leaf-clover-irish-shamrock-st-patrick-s-day-symbol-useful-for-your-design-green-glass- (1300x1300, 74K)

Quick screenshot of the features.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 2.22.22 PM.png (1206x1933, 552K)

the default css is literally fine

Fuck off kike nobody cares about your closed source garbage

I would like a Mac app too.

>it's the guy who's working on the new Jow Forums / image board app
You mean one of the many literally whos who try to do this every month and come making the same threads? I care little. The app I use is Firefox ESR with an add blocker.

You fuckwads actually have any feature suggestions? If not, get the fuck out of this thread lol.

Come back with an MVP of all the features you already listed lamo

I suggest:
>exactly what we already have
>minus the automatic noko
>minus the (you) tagging
>minus the post number refferences
>minus the option to change your name and use tripcodes
>minus the option to hide posts
>image posting restricted to one per user per thread; unlimited for the op
>make thread id skip all dubs/trips/et cetera
>no auto update
>no themes
>no deleting posts

You do realize I'm making an app, and not a brand new website, right? I am trying to maximize the number of features this app will be supporting.

I am making the app already... Made my own custom webM player with streaming and scrubbing support. I'm just here to get even more ideas/features.

Kuroba 4.2.6 :four_leaf_clover:
Just wish for the random crashes to go away and a dev that won't remove features for no reason and won't pretend like this shitty site is the only image board.

>he thinks people use 3rd party apps to browse the chinz
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH back to Plebbit man. You can't possibly have more than a week here.

Again, I'm looking for features. Stop posting bullshit in this thread.

You probably have 99% of features in that list.
Make the app with those and we'll see what's left to do.

00. Cannot contain any telemetry or advertising whatsoever.
01. It has to be FOSS.
02. It has to support other chans aside from Jow Forums. At the very least eightChan, and 420 chan.
03. It needs a catalog mode.
04. Autoplay of videos can be turned on or off, with options to mute videos by default (for other chans).
05. Configurable text display.
06. Catalog mode.
07. Non-JS Captcha mode.
08. Can save options like sage and noko and keep them persistently applied.
09. Cache size and location is configurable.
10. Can be configured to use non-system fonts for those who lack root.
11. Can be extended to support other boards (outside of 4, 8, and 420) via third party plugins.
12. Plugin documentation must be thorough, well-organized, and easy to understand.
13. Dependencies and steps for proper compilation must be carefully detailed so the project can be easily forked and maintained should you decide to stop developing it or you die or something.
14. All settings can be imported and exported to/from an xml or json file.

No one here will ever use your app unless these criteria are met. It basically has to be better than clover and overchan, while remaining fully FOSS.

What language are you using OP?

>Stop posting bullshit
Your question is "what's your ideal imageboad app". The answer is Kuroba. If your shitty app isn't at least exactly like it it will be shit.

>g-guise plz feed me ideas
Ask me how I know it's black skin programming.

>00. Cannot contain any telemetry or advertising whatsoever.
>01. It has to be FOSS.
>02. It has to support other chans aside from Jow Forums. At the very least eightChan, and 420 chan.
Yes. The plan is to have a detector for the majority and then allow adding of custom boards through a templating system I've come up with. So, it'll be extensible like that.
>03. It needs a catalog mode.
I'm going beyond that - see the "Advanced viewing options" section.
>04. Autoplay of videos can be turned on or off, with options to mute videos by default (for other chans).
Good ideas, will add.
>05. Configurable text display.
Do you mean font size/coloring, etc? If so, I got you.
>06. Catalog mode.
>07. Non-JS Captcha mode.
I'm aiming to have a native non-js captcha mode where you can select images by tapping on them instead of checking boxes
>08. Can save options like sage and noko and keep them persistently applied.
Good idea, will add. You think it's worth making it configurable for board and threads or global?
>09. Cache size and location is configurable.
This will be a little tricky since the target right now is iOS, but I'll keep this in mind. I know I will be adding archiving features so I will also be adding configurable download restrictions.
>10. Can be configured to use non-system fonts for those who lack root.
Bundling a few fonts within the app and experiment with adding of custom font files. Can't promise on this since I need to test it out, but great idea.
>11. Can be extended to support other boards (outside of 4, 8, and 420) via third party plugins.
Agreed. See 02 reply.
>12. Plugin documentation must be thorough, well-organized, and easy to understand.
>13. Dependencies and steps for proper compilation must be carefully detailed so the project can be easily forked and maintained should you decide to stop developing it or you die or something.
Closed source.
>14. All settings can be imported and exported to/from an xml or json file.


