Why do Russians like hentai so much?

Pic related

Attached: 2-pornhub-insights-2018-year-review-russia.png (461x510, 81K)

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Because pornhub is banned so they resort to watching cartoon porn desu

because 2d>3dpd

Because they're based.

cause we like art

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real porn is illegal for them


All Russians are anime girls

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Because 2D>3D.

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who doesn't like hentai?

Holy fuck i hate futanari so fucking much. You want to jack off to SFM? 70% chance that it's going to be fucking futa. The quickest English translated releases? The most popular patreons? The most popular fetish out there? FUCKING DICKGIRLS. These are the same fucking people who claim traps are gay all the while slobbering over fucking chicks with cocks. These unsightly individuals are literally the antithesis of male who tumbled down to the lowest of the lowest depths of the gamma tier abyss. Those individuals are the real cancer that has been driving the world towards a path of misery and poverty. Without futa fetishists there would be no world hunger, every war would come to an end and we'd all live forever in harmony with each other. Futa fetishists are the devil, they ruin everyone else's porn and stuff your fucking feed with pictures of sickening girls pounding each other. You'd think Hitler declared war to Britain because they repeatedly refused his demands of truce but nooooo the truth is Churchill was a fucking sucker for dickgirls and he got what he deserved. Don't fall for the futa trap, watching girls with cocks makes you 150% worse than sissy fuckers because you're self inserting as a girl and therefore you fantasize about being a tranny. Stop watching dickgirls, be a playable character.

Can agree

Fuck, didn't see that . Then yeah, absolutely agreed, leafbro.

>cuckoldry upped 26 positions
What the hell is up with that though?

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Men are phasing 3D women out. This is fantastic!

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>What the hell is up with that though?
western psyops

more data here

Unironically this

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Okay please settle down

hmm? korbo? something wrong?

There's something wrong with you spamming mlp desu

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Only about os and this shit
yep, megaspamming

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>Top 3: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
Kek, based Slavs.
Also, checked.

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Not cirno desu

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They have Patrician taste.

>Not cirno desu
Reimu? Yukari?

There are too many Russian ponyposters on this board

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me and maggy?

Yes also too many imposters

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It is not very much

>euros come for its coming home thingie
>cuck porn spike
really makes me think

I guess they never miss, huh.

hol up, who the fuck searches for step moms? how is that a legitimate fetish?

>hol up, who the fuck searches for step moms? how is that a legitimate fetish?
non-retarded noncels that should continue talking

Tbh mainly because pornhub is blocked here by most ISPs and weebs just happen to have VPNs and shit to access rutracker anyway, so there you go.

3D pigs disgusting

Hello fellow Russians. I love Putin and Hentai

Holy fuck i hate futanari so fucking much. You want to jack off to SFM? 70% chance that it's going to be fucking futa. The quickest English translated releases? The most popular patreons? The most popular fetish out there? FUCKING DICKGIRLS. These are the same fucking people who claim traps are gay all the while slobbering over fucking chicks with cocks. These unsightly individuals are literally the antithesis of male who tumbled down to the lowest of the lowest depths of the gamma tier abyss. Those individuals are the real cancer that has been driving the world towards a path of misery and poverty. Without futa fetishists there would be no world hunger, every war would come to an end and we'd all live forever in harmony with each other. Futa fetishists are the devil, they ruin everyone else's porn and stuff your fucking feed with pictures of sickening girls pounding each other. You'd think Hitler declared war to Britain because they repeatedly refused his demands of truce but nooooo the truth is Churchill was a fucking sucker for dickgirls and he got what he deserved. Don't fall for the futa trap, watching girls with cocks makes you 150% worse than sissy fuckers because you're self inserting as a girl and therefore you fantasize about being a tranny. Stop watching dickgirls, be a playable character.

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>pornhub is banned
It's not, it just has this retarded thing where it asks you to verify your age by logging into vkontakte (russian facebook ripoff). If you don't feel like telling the social media "haha yes i browse le porn" the alternative is to literally delete the age verification window via inspect element. Boom, you can now use the site. Knowing pornhub, this is likely on purpose.

Me. I like ecchi better. Too many dicks and hairy old men in hentai.

>furanari ups 33%

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Sounds like a good way to keep out normies techlet brainlets too.

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is that required by law?

Yes. It's not like the PH administration randomly decided "fuck russia lmao"