name 1 flaw
I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business when this exists
name 1 flaw
I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business when this exists
the shitty download limit
I don't know about that limit, I use JD and I can download 1TB everyday.
This website is magic
dropbox had less legal issues than mega. Remember megaupload? Yeah, that was them as well, they just rebranded a few times to stay afloat.
From an end-power-user's perspective, with their toolset for talking to their servers via terminal, this is the best shit out there.
Bought out by china.
Kim has nothing to do with it now. He says don't trust it.
>not writing his own shell script
I absolutely love Mega, call me a shill but its great i use their desktop shit to download stuff besides everyone in my country uploads there so i dont have to deal with torrent shit, yes you have a limit but its not that bad it changes from time to time, sometimes i can download like 50GB without a problem and sometimes i get a limit at 2GB
Owned by a Chinese company in corporation with the NZ government who is part of the Five Eyes network.
why would I use either when I have a gsuite domain?
why is that a bad thing again?
do you have a paid account? free accounts only let me download 1gb
because dropbox didn't lose all their paying customers' files and then come back a year saying "we dropped the -upload from our name, give us more money"
shit ui
lying about browser "memory capacities"
The only Kim that works for that company now is the one from Korea.
Their security model is absolute dogshit, it makes no sense and doesn't work.
What they do is have the keyhole, the key and the locksmith and then claim that your shit is safe and "encrypted".
This is terrible bait and I have fallen for it.
The original website was also run by a fat moron
who in reality inherited a bunch of money and then made more money from lies.
Thinking that website is safe or good in any way is like thinking that google isn't recording
your shit through that google home that you own because you asked it not to.
what a fucking joke, fuck you
The JS interface is heavy AF. Last time I used MegaNZ, the interface did not update quickly when I moved/sorted/deleted/renamed files and it irritated me. The data cap is one more nail in the coffin.
I can pay for adequate local storage or just use Google Drive.
>trusting Kim
he's not wrong tho
Hi there Kim, stop lying to people.
Stop trying to make people like you.
Now get the fuck off Jow Forums, you fat cunt.
here are my download stats, mostly mega
5 Eyes
Probably NZ govt honeypot
Chink ownership
Dropbox is supported by much more services and platforms. But hosting your own nextcloud instance is the best.
It's certainly not secure or private.
mega's got a bunch of flaws (download cap, support from other programs, the phone app kinda blows), but I ended up switching from dropbox after it had a cap on how many machines it would sync to, fuck that bullshit
Even Google Drive is better than this shit with the stupid fucking file limit. Fuck Mega and fuck Megaupload since MU probably popularized "premium/paid downloads" too.
Use MegaUp instead of Mega, retards.
It claims to need an app while there is no technical reason for one to have to install an app.
Fuck MEGA.
well fuck
Jdownloader has sucked for mega for years. Sometimes files won't even start. See
Megatools or megabasterd is the way to go.
Basically you just got lucky. I've had times where JDownloader works great for mega, and also times where it fucks up even if I mess with the CDN settings in the plugin. It's not consistent and is a shit way to go.
Feel bad for the people who didn't make an account back when they were literally giving out free 50GB of storage space.
I have two account, one with 50GB and the other with 30GB
Anyone here that's actually well versed in cryptography mind giving an opinion on how safe Mega is?
>name 1 flaw
I'm not sure what the technical term is, but I guess my ISP is doing something that whenever I download something TOO fast or even stream a video on the highest setting or even sometimes click a picture my internet completely stops working and I have to unplug everything and plug it back up.... but for some reason it's ESPECIALLY bad when I try to download from Mega. For example: earlier today I tried downloading a movie and got about 5% downloaded before my internet stopped working. THEN I tried to continue downloading it and literally seconds later internet stopped working once again. Why this is so especially bad with Mega I do not know.
Is mega safe from "them" or is as cucked as Google?
owned by the chinese
it's 4gigs every 6h or something
shut up Cheng
use the addon
>mega's got a bunch of flaws (download cap
only if you didn't pay for it, you reddid leech
it is IF you take precautions
hot movies can be reported and shut down if you don't
Which is good, because mega's only purpose is breaking American and Japanese copyright.
That's also because basically anything worth pirating is from one of those two countries.
Getting your whole account deleted because you imported a fucking .pdf
no block-level file copying
shouldnt have downloaded terrorist propaganda then
I'd it a good idea to have Tarrant's manifesto on a new Zealand-based site? because that's what I've got right now.
well i know a dude who used to store his cheese pizza on mega and he got b& but never shared any links to the folder to anyone
so there's that. there's probably chinks going through every user in this thread's data right now
nebulous traffic limits.
I thought pedo are smarter than that? Like don't store questionable content in some cloud service, how hard is it?
don't ask me, I'm not the kind of retard to save important info on the cloud unencrypted, plus I am posting this in a taiwanese arduino powered mechanical dick contest forum after all
>name 1 flaw
paying certain trusted users to constantly upload new and popular releases to drive more traffic to the site
run by known german police informant / con artist / disgraced scener.
i found four flaws without even trying.
Google Drive is better desu.