Yea I figured. Also, I found a list of features Kuroba has on top of Clover. Going to read through them and pick them out.

The idea is to improve upon every image board browser app/script ever created. Think of how much you love your current scripts/apps and what you wish could be better.

What the hell does this even mean?

>target right now is iOS

an image viewing mode in which there is preloading similar to the feature that is found in manga readers, the images that are next to the image you are seeing automatically get loaded.
this feature I always crave in clover while browsing /e/

The mobile website literally has everything you'd ever want and it never breaks. Also themeable by CSS.

Guess you weren't the target audience :^)

You're literally the type of person who would be happy living in a cardboard box. Get the fuck off my thread.

Yep! That is a target feature with configs to define how many images/videos to preload ahead of time. I'm adding archiving features as well.

>00. Cannot contain any telemetry or advertising whatsoever.
>01. It has to be FOSS.
How are people going to know what it does if it's closed, you stupid catamite?
>Think of how much you love your current scripts/apps and what you wish could be better.
Are you being ironic? Are you aware that nobody even likes addons in the first place?

>Claims to be making "the best imageboard app"
>Closed source
>iOS only
I don't understand, is this some kind of troll? Why do you think we care about your botnet shit? If you want to ask for money for your app just do it and stop being a pussy hiding your source code.

It's just some idiot whose time is worth nothing that comes here for validation. Humor him a little bit or he might just KYS himself. Just tell him whatever shit ideas you can come up with; as evidenced by this thread, he can't tell good features from bad ones because he doesn't browse here and has no idea what users want.

While I like your openness to new ideas, I doubt most people on Jow Forums will use a completely closed sourced app. If you're worried about someone stealing the UI, just close source the code that drives the UI and UI preferences, but open source everything else. It's actually the superior business model in this day and age. Apple has been doing it forever. It garners trust from potential and current users, while ensuring you can make money, because the vast majority of people aren't going to sit down and craft their own interface for the core of your app. What people use these apps for is the interface anyway. They're not paying for network and image and text-parsing libraries and such. You'll be using a fair amount of open source libs for your app anyway. That much is obvious.

Can you improve upon the filtering found in Clover? For example, there is no filter by image hash option or an option to activate the filter for OPs only. Basically, copy Jow Forums x's filtering system lol.

Also, most people here use android, and most chan regulars in general do too. You're going to want to build for that first, if you have any hopes of anything taking off.

well to make an app like that what kind of things he must know or better I mean on what level one should be. all these ideas, won't they make the app development super complex?
how to get to that level when after just planning a little one can easily form his/her ideas into reality.
I have to build an app along with my mates. and all my design ideas were super simple and easy to pull off but my mates are coming with lot of good ideas which really makes me scared that will we be okay. will I be able to do my part.
also does Jow Forums has an api? do the apps that exist like clover/dashchan do they use webscraping? or something else is used. I do remember seeing an api on git but it was get only.

>ensuring you can make money
Wait, what?! Is he doing this for money? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I use Clover, it just werks

Apple's model is terrible. I am a UI developer and so their open source policy is totally useless to me. Open core is shit because you have to arbitrarily draw a line where you are going to reject contributions. Just open source the whole fucking thing.

Jow Forums has an API.

It's good for their business, not good for anything else.

>also does Jow Forums has an api?
It does, but using it will cost 15 a month starting October 1st.

holy shit are you joking or is that real? what about apps that already exist

Hiro needs money to keep the site running. If you use several apps, I assume that you only have to pay 15 for all (maybe it's gonna be like a compulsory pass or something?), but I don't think anyone uses more than one third party Jow Forums app anyway.

