12 inches

>12 inches
>decent specs
>physical on/off and wireless switch
>disc drive
>weighs 1kg
Why is this japan-only again? If it was exported to civilized countries, I'd buy it in an instant.

Attached: panasonic-SV8.jpg (664x592, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Japan keeps all the best products for themselves (also see mechanical pencils) because we nuked them


It's a bit much, OP. About $4900
>we nuked them
>A fucking mutt
You fuckers ruin everything.

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-182448.jpg (1080x2160, 417K)

Not stopping the nukes counts as nuking them

You can get the detachable hybrid version, in the West it's branded as Panasonic Toughbook CF-XZ6.
If you got the 2k gor it to spare, of course

Attached: PanasonicToughbookCF-XZ6__1_.jpg (1024x768, 262K)

You're American weather you realize it or not

>circle touchpad what the actual fuck
>looks like something straight out of 2004
>wireless switch but no webcam and mic switch
Just get a fucking Librem 13, GNU/Tard.

>circle touchpad what the actual fuck
I have tried it, circular scrolling is pretty nifty, but it's not like you won't be using a mouse 90% of the time.
>looks like something straight out of 2004
And that's a good thing
Keep in mind this is made in japan, the japanese are the jews of the east.

>Disc drive
>As a feature


God bless american education

> muh need a 15-17" screen laptop with a 24-27" second monitor
I hate life itself.

I use my disk drive as an HDD bay.

I need at least 15 inches of screen real estate to breathe.


I always wanted to be American. Shame immigration's so tight. Can't wait for the civil war so I can slip in unnoticed.

Attached: EA82544203D24C04A8D3017F3666F81D.png (500x500, 147K)

>round touchpad

Some of us need it for work

>I always wanted to be American.
you're better than that, user. believe in yourself.

>mechanical pencils

i don't see the problem

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (900x630, 117K)

There's just a much smaller space, and side scrolling is impossible

i'm not japanese and i've used mechanical pencils, didn't know murrica doesn't have them
looks like a pen, except the mechanism feeds a thin pencil lead through instead
rather than sharpening, you just press a button

Sorry, should have made myself clearer. I'm from the EU myself and know what they are. I was curious about what the guy meant when he said they were keeping them for themselves.

Yeah and I'm sure a cheap lite-on external will cost your workplace a whopping $20. There's no reason to get an internal disc reader when external ones are just as good and cheap af.

I have a 500gb ssd already, the hdd is to store pictures and movies

Japanese mechanical pencils are out of this world, no contest between them and western ones.

but user, guns & drugs & fun & stuff

Attached: desertpunk.gif (400x267, 1020K)

>carrying extra shit with you
No thanks
Rotring btfos every japanese brand.

>And that's a good thing
No, looking like you have a Pentium 4 in there is not a good thing.
>I have tried it, circular scrolling is pretty nifty, but it's not like you won't be using a mouse 90% of the time.
So a circular touchpad that tworth $3500?

Attached: librem13.png (504x634, 28K)

*is worth
fuck I'm a rart

What said.
But I'd appreciate if you linked some of those even though I don't really do any technical drawings with pencil anymore I still love writing with them.

>No, looking like you have a Pentium 4 in there is not a good thing
Not him, but it's a fucking exellent thing. It makes it less desirable to thieving niggers.

Niggers are like magpies dude. If it's shiny, they steal it. I don't mind letting my x280 lie around because they don't even see it.

seriously, what's going on with all these sweet laptops being sold only in japan? Do they get a tax advantage or something by only selling in nip land?

I heard you like ports and physical switches and shit.

Attached: jap laptop.png (1000x1230, 733K)

Shit touchpad, shit screen, shit keyboard, shit cooling. Panasonic toughbooks are rugged because they compromise on everything else.

Good lord that's a good looking laptop. Slap a classic thinkpad keeb on it and i'm sold.

>scrabble tile keyboard

Attached: 1547054833116.gif (680x680, 1.08M)

My CF-C1

Circular touchpad is very very good and comfy to use, ring is used as jog dial for scrolling.

As someone mentioned before only weak point is cooling, it can sustain turbo for only short period of time. Cooler is the size of something you would find in atom netbooks and single vent is used as both intake and exhaust.

Screen is ultra bright but otherwise just your average TN screen.

Those also come loaded with every possible option, gps, lte wwan, wacom + capacitive touch, dual batteries and so on.

Attached: 4323.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)


Can confirm being American is fun af senpai

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-102235_Instagram.jpg (1434x1427, 881K)

Until you start paying bills and taxes.

Just don't get sick man.

i live in Japan yahoo Auctions is ebay here, shit is cash but, I despise the Japanese keyboard so I couldn't give a fuck about any Japanese computer

why not you fucking idiot? Americans pay less than you. Oh! wait! let me guess health care is free in your country right? ya let's compare taxes you sheep.

>desert punk


Stop shrinking my bevels you whores.

