/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Jow Forums?

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dumb dabposter

>still no serious answers
What language should I use for my wasm bideo game?

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fucking one loli a day keeps the bugs away

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especially 3d ones

pick one and only one

3D lolis don't exist

Working a bit on a new HTML engine.


How's your game coming along?

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I'd be interested in knowing how people would quantify the difficulty levels of various programming tasks.

If it doesn't turn my peepee from soft to hard, it's not a problem I'm interested in solving.

>What are you working on, Jow Forums?
Watching my design flaws, but atleast they are cute

Attached: bad-design.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

Why does your robot have dildos for feet?


lucky he didn't fall the other way off the table

Nyanon, am I dressed properly for learning JavaScript with you?

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Whats the moderne equivalent of assembly programming? I want to put 64bit benis inside waifu registers and have sex with addresses

I already told you to pick between Rust, C and C++ yesterday.

Yes, you look very cute!

everyone likes dildos, especially male girls

>male girls
Don't exist.

assembly programming

but user I need 1 language

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I'm trying to figure out how to start applying for jobs, or how to get freelancer bullshit going. Every project I come up with I get started and less than half way through find that someone else has already made it better than I ever could have with functions that I never would have considered adding. Do I just finish my stupid babby project anyway and add that to my portfolio? Or do I need to make like a thing so retarded that nobody would have bothered to make it anyway (like a gimp plugin that rearranges all the tools and menus every time you select something).

tl:dr Every good idea I have has already been made and I need portfolio projects to the munies

>How's your game coming along?
shut up

Attached: 3.jpg (1280x720, 621K)

>Do I just finish my stupid babby project anyway and add that to my portfolio?
>Or do I need to make like a thing so retarded that nobody would have bothered to make it anyway (like a gimp plugin that rearranges all the tools and menus every time you select something).

You should literally do both, and continue to contribute to the "better" project someone else made. Fork it, improve it, do a pull request to the original.

Rust then.

But I cant code opengl or whatever graphics in assembly
Fuck why doesnt Windows have a based frame buffer like Linux?

but isn't that a tranny language

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What book/pdf to use for learning C#? I did Automate the Boring Stuff with Python and Crash Course to Python, both were really good and gave me a solid grasp of the language. Looking for something similar for C#, can you recommend something?

May God bless your programming project user.

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community != language
community != tooling
community != libraries
Fuck them and learn to love a language without reference invalidation and an actually good iterator API that compiles down to efficient zero extra copy for loops.

safe space {
public fn pronoun(


C is for Chads because it has no safe space namespaces.

wtf are you talking about you stupid faggot? Programming does not only involve writing code

>I don't have anime pics on my computer
You could use this to get some pictures fast


Anything on JewTube that isn't being taught by street shitters and you'll be okay.

damn, gnome builder is smooth

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>when there's a brown hand in the thumbnail

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Why is the zx spectrum so much more comfy than the c64


For the basics


For your first project.

we are not bongs so we dont know
spoiler there is huge thread about zx in /vr/ they are making a game called ziggy

>using videos to try and learn programming related concepts

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B-But... yeah okay. No more excuses, back to my retarded GIMP plugin.

>preferring the z80 over the 6502

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I know, I programmed some of the routines, though the OP May have removed them

>not having 16 bit maths nearly for free
>not having shitloads of registers

Do you have a justification for this? Maybe I'm just a tard but like I don't see it as being too different from attending class? As long as you have a few shreds of integrity and actually do the work alongside it rather than just typing along I think its fine personally.


>a justification
Is there a justification for you being on my lawn?

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Yes, sir. Your HOA fees pay for my landscaping company to mow your lawn. We go over this every week.

The 6502 has 256 registers because zero page is that fast with interleaved instructions. Don't all Z80 instructions take a fixed number of cycles to complete?

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Watching people programming is a pretty good way to get better programming

Sorry Jorge, carry on. Buenos nachos, grassy ass.

So recommend a book


You wanted C# right?

the 6502 doesnt have the same code size compression, lacking shit like ldir, djbnz

Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, the 2015 edition
you can get it in libgen.io

Si senior, gay nada.

WTFI Love JavaScript now!

I forgot how comfy this is, so I uploaded it to github. github.com/rootcoma/chanbg/blob/master/chanbg.py

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What's wrong with using C++ for web development?

Anyone know an 'advanced' Haskell tutorial?



if someone else wants to look at it too

thanks aswell

what do you want to learn about? if you can find a pdf of the haskell book it goes pretty far

A University club's website. I'm learning some pho and MySQL in the process. The site has been composed of some static pages and they've been wanting some more dynamic content and easier ways of editing the page without editing the HTML.

Their host allows php, cgi scripts and MySQL.

It's actually been fun working with a lamp stack. I've always heard terrible things about how dated and inefficient it is, but it has been really easy to quickly build their applications and I didn't even know any php untill this week.

just bought the pair on the right.
Am I ready to learn Rust?

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What I hear the most is that the database is the bottleneck of most web services, so you won't see too much of a benefit of using C++ over a scripting language.

you'll need matching pantsu too and maybe a wig

>But I cant code opengl or whatever graphics in assembly
Of course you can.

For instance: GADTs, higher-rank types, ST monad, CPS

Rust requires brown/orange striped socks
Sorry senpai

there's the wikibook i guess

excelent choice

not really a tutorial, but I found this to be useful


Attached: programming socks.jpg (600x1040, 203K)

I love those. very cute, user

cute, user

>learn Haskell because reasons
>no jobs for it

those are hose, not socks

improves your skills in other langs

>those are hose, not socks
They are thigh highs.

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I worked through the beginner track a while ago. It was pretty decent when it comes to Haskell learning material. I'll take a look at the advanced track.
Thanks. It looks like a nice reference.

Is it worth the effort to work through bartoszmilewski.com/2014/10/28/category-theory-for-programmers-the-preface/ in order to get a better understanding of Haskell?

>C: 20 line implementation
>Haskell: 5 lines implementation

how's that improving for C?

>c with library function: 1 line


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>hasklel with optics: 0 lines

>to get a better understanding of Haskell?
Haskell itself, absolutely not. I'd call it a waste of time even.

Thanks for the (You) dragon meido, have one yourself.

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is there any better alternative to haskell?

Adding another module to my (((discord))) selfbot that will log every time I'm pinged so these faggots who ping me and delete their message don't get away with it.
>he uses discord



>working for free

yeah let me just pay myself for making a bot, for myself.

>what the fuck is an optic: -1 lines

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That looks like haskell. What's the difference?