Is GNU/Linux /our OS/ ?

Is GNU/Linux /our OS/ ?

Attached: meidänlinuxi.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

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gaynoo slash loonix-leebrah is /ourOS/

yes, but only distros that are not coc'd

Is Arch included?

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I think so

just looked it up, the coc affects all distros using the linux kernel
only distros with their own kernel such as bsd are unaffected

Isn't FreeBSD the ultimate SJW distro?

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not anymore lol

no, openbsd is /ourOS/

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Too bad neckbeard hasn't chosen me as its growing platform.

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Pony OS
best *nix system
this, but after pony os

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best unixoid coming through

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Fucking kill me is this a a real thing?

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>not coc'd

> kernel has blobs - dont care
> kernel commits, by companies who force botnet - dont care
Yeah nice, also Tor browser has coc too


Hannah Montana Linux>PonyOS

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at least ponyOS not linux

at least kernel commits are actual contributions and not just shoehorning political ideology

holy fuck I always thought it was a linux or bsd distro but they actually built their own kernel from scratch, I'm impressed

where is cirnOS

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>are actual contributions
yeah, but considering all this, I would be more careful with the development of the kernel, no less than coc
I know only this

>thought it was a linux or bsd distro



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if you dont use win10, you dont belong on bant

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use Parabola instead of Arch. it's le ebin distro

I use W7, that is just a hobby server.

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