What an emotional reaction. I have to give a credit to burger educational system how groomed you all are into accepting your socioeconomic position, not question mind boggling wealth differences and even defending it in front of everyone suggesting that you deserve more of it.

Sure you don't pay that much taxes, you channel your income directly to the rich, that 1% of winners in rigged nation wide lottery system called american dream.

I send thoughts and prayers to you and your family if any kind of medical emergency arises and let the credit score be kind on you.

It's my get shit done laptop, lives in car trunk connected to charger and running win7, can't risk updates in most inappropriate moment with win10 and with linux it's borderline impossible getting everything to work with any panasonic. It's hours and hours of tweaking, fixing broken stuff and having strange battery drains, I have desktop for wasting my life away.

>It's my get shit done laptop
>I have desktop for wasting my life away
Linux is the neetOS confirmed?

>looks like something straight out of 2004

Normies hate those, especially fully rugged ones, looks so alien to them they can't even tell it's laptop when closed. When open they always assume it's between 15 and 20 years old. It further confuses them that it actually has touch screen and does internet without wlan.

Attached: DSC_0148.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

So you agree that it's a good design?

You swipe around the edges in a circle to scroll. It's really cool.

>If it was exported to civilized countries, I'd buy it in an instant.
If you're rich enough, go to some YAJ forwarder (preferably a smaller one that is willing to ship it correctly, avoid something that bans battery shipments outright) or maybe Rakuten Global Market. I know for a fact that if you use a forwarder they'll need to use FedEx with the battery warning stickers on the package.

Japan has been cranking out ultraportables since the 90s and they didn't skimp out on functionality like the Westernized post-Macbook Air ultraportables did. Even IBM and Apple had Japan only ultraportables.

>Disc drive
Might as well be bitching you can't find a laptop with a telephone modem on it so you can connect to AOL and send faxes.

Attached: 20180504-7wEruSq1uSTUoxHre0KO.jpg (1280x877, 142K)

If you work around older computers or burn software for them to run, having a disc drive is nice. It's not like anybody has made a physical optical drive emulator yet anyhow.

That's a shitty keyboard layout. Look at that tiny ass space bar.

rotring nowadays is shit mate, even compared to FC let alone the japanese stuff.

still better than ansi with a tiny ass enter key

...¥30,000 is about $280 bucks, dingus

yuan != yen

fuck off, you uneducated faggot

Attached: 1278476940831.jpg (520x300, 27K)

>proving him right

ANSI's the best, rather than being fuckhuge and far away it simply extends closer to your pinky than a dumbass ISO return key does

if you're talking about the symbol, the same one is used by both

Attached: 2019-06-23-143127_597x138_scrot.png (597x138, 14K)

>>decent specs
>>physical on/off and wireless switch
>>disc drive
>>weighs 1kg

you just described my dick

The whole fucking point of a 12" laptop is portability, carrying an extra mouse nullifies it.

There are really good Windows Precision trackpads now, absolutely no excuse.

>No, looking like you have a Pentium 4 in there is not a good thing.
you buy a PC for looks?

nigga i use keyboard shortcuts all the time

H..how do you know?

Attached: steveballmer.png (750x563, 278K)

It's 30000人民币 you retarded summerfag! TaoBao is Chinese, not Japanese!
God, I hate summer.

I have an X1, 6th Gen. Super portable desu!

gee sorry for not knowing that's a chinese website, no url bar or anything

Fuck Chink copy everything even Jap symbol

my 800 was made in japan

You're on an Anime board, summerfag, if there isn't any Hiragana, it's not Japanese!

Chinese use that sign only when foreigners need to look at shit. They either use 元 or 块钱

i didn't look closely, the thread is about a japanese laptop, so i assumed it was japanese
this is not an unreasonable assumption
i can't tell recognize kanji from chinese

>why do things cost money
holy shit kid

This post is probably the most SHILLIEST post i've ever read on this cesspool.
I hope those asian cummies taste good!

He's a Euro, of course he doesn't understand capitalism.

>Jow Forums
>weird fetishes
>lolis and waifus
Japan is the pinnacle of the modern society.

>12 inches
Deep in yo mom, lol gottem good

>the most SHILLIEST post i've ever read on this cesspool
>he says when there are 2-3 AMD/intel shill threads at any given moment



Attached: 1532820146980.png (300x168, 82K)

>reddit spacing

Anyone who think that's even remotely a sensible deal lose any right to criticize apple.

Attached: 1510298665613.gif (352x224, 866K)

Being so fresh to not know what reddit spacing is.

I bet sticking my dick into your ass would not make me gay but pedo.

Based, Ameritards owned.
I alternate between Japan and Brazil every year, Brazil is honestly better than burgerland. Free healthcare and low enough taxes on anything that is actually necessary (food, water, electricity and for me internet).

Japan is a bit more expensive depending on where you live but it's still comfy af and since wages are generally higher it's a lot easier to use paid services unlike Brazil.