Renamable board names
Theming capabilities
Resizable thumbnails

I thought that wierd facebook mobile Jow Forums idea bombed and they dropped it

I think it would be cool if it could actually parse a variety of archive sites and render deleted content the same way that everything else looks.

you forgot
>nav sidebar
>bring back snacks

>How are people going to know what it does if it's closed, you stupid catamite?
You're just gonna have to trust me like the million of other apps on the App store :^)

P.S. How do I run a bitcoin mining script on iPhones?

>Are you being ironic? Are you aware that nobody even likes addons in the first place?
You got any ideas or you just gonna be one of those cunts that yell at people trying to improve something? Just what the fuck do you get out of being such a fucking loser?

>I don't understand, is this some kind of troll? Why do you think we care about your botnet shit? If you want to ask for money for your app just do it and stop being a pussy hiding your source code.
I am going to charge for it. I'm just here to gather user stories and feedback (because guess what, that's what actual good software engineers do before they get started on a project - also why 90% of the projects on Jow Forums fail, because dipshits get started on it without scoping everything out).

>It's just some idiot whose time is worth nothing that comes here for validation. Humor him a little bit or he might just KYS himself. Just tell him whatever shit ideas you can come up with; as evidenced by this thread, he can't tell good features from bad ones because he doesn't browse here and has no idea what users want.
How about you tell me, faggot? What's that? You're a little bitch that expects me to read your mind? Come back at the end of the year and see if the app is up to your mysterious standards.

Not doing this for the money. Doing it because I want to - it's a serious hobby. I'm charging for it to filter people out. There's so much toxic people in this thread just bitching about random stuff and not contributing at all. Why the fuck would I want them sending feedback about my app when they can't even coherently type out their thoughts?

I like to imagine I am one of those popup food stalls.

Do you mean app as in phone apps?
I don't use phones thank you

Is there anything you found lacking?

Yep, will be using it. Same thing with other board softwares that have public APIs.

Guess there is another reason to start charging for the app :)

>Renamable board names
It will be there.
>Theming capabilities
Yes, it will be there.
>Resizable thumbnails
Do you mean when you're browsing around normally? I think those thumbnails are a fixed size so if you blow them up, they will become blurry. I could add the feature anyway. Also could do some crazy shit like removing thumbnails and loading the source image instead for a better card view?

>Is there anything you found lacking?
Lack of (You) counter. No option to render transparent images as opaque. If you do a search, click a thread, and go back, it takes you back out of the search.

>Can you improve upon the filtering found in Clover? For example, there is no filter by image hash option or an option to activate the filter for OPs only. Basically, copy Jow Forums x's filtering system lol.

Regex filtering of posts, threads, titles, trip codes, etc.
* Thread filters: show only posts I replied to, posted to, or are replying to me
* Filter builder
* File filter builder
* Similarity detector (can use it to hide images that were modified to pass md5 filters)
* Colors, file size, dimensions, metadata (if available)
* Saved/pinned searches

>Also, most people here use android, and most chan regulars in general do too. You're going to want to build for that first, if you have any hopes of anything taking off.
Don't care about android (I say this as someone who has owned every single Galaxy phone since the S1 and multiple Notes). The target is iOS and android is generally well covered by Clover/Kuroba/Dashchan. iOS is basically dead and I find iOS development more fun.

>how to get to that level when after just planning a little one can easily form his/her ideas into reality.
I've over six years of professional software engineering experience in both agency and corporate settings, so I like to think I can do this as long as I can think of everything that's needed and scope them out properly.

First is iOS apps, then targeting iPad and Mac if I don't fail / the feedback loop is good enough to keep going. Not in this for the money - I just love image board browsing and think the experience for it on Apple devices is abysmal and android devices just OK.

(You) counter, proper browsing history are both accounted for. I love the background color idea - I will provide an option to make it transparent and opaque with a background color of your choosing.

Unless it's open source, no one will use it.

I am trying to do that, but it's difficult since they lack APIs. Bare minimum, I could try scraping or linking directly to them. Also this new app is also meant to be used as an offline browser too, so everything will be saved locally and you can do stuff like "At 6 AM every morning, download the entire Jow Forums board including full sized images for offline use." and it will automatically merge the threads/replies + keep deleted content locally.

