Best OS

Still the best OS in 2019.

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Cope freetard niggers

Gentoo niggers.

brown hands typed this post


Sent from a 2002. thinkpad. Cope harder with your 2gb of ram.

explain to me why Windows is better than Linux

I like to pay for botnet too

You don't like to pay for anything, that's why you are still on a 15 year old laptop.

Not even 3rd. Mojave is probably the best currently.

El Capitan...

It's older than you then.

pic related is the best, not even joking

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Because Linux is just a kernel, while Windows is a complete OS.

I think that we can all agree that TempleOS is the best os.

Show me your anime desktop background image. Animetard nigger.

I don't own an ancient trannypad you absolute room temperature IQ corporate shill.

Windows XP > Windows 7 > Windows 8 > Windows 10.
Only """upgrade""" if your hardware literally no longer runs the OS.

Mac OS! Best OS!

Once again, Microsoft wins by being the only contestant.

Well it can run the adobe suite and works on most PCs.
Unlike others.

explain to me what is better with windows than ubuntu, arch, or debian

Things working as you expect them to. the first try.
Games. production programs.
LInux is for servers. or desktops if you only want to rice it and browse the internet comfy.

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thats the most retarded try at defending Windows, you obviously dont know shit about either of them.

>or desktops if you only want to rice it and browse the internet comfy
imagine actually believing this

It just werx.

Windows 10 AME is the best

bloated piece of crap

the state of Jow Forums
only spewing bullshit they hear other people say without knowing shit themselves

not for us highly intelligent individuals who wear programming socks and our programming buttplugs uwu

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top yikes lad

It's quite literally the worst MS OS ever released. And that's an amazing accomplishment.

Why is it any better than Debian? Isn't it just a fork?

fuck wrong witchu boy

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Not even the best Linux distro.

Probably not. It is the entry OS for most users.

If you're dead set on wangblows, at least use ltsc.

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Adobe cuz i have to work to live.

also games.

also even this abyssmal UI is better than any of dem distros

also battery life on laptop

Best OS in the entire universe.

LOL. At least Linux users can count to 10.

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It is shit, but you are right, OSX is pretty good, but finder is shit and it cant into games.

Windows Vista Ultimate with DreamScene is the best.

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Im on LTSC now, its not that good. Have to reinstall Pro now to get the new updates which increase performance on my 2950x

Awesome Poe.

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Said no one ever.

No doubt.

Coming up to my first year using purely Linux (Arch). The desktop experience for Linux is miserable. Everything is a buggy mess and while I never broke my system it still was awful. Most of these problems lie with ALL DEs and how Qt and GTK operate. I honestly believe OSX is the best workflow OS by far, it is Desktop Linux without all the crap, the only thing it lacks is a decent package manager and Finder is trash compared to Dolphin.

As for how it compared to Windows, Windows just werx. Almost perfect for everything aside from its glaring problems (privacy and updates being the biggest). I'm unironically looking forward to going back to it, I hope some progress has been made in removing absolutely all reporting to Microsoft.


Just use MacOS. Adobe still works slightly better there despite all the catching up the Windows versions have done, also zero Wacom driver issues.