>I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business
>I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business when this exists
>Condoleezza Rice
>I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business when this exists
Because normalfags don't know the name "cloud storage", they only know "Dropbox". So if they want a "Dropbox" they go and get a dropbox and get kek'd by it left and right.
it's kinda like how in many places they call angle grinders a "Flex" because FLEX-Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH, one of the first and a well-known manufacturers of angle grinders.
Literally every cloud shit I used (SugarSync, Copy, Botnet Drive, OneDrive, ownCloud) shity on Dropbox left and right.
Get Syncthing you cucks / kurdi
jd and megatools both hit caps for me. I have to cycle through vpns
A truly BASED internet service
>Classical art
>Ricardo memes
The limit is for owners of the account that uploaded something. If you download from many accounts you can easily hit 1TB.
What are you downloading so much?
4k movies, some are over 100GB
bless fiber internet
Post feet (speedtest results).
>just use the add-on bro!
Fuck that. Make a better website.
megacmd/mega-get is a bless for horrible js
kim, can you read?
I’d ask if you could but with your squinty eyes you can’t read shit.
At least I won't die at the age of 55
it's literally the website
How do they make money?
what do you even download from that site?
>transfer method is shit
>you cant resume downloads via browser download
>dropped support for most browser
mine is 700mb or 1,55gb with an account per 6hr
big if true
please share you JD setup
>I cant even fathom how Dropbox is still in business when this exists
Mainly because Dropbox doesn't have a history of deleting all your files once it gets raided by the feds
Your data.
>download limit in incognito
>barely responsive UI
>data transfer cap
>media playback in web client sucks
Again, I can afford native storage.
>i suck dicks bro
good for you bro
>google isn't recording
your shit through that google home that you own because you asked it not to
Hey you cunt I nicely asked it not to and it respects my choices!
Wow you totally btfo'd him and disproved his points. I will now buy premium and invest 2 million into MEGA.
Fuck off you retarded consumer.
How hard/expensive is it to host nextcloud?
>How hard
Easy as fuck. If you follow any guide you can find in 2 minutes even your grandma could do it.
>How expensive
Depends on what server / space you need and where you rent it.
Give me something more to work with. Do you want nextcloud for backups? File sharing? Do you know approx. how much space you need?
Just to act as Google Drive/Dropbox/Megasync. 100GB would be enough
his ''''points'''' are shit and so are you
my bad, senpai
>download limits
>heavy unresponsive shit JS interface
>data transfer caps
>barely working media playback in webclient
>his ""points"" are shit and so are you
Really makes me wonder if shilling for MEGA pays well. Here is another ""shit point"" for you my fellow MEGA shill:
Their ""security"" and ""encryption"" is complete and utter dogshit but I guess that doesn't matter if I just use their add on or their desktop client.
Depending on where you live you should be able to find a vserver with 100GB+ HDD or SSD for ~3-10€ / month
But unless you are interested in self hosting or don't trust cloud services getting Dropbox or something similar will probably be better since you'll pay about the same but don't have to deal with maintenance etc.
>download limits
so you reddid niggers won't abuse it, not that it stops you
>heavy unresponsive shit JS interface
uhuh, like i said your opinion = shit
>data transfer caps
see above or pay up bitch boi
>barely working media playback in webclient
works on my potato but i guess you're talking about x265 that you riddid faggots love so much
>Their ""security"" and ""encryption"" is complete and utter dogshit
oh great more good '''''points''''
hey shitface your opinion's a shit and you're too brainlet to do it yourself :^)
>you're too brainlet to do it yourself :^)
Unlike you I have my own file sharing website I host myself and build myself from scratch because MEGA is shit and the others aren't much better.
But sure thing kiddo ":^)", "reddid niggers", "your opinion = shit", "pay up bitch boi" and "riddid faggots" are totally valid counter arguments and I'm sure your reddit friends on discord will totally laugh with you about how you totally btfo'd two guys on r/Jow Forums today.
ALL your/his '''points''' are literal shit
prove me wrong
protip, you can't :^)
Chink owned.
Worse. Chink owned. Servers in Germany owned by an American company located in Washington DC. The glow's so bright I need shades to see what the fuck it is that's glowing.
Their model is so they can wash their hands from what's being uploaded, not keeping your data ""safe""
upload sucks, but I don't care
>please share you JD setup
I don't know what you want me to share?
I did not change anything but the GUI colors
How I'm suppose to download a 8 gig. file if it stops downloading because I "excede" my data transfer?
Dropbox has free 30-day file versioning.
I archive memes on my 50GB account and mostly use it for JAV downloads.
Use megatools or jdownloader, no limit
It's weird, I read some replies in this thread and was using mega a load of times in the earlier days before the hard limit was imposed and that .NET Mega Downloader was the shit but then also died due to a token system but these days I get lucky I guess, I use megatools and on some links I can easily score a 50GB one time download and others barely 4GB. Something to do with owners uploading something but I don't catch that clearly
I'm not a heavy user but i've literally never seen an error saying i've hit a limit on mega, occasionally i've downloaded like 300GB in a few hours with no problem with jdownloader and no account