Gonna say it again: It will never be open source (unless maybe I'm on my death bed).

>I'm charging for it to filter people out.
Too bad that your whore mother didn't charge enough to filter your dad out of her pussy.

Wow you showed me. Guess I will stop trying to make this app now :^)

Your mom showed everyone her pussy.

Okay, then no one will use it.

Nice, how was it? I've only been inside once.

I don't give a fuck if no one uses it. The three people that do use it, I'm gonna make sure they love it.

>makes WebM player
>before anything else core to the app

It's the most technically difficult part, dipshit. How many webM players do you see in iOS? Did you know iOS doesn't support WebM and you need to make your own proper player?

You've obviously never done any software development related to video playback (or any software for that part). But, you can keep sucking your dick :)

Sounds nice! How are you planning on distributing the app given Apple's rules?

Observe the iToddler who believes his source code to a shitposting app on a malaysian tribal drumming forum is so perfect and wondrous that no one else can look at it but him.

Making an application that only 3 people will use is poor planning. Don't kid yourself, you also suffer from crippling Jow Forums autism.

By not preloading/hardcoding any websites so it essentially has zero content except for a preloaded demo. The idea is to detect board types and to provide an additional user-exposed API that lets you add additional websites through a string interpolation system (give me a string for the URL for fetching posts with a variable \threadId in it) and provide the mappings for me to my API (the JSON response key for a post content might be "body" and you enter that and it will use that as a post body for every post).

With this API and auto detection, you wouldn't have to enter this manually anywhere but the option is there if you can't wait for me to implement another board type or if the app gets taken down, it's still future proof.

>Swift can call C code
>use libavcodec

>Observe the iToddler who believes his source code to a shitposting app on a malaysian tribal drumming forum is so perfect and wondrous that no one else can look at it but him.
Wow, you've convinced me. I will be printing out my source code and giving it to people walking past my local Shop-Rite. :^)

>Making an application that only 3 people will use is poor planning. Don't kid yourself, you also suffer from crippling Jow Forums autism.
I don't give a fuck dude. This app is first and foremost for me. Anyone who wants to come on for the ride is free to do so. Now, get the fuck off my thread.

ur so smart wow, u should make an app :^)

Spending an awful lot of time shitposting on Jow Forums instead of developing lets us know you're a big dum dum :DDDDD

Just monitoring this thread for ideas until it dies. Who says I can't shitpost while I work?

>imblebbing yuo're wurkon
Haven't even posted a POC of your WebM player

Just wait a few months. I'll be posting a walkthrough of a rudimentary app. The player alone is completely pointless

So you have nothing to show because you've actually got nothing coded? Can't even post a WebM of a WebM playing to know you're legit? Holy shit dude you're a riot

How about this... give me one original good idea that hasn't been posted here yet and I'll upload a video of the webM player.

I already use clover, of which there are many active forks, so I have no reason to develop a new app.

The reason I am shitting on OP is because iOS developers like him are exactly the kind of scammers you should avoid. They get wrapped up into this money-grubbing mindset, get all excited about writing new features, but yet refuse to participate in community development. As a result there are a bunch of overpriced and half-finished imageboard apps on the app store that will never be useful and often contain malicious ads as a last-ditch effort from the developer to recoup his investment and cope with his NIH syndrome. OP will not succeed in breaking this pattern and there will continue to be zero good iOS imageboard apps.

I wish I could suggest giving him money to develop
>good software
but I can't at this time, this thread is an embarrassment.

Jow Forums pass support XD

Smart blocking of all gay people and their shitposts
kike filter
Eight (8) chan support
>that name still triggers the spam filter lol get fucked hiroshimoot

Why are all the Jow Forums apps so fucking slow when loading images? In the browser it's pretty quick, but then on the app it takes ages to load a simple image. And then there's webm. Why the fuck are these thing loading the entire thing before playing back? Even the shittiest of browsers can play videos as they're being loaded!

