15%? only 35 more to go!
By up to meaning that it could be but probably won’t be close.
fuck jewtel, I woundt buy them even if they where half off.
Surely,they meant performance, not prices!
Yes, "up to" is a figure including 0.
They should have been doing this even without Zen 2 because of all the lost performance.
>Intel is now the poorfag's choice of CPU
When was the last time you heard intel slashing prices? Lmao the holokaust is real
Why does ir matter? They're just computer chips. Go play Xbox, incel.
based israel
Shouldn't you be thanking AMD?
Competition forces Intel to be slightly less Jewish. Aren't you happy?
is 15% the amount of performance they're losing with the security patches?
>up to
so dual cores with no HT 15%
dual cores with HT 0%
4 cores with no HT 0%
4c/8t 0%
literally everything else 0%
>up to 15%
Never gonna make it
Amdrones btfo.
>discounting products
What the fuck is going on?
>buying unsecure performance-regressed CPUs
Nope. Slash it 50%, then we can talk.
That’s a good start, shlomo.
Let me know when you drop another 50%
so basically, they stupidly put the price gap too close to the competition:
the 9700K's MSRP is, even with a discount couldn't justify the loss of SMT. Intel needs to fix HT if they want to compete, otherwise, customers would see justification in getting ryzen 3000 instead.
AMD still sucks tho. That's why nobody but contrarian neckbeards buy their shit lol.
>millions of Playstations and Xboxes sold
Cope more.
>implying anyone gets to choose what CPU their xbawks has
>complaining about neckbeards
>suddenly do a 180 and >normieshit
people it is beginning,
windows is going to go from 64 bit to 128 BIT!!
they are just delaying until their favored chip makers unload all their old cpu's and motherboards
NO MORE SUPPORT FOR 32 bit processors
NO MORE SUPPORT FOR 64 bit processors except to transfer your photos, movies, etc
..........also PREPPERS GOTTA PREP!!
>up to
Into the trash. Can't wait to get a 3900x at sub $400 due to Intel's nonexistent response.
They're still garbage CPUs, who the fuck cares.
AMD is delivering, so Intel is afraid
Yes, it's that bad. Intel is going to give up desktop for the next 3-4 years.
Admitted defeat.
>Yes, "up to" is a figure including 0.
lol, you are a clever little goy... I'll black you last.
Most likely they are gonna drop prices on non-K cpus and make a limited discount on K series for the the release on zen2 in order to avoid massive marketshare loss. The x570 prices are a bit concerning though for budget builds on ryzen 3000. So non K chips are still going to sell
Why would anybody buy these insecure, obsolete piece of shit even at 15% off?
>The Queen has such a small clit and amazing performing pussy, everyone is accepting and requesting her
>Emperor slices 15% of his immense and shit performing dick so more peasants accept the anal treatment
What an odd but weirdly accurate analogy
i'm screencapping this, hope you don't mind
This is the one thing I don't get. No matter which brand you prefer, you always want the other one putting out competitive products. Either to offer you a choice of a different product or to keep prices in check.
Brand dicksucking is the most retarded thing you could do.
And I still won't buy another Intel Processor ever again. If I want retarded security I'll just open all ports to the internet.
Here's the intel CPU you ordered bro
>15% discount
>on parts that lost 40% performance in the last couple of weeks
>not waiting until the competitor actually releases so people can see it's worth
Intel knows they won't be able to compete on July. It's a last ditch scam effort.
not only that. Their reduced prices are too close to Ryzen 3000's MSRP. It will just show people that they will be getting double the threads for a low price premium. Intel just killed off both the i5 and i7
just 15%?
too late, i already bought amd
. . . .eh.
kek, fucking wrecked.