Heavy rain and thunderstorm

>heavy rain and thunderstorm
>update my computers bios

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I've done it. Was a little concerned.

I've seen people using Windows to update BIOS.
How is it possible? Isn't the BIOS on a chip inaccessible to the OS?

What kind of backwards shithole country has such bad infrastructure than a thunderstorm cuts out their electricity?

dumb frog poster

damn thats based, pretty based...

All countries to varying degrees

>doesn't have an UPS

>have laptop
>bios update is out
>thunderstorm is raging
>update care-free

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>mfw no redundancy mechanism

For something as advanced as a modern motherboard it seems like a weird oversight. Are the engineers that dumb or is there a reason for this?

Doesn't a dual-bios fix this?

>boss says make new chip
>bake some poo
>release new cpoou
>burns down factory
>mfw intel engineer

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Why are you asking this? Are you a lintard?

I don't get it.

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I guess you find yourself funny, AMDrone.

Put some more thought into it, incel.

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I'm not THAT good with computers, I actually still use Win7

Why is this pinned????????????????

WTF rude

>updating my bios
>make sure the weather is clear
>backup my data
>provide steady uninterrupted access of electricity to computer
>stay glued to screen while it updates

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>consider yourself a pc enthusiast
>not having 2$ eeprom programmer

Cry more, froglet.

*sips drink*


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>updating my bios
Stopped reading right there.
Consider having sex, pathetic creation.

>pc enthusiast
>updating BIOS
>not making new version by yourself

>pinning frog posts now
this site used to be better than this... man... I still remember when I first visited this site back in 2016 and it was great now its all shit

whats wrong with pepe?

Your sarcasm is too obvious, man. What's wrong with you? Put some more effort.

More expensive maotherboards have back up bios or reflash on them.



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>update care-free
>with the laptop hanging from a mast outside during said thunderstorm

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You're both wrong. He was actually being serious.

Read a dictionary.

now this is based

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If I updated my bios I’d lose performance

k, summerfags

this guy's got some pretty based dance moves desu

It doesn't work like that. Updates good!