Attached: 1554134788057_1.png (348x233, 76K)

>Jow Forums pass support XD
Already on the list: "Passwords for post deletion / premium"

>Smart blocking of all gay people and their shitposts
>kike filter
See Hell if I fucking know, but I streaming webM and efficient image loading is at the top of my list.

I already said like 20 times I'm not doing it for the money and I'm focusing on quality. This app isn't going to be released for months. And I don't get involved in development because it's all Android and there are no decent viewers for iOS/Mac. Also, the android development for Clover and the likes is a cluster fuck - it's partially abandoned with a difficult to extend code base with poor testing. I am not going to waste my time with it and it doesn't align with my goals. Sometimes you have to give the finger to the entire community and go solo. So, I am giving you the finger right now. Fuck you.

Now, keep up with the ideas instead of being such a downer like the 20 other cunts here or just leave this thread.

>not foss or floss
>ios only
>coded in apple language
>plugins instead of "insert url"

gas yourself, (((feminazi))).

Indeed, already shows that this is an absolute disgrace.
Do you have suggestions for a many chan viewer? I liked Chan Burauza but it stopped getting updated and got delisted from the play store. Omnichan is barely updated. There's one in fdroid that is a fork of an ancient one that still works, although it is missing many features like a button to directly go to the top or the bottom of the thread. Ouboros was a bad client. On my phone, I have to use Omnichan, sadly (because there were, are and could be better alternatives).

Sounds great! What are you thinking for pricing?

Fast image loading would be awesome?

> All the apps I currently use are garbage and I would rather take a shit on someone building something new from scratch than contribute ideas I want

>* Similarity detector (can use it to hide images that were modified to pass md5 filters)
Extremely based. Thank you dev-kun.
>By not preloading/hardcoding any websites
If that fails you could always go the cydia route 2bh. You could charge for the app there as well.

Nothing is stopping him from just compiling his code to an android app once it's stable for iOS.

It is insert URL you fucking twat. READ you blind bitch. See Yep, image loading performance is at the top along with prefetching images/videos.

Unknown at the moment. There's a lot of features to implement and it's such a niche product. Will probably be on the more expensive side since I'm not sure if it will be taken down by Apple in the future. An ephemeral app for anyone who wants it before it's taken down - hopefully not since it will not have any boards/websites preloaded.

That's such a difficult task that I can say for sure right now: it will not happen, sorry. :( The device order I want to implement for right now is iOS => iPadOS => Mac OS

None of the libraries that OP will likely be using have or will ever be ported. So, no.

Why i would contribute ideas to a trash heap propietary ios project? The apps i use are good.
>bla bla waaa
>expensive side
>ephemeral app

If I buy an app, and it gets taken down, how persistent is my purchase? Could I reinstall it later if I deleted it accidentally or got a new phone?

2. Option to save images in folders titled by thread and/or the option to choose the folder hy thread
3. Make ot for android


Nice, you showed me :). Now leave.

Your app stays on your phone and you can do a local backup/restore to keep the app. You can even use the "Transfer Purchases" feature to directly transfer the apps from device to device. Also, another way is to enable family sharing so all your other devices/family members have a copy as well. There's a few other ways too, but it's pretty easy to make sure you never lose a copy of the app :)

>2. Option to save images in folders titled by thread and/or the option to choose the folder hy thread
Already on the feature list.
>3. Make ot for android

>not free
Literally DOA

Youll just get banned from apple store anyways

how about you start working on it then we give you feedback.

Rn, I'm using Kuroba. It's alright, takes a while getting used to, I don't like having to enter my name every time I post, it feels kinda cramped compared to the mobile browser version, and I don't like how there's no pinning or filters.

there is a default name feature dumb namefag

Very cool post, Kevin.

I already explained my strategy to avoid getting banned - no preloaded websites/boards. You've got to enter them yourself.

Yep, I've started already. It'll be a long time before I can get something presentational though since there is so much logic/plumbing to do. Made these threads so I can become aware of what features people want and can account for them early on rather than trying to extend upon them with trouble (the problems Clover/Koruba have).

That's another problem with the current apps. It's too difficult to find all these hidden settings and some of them are quite confusing.

Kevin? Like Solus Kevin?